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IllegalPrime's First Run Journal

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:06 am
by IllegalPrime
This is my first run of the BP and I just completed my 5th day of famine. There are so many incredibly helpful people in this forum and I'm looking forward to sharing my results with you all.

Here are some stats:

Before Famine:
Weight 191 lbs
WHR: 55 bpm

After Famine:
Weight 185 lbs (-6 lbs)
WHR: 67 bpm (-12 bpm)

For my first run I've decided to not use any supplements other than a multivitamin, fish oil caps and maybe some protein powder just to help meet the calorie intake for the day.

I purchased the multivitamin linked below

Unfortunately, I'm still waiting for it to ship. In the meantime, I'm finishing up an old bottle of Centrum Forte. I'm hoping that it will do an okay job of filling the void until the good stuff arrives.

The diet outlined below was pretty close to my recommended caloric intake (8x bodyweight = 1528 calories) so I followed this Monday-Friday. ... .php?t=523

I followed the workout outline in the link below ... .php?t=377

I also warmed up using the following (except for Friday, I was a bit rushed for time) ... .php?t=441

Here are the stats on my famine workout:

Monday (Rep Range 4-6)
Squat (185 lbs) to Seated Cable Rows (100 lbs) (Sets of 3)
Standing Barbell Curls (50 lbs) (Sets of 1)
Incline Dumbell Curls (20 lbs) (Sets of 1)
Preacher Curls (50 lbs) (Sets of 1)

Wednesday (Rep Range 8-10)
Wide Grip Bench (95 lbs) to Seated DB Shoulder Press (10 lbs x2) (Sets of 1)
Incline Bench Press (95 lbs) to Seated DB Shoulder Press (10 lbs x2) (Sets of 1)
Decline Bench Press (75 lbs) to Seated DB Shoulder Press (10 lbs x2) (Sets of 1)
Decline Close Grip Bench Press (65 lbs) (Sets of 1)
Lying Tricep Extensions (45 lbs) (Sets of 1)
Cable Tricep Pressdown (90 lbs) (Sets of 2)

Friday (Rep Range 12-15)
Squat (135 lbs) to Seated Cable Rows (70 lbs) (Sets of 5)
Standing Barbell Curls (20 lbs) (Sets of 5)
Incline Dumbell Curls (20 lbs) (Sets of 5)
Preacher Curls (50lbs) (Sets of 5)

What's Next (Tomorrow):
1st Day of Feast (72 Hour cycle before Feast Training)
Determine Caloric intake (spiraling) and plan meals for the week
Review 1st 5 workouts found here: ... sc&start=0

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:37 am
by matter2003
Welcome to the family! Look forward to your journey to "Dieselville"!
I would highly recommend you at least utilize "The Formula" as there
is magic in that stuff...personally will never lift without it again...
nice work on famine, now the fun begins!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:43 am
by IllegalPrime
Thanks matter2003. I thought hard about taking 'the formula' on my first run but I really want to try that and the other recommended supplements on my 2nd run. I'm very curious about the 'double your gains' claim and I want to compare my results from these two runs and see it in action myself.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:41 am
by IllegalPrime
1st day of 72hr feast:

Current weight: 185 lbs
Caloric intake for first 72 hours: 185 x 20 = 3700 calories
Caloric intake per meal (6 meals a day): 3700 / 6 = 616 calories

I need to do grocery shopping but for the moment I managed to get together I relatively decent first meal:

Half a container of Activa Peach Yoghurt, half a glass of Grapefruit Juice, a bowl of muesli-like cereal with skim milk. I also took a multivitamin and a fish oil cap.


I had a hard time measuring since everything was measured in grams and I only had measuring cups for volume. But I tried to rationalize it the best I could.

I'm off to class now. There's a McDonald's near by. Maybe I can scarf some calorie rich meals there in the next few hours. Any thoughts? I know I need to be consuming quite a bit of food here but I'm nervous about putting 'bad fuel' in my body.

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:14 am
by warriorcookie
Best advice I ever got for my first day of feast (even second day).... Go destroy your favorite buffet. Anything less than a 1 year ban from the restaurant is a disappointment! There's some calories for ya!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:49 am
by EctoBuilder
IllegalPrime, keep us up to date!!!.... I'm going to be starting my first run soon. I'm thinking I might be able to swing the formula for the first run. Might get started late in August. Just trying to understand and comprehend everything first.

Keep up the great work and keep posting your results!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:26 pm
by RobRegish
This is fantastic!

Yes, the local buffet. I'm calling for a MINIMUM, 1 year ban. Ideally a lifetime ban, but nothing less than a year.

Fall short, and you've failed me. You don't want to fail me. You'll be banished to, "the camps"... :)

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:20 pm
by EctoBuilder
Rob, banning from the local buffet? Meaning you don't like?

but aren't buffet's good for skinny folks like me?? :)

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:19 am
by RobRegish
EctoBuilder wrote:Rob, banning from the local buffet? Meaning you don't like?

but aren't buffet's good for skinny folks like me?? :)
No, no. Meaning you eat SO much food, the establishment loses money on you!

This results in a ban, ideally a lifetime one with your picture on the wall. A one year ban is acceptable, although not ideal.

Best to pace yourself, and wave off any waitresses that offer to take your (used) plates. Stack them high and proud, spread them around and periodically walk off any intestinal bloat. A minimum two bathroom visit works WONDERS in freeing up more space, so keep that in mind. Keep water to a minimum here, as it takes up too much room. Drink just enough, to facilitate digestion.

