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Elderadoracing's 2nd Run- 3.0 tweaked.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:05 am
by ElderadoRacing
After a week off from my first run I have started my second round of The Blueprint. This run will be a variation on 3.0 as I will be doing GLP2 along with most of 3.0. I want to gain some serious strength on this run.

I plan on sticking to the diet as closely as possible. In my first run I feel I probably under ate on calories, especially protein. With this run I plan on using the diet outlined in 3.0. I really like the calorie staggering.

In my first run I gained 35lbs on my bench, 25lbs on my squats with some added depth, and 5 pounds of solid muscle.

Current Stats:
1RM: Bench-200

weight- 180

Current Measurements:
Weight: 173
Hips: 33"
waist: 34"
chest: 41.5"
shoulders: 48.5"
arms: 14"
legs: 23"
calfs: 14"

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:12 am
by ElderadoRacing
Famine Day 1:

Weight- 172.5

Diet- 1 banana, 6" subway veggie sub(455cals), 2 pieces of toast, 2 cups of raw veggies, 1 baked potato, 2oz pork tenderloin, multivitamins, 3L water.

Squats- 185x6,6,5
T-Bar row- 90x6, 110x6,6

Seated rows- 70x6,6,6
chin-ups- 6,6,6

Barbell curls: 60x8
Incline curls: 45x8
Preacher curls: 60x7

MTS ab crunch: 70x10x3

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:12 pm
by RobRegish
Alright man, fantastic start.

GREAT first run. Going to be even sweeter 2nd time around, and I'll be here every step of the way!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:24 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Thanks Rob, your support has been amazing. I really appreciate it, along with all the other fellow blueprinters.

Famine is kicking my butt something fierce. I kinda fell off the wagon a bit today. So far, diet looks like this; 2 pieces of toast, Subway veggie sub(6"), 2 pints of oh so tasty beer, ceaser salad, 2 baked potatoes, small salad, 3L water.

Weight- 172

Waking Pulse: 62bpm

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:31 am
by RobRegish
Great work man.

No worries on falling off the wagon, happens to us all. Saddle back up, and ride...

Train to Gainsville, leaves first day of Feast... :)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:40 am
by warriorcookie
My fellow Canadian!

During famine I always find that if I limit myself to fruits and veggies all day it makes things so much easier. Starches (potatoes, corn), bread/grains, sugar, and meats all made me feel really good at first, then like total garbage an hour later with headaches for the rest of the day. If I had nothing but fruits and veggies, I could eat more, stay feeling full longer, had great energy, and just easier over all.

Just my 2c hoping to make it a little easier for you.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:57 am
by RobRegish
warriorcookie wrote:My fellow Canadian!

During famine I always find that if I limit myself to fruits and veggies all day it makes things so much easier. Starches (potatoes, corn), bread/grains, sugar, and meats all made me feel really good at first, then like total garbage an hour later with headaches for the rest of the day. If I had nothing but fruits and veggies, I could eat more, stay feeling full longer, had great energy, and just easier over all.

Just my 2c hoping to make it a little easier for you.
GREAT observation man... :)

Thank YOU, for contributing...!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:19 am
by ElderadoRacing
I have to agree with the veggie thing. A full head of lettuce in a salad with peppers, tomato, all the fixin's and you feel full for an hour.

V8 is also strarting to be a friend of mine.

So I have been pressed for time but did a P90X workout today, chest shoulders and tri's. I seriously got my butt kicked. I feel weak. I am a little nervous as I am only down like 2 pounds so far. my pulse seems to be jumping all over the place, however I keep falling asleep trying to take it.

Weight= 171


Can't wait for FEAST!!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:47 am
by EctoBuilder
Wow,, you are doing awesome, keep up the great work!!! Are ya doing any supplements this run??

I can't afford any supplements at all my first run, but I plan on using at least the main supplement mentioned in 2.0 by the time I get to the 2nd run.....

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:31 am
by RobRegish
ElderadoRacing wrote:I have to agree with the veggie thing. A full head of lettuce in a salad with peppers, tomato, all the fixin's and you feel full for an hour.

V8 is also strarting to be a friend of mine.

So I have been pressed for time but did a P90X workout today, chest shoulders and tri's. I seriously got my butt kicked. I feel weak. I am a little nervous as I am only down like 2 pounds so far. my pulse seems to be jumping all over the place, however I keep falling asleep trying to take it.

Weight= 171


Great work man. Now remember, HEALTH FIRST!!!

If you at all feel sick, off or just not right - DISCONTINUE. P90x is tough enough, without the Famine diet so proceed with caution.

Otherwise, great work!

Can't wait for FEAST!!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:01 am
by beefcake66
ElderadoRacing wrote:Famine is kicking my butt something fierce. I kinda fell off the wagon a bit today. So far, diet looks like this; 2 pieces of toast, Subway veggie sub(6"), 2 pints of oh so tasty beer, ceaser salad, 2 baked potatoes, small salad, 3L water.
Late to the party and just caught this now... How is it falling off the wagon? Beers totally legit during famine :p

I'd be more concerned about the 2oz of pork on the day before! :D

Doin good work man, keep it up!!

I second the "what supplements you taking this round" question :D

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:00 pm
by ElderadoRacing
Well it seems I am having some difficulty loosing weight on this round of famine. In fact I gained a pound yesterday. My pulse is up to 68bpm. I fell back asleep the first time so redid it and managed to count them all.

As for supps, I will be using the "Formula", KA as it is amazing, multi vitamin, lots of protein, BCAA's, and some White Flood to kick start my workouts. If I decide to try anything else out I will be sure to update the list.

Weight= 172

Pulse= 68bpm, average start was 58-60.

Rob what do you think? Am I good to go?
Cause I need some serious protein!

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:00 pm
by EctoBuilder
As for supps, I will be using the "Formula", KA as it is amazing, multi vitamin, lots of protein, BCAA's, and some White Flood to kick start my workouts. If I decide to try anything else out I will be sure to update the list.
Damn! I envy all you guys that have all of this money!! I wish I was in that boat...Must be nice :)...

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:44 am
by RobRegish
ElderadoRacing wrote:Well it seems I am having some difficulty loosing weight on this round of famine. In fact I gained a pound yesterday. My pulse is up to 68bpm. I fell back asleep the first time so redid it and managed to count them all.

As for supps, I will be using the "Formula", KA as it is amazing, multi vitamin, lots of protein, BCAA's, and some White Flood to kick start my workouts. If I decide to try anything else out I will be sure to update the list.

Weight= 172

Pulse= 68bpm, average start was 58-60.

Rob what do you think? Am I good to go?
Cause I need some serious protein!
You're good to go man, proceed to Feast/Gainsville... :)