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Anabolism, Cortisol, Testosterone, and you...

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:48 pm
by matter2003
Just wanted to touch on a topic that some may not be familiar with, and that is what can be called the anabolic ratio, or the ratio of the hormones Cortisol to Testosterone.

This is important because it is the ratio that is important in terms of the body being in an anabolic state more so than the actual amount of testosterone. In an example I am going to just use numbers, which probably don't correspond to actual levels, but they are just an example.

For instance, lets say you have a testosterone level of 700 but a cortisol level of 800, versus a testosterone level of 500 and a cortisol level of 300. In the first case, even though the testosterone level is actually higher, the body is NOT in an anabolic state because the ratio of testosterone to cortisol is under 1(700:800 or .875). The cortisol and testosterone effectively cancel each other out, and you have excess cortisol of 100, which means your body is in a catabolic state. In the second example, even though the actual testosterone level is lower, the body is in a much more anabolic state because it has a testosterone:cortisol ratio of (500:300 or 1.67). Once these cancel each other out, there is an excess of 200 testosterone, which makes the body anabolic.

So in effect, the ratio of testosterone:cortisol is actually more important than the amount of testosterone. A high level of testosterone does no good if it is canceled out by an equally high, or worse, higher level or cortisol. Boosting levels of Testosterone is great, but lowering levels of cortisol should also have the same net effect...freeing up testosterone to do its job of building muscle. What would be even more interesting is to boost T levels while at the same timereducing cortisol levels to send the body into an extreme anabolic state....

I just wanted to explain this to bring up an important point. Lowering cortisol levels for some individuals, MAY in fact, show much greater results than boosting testosterone, especially if they already have high levels of testosterone. In these individuals, lowering cortisol would have the same net effect as boosting testosterone...

Some things that studies have shown lower cortisol levels are:

Horny Goat Weed
Phosphatidylserine(600 mg per day)
Fish Oil
Curcumin/Tumeric(inhibits conversion of amino acids into glucose,called Gluconeogenesis, which is done through cortisol)
Grape Seed Extract(also highly anti-aromatase)
Magnolia Bark
Theanine(found in non-decaffeinated Green Tea)
Holy Basil
Flax Seed
Vitamin C
Black/Oolong Tea
Lavender Essential Oil Aromatherapy
Rhodiola Rosea
Ashwagandha(simultaneously drops cortisol levels AND raises T levels)
Relora(also boosts DHEA production by up to 227%!)--its a blend of 2 herbs: phellodendron amurense and magnolia officianalis
Ginger(also reportedly boosts T levels)
Wild Yam(Dioscorea villosa)
American Skullcap
Valerian Root(also increases production of GABA in brain!)
Passion Flower(also increases production of GABA in brain!)

OTC Products:
Imodium AD(loperamide)---yes THAT Imodium---the diarrhea specialist!--Supposedly highly effective yet not good to take long term.

Proper Hydration(aka Water)
Eliminate Caffeine
Dark Chocolate
Citrus Fruits
Green Leafy Vegetables--honestly, what AREN'T these good for?? Every study on anything finds these helpful it seems...
Bell Peppers
Chewing Gum

While Exercising:
Drinking water while doing cardio
The Formula(sugars during training)
High Intensity Training(Heavy Lifting and HIIT)

Having Sex(lowers cortisol and increases T while having fun!)
Meditation/Relaxation Exercises(Victor Martinez, Champion Bodybuilder meditates for 10-15 minutes before going to the gym every day--studies have shown this can HALVE cortisol levels)
Afternoon Naps(also reduce your chances of a fatal heart attack)
Proper Sleep(7-8 hours per night---also boost T levels!)
Laughing/Sense of Humor

Off The Wall Things:
Floral/Rose Scented Fragrances(specifically Chanel No. 22--no this is not a joke! It raises T levels and drops Cortisol levels)

Porn!(No this is not a joke---it raises T levels and drops Cortisol levels!)

This is not an exhaustive list, simply what I could find in my research regarding this...

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:39 pm
by Justin
Great List and Idea!! another thing to add would be no food pre bed as it blunts GH :)... I'll keep adding things as I remember them

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:35 am
by DaCookie
Justin wrote:Great List and Idea!! another thing to add would be no food pre bed as it blunts GH :)... I'll keep adding things as I remember them
Carbs pre bed do, not food

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:38 am
by RobRegish
FANTASTIC contribution, THANK YOU!!!

Of these, I'll give you the most economical: Vitamin C!!!

Taking gram doses of Vitamin C (up to 10, in the literature), depresses cortisol and it's pennies on the dollar vs. some of the other alternatives here.

You'll also notice Phosphatidylserine, a key ingredient in Burn It Up! Here, best placed during Cruise as your system will likely be uber-stressed, coming off of HEAVY PR's during Feast!

Hope that helps...

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:14 am
by Justin
hmm so carbs by them self wont blunt GH?!?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:40 pm
by matter2003
Justin wrote:hmm so carbs by them self wont blunt GH?!?
Think he means eating carbs blunt GH but other foods don't...correct me if I am wrong cookie...been a long day...hahaha

One of those days when I would love to be able to take a drink of something other than BCAA's or water if you know what I mean...

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:09 am
by DaCookie
matter2003 wrote:
Justin wrote:hmm so carbs by them self wont blunt GH?!?
Think he means eating carbs blunt GH but other foods don't...correct me if I am wrong cookie...been a long day...hahaha

One of those days when I would love to be able to take a drink of something other than BCAA's or water if you know what I mean...
Yeap, fats do as well but not as much

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:16 am
by RobRegish
Justin wrote:hmm so carbs by them self wont blunt GH?!?
Carbs (particularly intra workout), blunt cortisol too. In this environment, you still get the GH release.

Outside the workout, it's a different story. Nothing's perfect, and it's still an inexact science but given you get the best of both worlds intra-workout - you can see why I focused so intently on that area in 3.0.

It's a BIG reason, why the results from 3.0 have trumped even 2.0. Ne easy task... :)

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:43 am
by Justin
I've read a study that said after the 2-3 hour blunt from carbs GH is actually released in greater amounts than normal so timing carbs maybey 2-3 before bed might be the best thing

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:34 pm
by DaCookie
Or just dont eat them at all near bed

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:57 pm
by Big.jazayrli
DaCookie wrote:Or just dont eat them at all near bed
there's no reason to avoid carbs pre bed, at all, ever.

late night eating has even been PROVEN to be better for fat loss ... r-fat.html

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:34 pm
by DaCookie
Big.jazayrli wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Or just dont eat them at all near bed
there's no reason to avoid carbs pre bed, at all, ever.

late night eating has even been PROVEN to be better for fat loss ... r-fat.html
I see what your saying but before you go to bed why not just eat protein/fats?Why not save the carbs for the most important parts of the day like around the workout, evenings etc

BTW that pic is hilarious in that article ... g+Myth.jpg

While the 6pm thing is definitely absolute crap, I like to have no/minimal carbs with my last meal, and no carbs unless im working out shortly after in my first meal when recomping and cutting but especially cutting.

What way do you do it?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:43 pm
by matter2003
Might it be possible that the whole carb/no carb thing before bedtime depends on your individual metabolism? I am not overly versed in this area, so I would love to hear opinions from others...Big Jaz, Rob,Cookie what do u think?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:02 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:Might it be possible that the whole carb/no carb thing before bedtime depends on your individual metabolism? I am not overly versed in this area, so I would love to hear opinions from others...Big Jaz, Rob,Cookie what do u think?
Best route is individual experimentation. One man's trash, is another man's treasure and all that... :)