Forego the beano/gas-x and load up on gas producing foods (broccoli, eggs, cheese/milk (if lactose intolerant) etc.. If you tolerate thermogenics well, load up on those prior. They'll speed up digestion/elimination.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:54 am
by IllegalPrime
One more day of the 72-hour feast to go. I'm looking into all you can sushi sometime today.

I have a few questions about the first 5 workouts in feast:

-Should I take any days off between these first 5 workouts?
-Should I be doing EDTs on my first 5 workouts?
-What's a leg sled?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:26 pm
by EctoBuilder
RobRegish wrote:
EctoBuilder wrote:Rob, banning from the local buffet? Meaning you don't like?

but aren't buffet's good for skinny folks like me?? :)
No, no. Meaning you eat SO much food, the establishment loses money on you!

This results in a ban, ideally a lifetime one with your picture on the wall. A one year ban is acceptable, although not ideal.

Best to pace yourself, and wave off any waitresses that offer to take your (used) plates. Stack them high and proud, spread them around and periodically walk off any intestinal bloat. A minimum two bathroom visit works WONDERS in freeing up more space, so keep that in mind. Keep water to a minimum here, as it takes up too much room. Drink just enough, to facilitate digestion.

Forego the beano/gas-x and load up on gas producing foods (broccoli, eggs, cheese/milk (if lactose intolerant) etc.. If you tolerate thermogenics well, load up on those prior. They'll speed up digestion/elimination.

Haha, you are awesome Rob, thanks for the explanation!!.... I also wanted to say that you offer one of the best customer experiences I've ever seen. I've had bad customer service experiences in the past, but
it's a breath of fresh air that you aren't like that. ..

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:06 pm
by matter2003
IllegalPrime wrote:One more day of the 72-hour feast to go. I'm looking into all you can sushi sometime today.

I have a few questions about the first 5 workouts in feast:

-Should I take any days off between these first 5 workouts?
-Should I be doing EDTs on my first 5 workouts?
-What's a leg sled?
Nice work! Get ready for the fun to begin!

What workouts are you following? Those 5 transition workouts are from the 3.0 version, those don't exist and your workouts start with the following:

Workout 1:
Static Bench Press Hold(5-15 secs)
EDT Block #1: Dips/1 Arm DB Rows(4-6 reps)
Static Seated Military Press(Shoulder Press)(5-15 secs)
EDT Block #2: Incline DB Curls/Tricep Extensions(4-6 reps)

Workout 2:
Static Top Range Rack Pull(5-15 secs)
EDT Block #1: Squats/Hamstring Curls(4-6 reps)
Static Seated Calf Raise(5-15 secs)
Romainian Deadlifts(10 reps)
EDT Block #2: Ab Cable Crunches/HyperExtensions(4-6 reps)

Subsequent workouts are the same exercises, but the reps and rest time change, so you are doing more reps in shorter time frames, even as you are increasing the weights you are using.

Basically it is as follows:

Week 1/4: 4-6 reps(DL 10 reps)/rest 3 minutes between sets/EDT Blocks
Week 2/5: 6-8 reps(DL 8 reps)/rest 2 minutes between sets/EDT Blocks
Week 3/6: 10-12 reps(DL 6 reps)/rest 1 minute between sets/EDT Blocks

Every workout you likely will be able to increase the weights, so you will be consistently lifting more weight in a shorter time frame, leading to lots of gains. Week 3 and 6 are absolutely brutal with the 10-12 reps and shorter rest periods...never came as close to puking working out as I did in week 3...I would recommend following version 3.0 as closely as possible, as it is a newer version that was refined by Rob after 2.0.

Also, DO NOT make the mistake of overtraining. It is VERY important to take rest days, in fact even taking an extra rest day every 2 or 3 workouts. You are going to be causing significant stress on the body to build muscle by lifting heavier weights than you are used to more than likely, you need to give it time to do it.

Remember, you break down muscle while working out and rebuild it while resting. Rob recommends doing 1 day ON/2 days OFF. I actually only lift twice a week, Sunday and Wednesday, and there were MANY days I felt destroyed even going into Saturday night wondering how I would be able to lift effectively on Sunday, but luckily I always felt ready to go by Sunday morning.

So to answer your questions:

1) Should I take any days off between the first 5 workouts: YES! 1 day ON/2 days OFF is Rob's recommendation to start, throwing in an extra rest day every 10 days or will know when it is time to do it, trust me.

2) Should I be doing EDTs on my first 5 workouts: I would say to follow 3.0 workouts as closely as possible. The tracker is awesome as you can simply go in and print out the workout page and use it as a log

3) What is a Leg Sled: Its a Leg Press Machine, just another name for it.

Looking forward to reading your great results! Nice work so far!

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:30 am
by RobRegish
1) Should I take any days off between the first 5 workouts: YES! 1 day ON/2 days OFF is Rob's recommendation to start, throwing in an extra rest day every 10 days or will know when it is time to do it, trust me.

2) Should I be doing EDTs on my first 5 workouts: I would say to follow 3.0 workouts as closely as possible. The tracker is awesome as you can simply go in and print out the workout page and use it as a log

3) What is a Leg Sled: Its a Leg Press Machine, just another name for it.

Right here! Couldn't have said it better myself!!

Thanks so much, Matter. I can't underscore enough, the need for "off" or recovery days. When in doubt, rest. You will be REWARDED BIG-TIME, with more muscle, more strength and more size/power.

If you need ANY help whatsoever, please call me at 860-753-0373 between 8AM and 8PM EST Mon - Sat.

I'm headed back to Gainsville, and you're coming with me... :)

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:44 am
by beefcake66
Hey, I like how you're doing things in here.

And I can't help but notice youre rocking my picture as your avi :p