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Two questions about loaded stretches (with a twist).

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:39 pm
by 5.0stang
Hi guys,

First question: Explain to me loaded stretches.

Second question (this is where the twist comes in):

I am an amateur armwrestler looking to get stronger in that sport. Many of the workouts are geared to big compound movements. However, I am looking to isolate back, bicep, forearm, hand exercises for the most part during my supplementation.

Would the loaded stretches work the same if you loaded a great amount of weight on a barbell for curls and held it near the bottom of the range of motion, where you just feel the downward pressure of gravity?

Just looking for thoughts and ideas. Here is a proposed workout (remember what I am trying to achieve here), looking for ways to utilize the loaded stretches within this armwrestling based workout:

Workout 1
Pull Ups
Bench Press
Dumbbell Rows followed by holds
Wrist Curls (Standard and Reverse)
Rowing Locked Curls (alternate with standard curl and hammer curl)
Tricep Extensions (Rope)
Deadlifts (Standard and Stiff Legged)

Workout 2
Neutral Grip (“Hammer Curl Grip”) Pulldown Hold for 30 Seconds with attachment
Hammer Curls
Arnold Presses
Pronation and Supination with Weighted Towel
Rope (Towel) Pulling Exercises
Tricep Extensions (Bar)
Hanging Leg Raises + target oblique

Workout 3
Wide Grip Pulldowns
Wrist Curls (Standard and Reverse)
Powerband Holds/Pull (Sidepressure and Backpressure)
Bench Press
Tricep Extensions (Rope)
Hanging Leg Raises + target oblique

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:23 am
by RobRegish
The loaded stretch is quite simple.

Objective here is to select a movement that incorporates a maximal stretch position of the given muscle (i.e. DB pullovers), and in that stretch position - accentuate with the heaviest weights.

In the literature, stretching a muscle under maximal load activates the PI3K - AKT pathway, which just so happens to be the pathway I speculate Ecdy to work through. If you read 2.0, you'll find STRONG evidence this is the case via more than one study on the matter.

Further, log after real world log has validated this is the case. There are other studies, showing greater growth factor release when the muscle is stretched under load. Truly, this is a way to "juice" growth in the gym. Ecdy just amplifies this, IMO.

Your selection of exercises is excellent, for your sport. One caveat: Try not to over-do too many loaded stretches. They impart GREAT soreness, when done correctly.

Once you hit the sweet spot, you'll be growing lbs of LBM in no time... :)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:22 pm
by 5.0stang
Thanks Rob! Great explanation, can't wait to see results!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:23 am
by BrainSquirt
btw. Soreness is not the only thing to be aware of.

'be careful' is not exactly the right words
a better phrase might be to 'be mindful'.

Cautionary tale:
My worst lifting injury in the last 5 years came during learning how to do these stretches. Because I didn't notice immediatly how much damage had been done, I persisted working it out for a week or so and messed up my left elbow for months!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:35 am
by 5.0stang
Which loaded strech where you doing? Bench Press? Deadlift?

BTW, I took the above exercises and turned them into a more blueprint friendly format with EDT blocks and stretches.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:45 pm
by RobRegish
5.0stang wrote:Which loaded strech where you doing? Bench Press? Deadlift?

BTW, I took the above exercises and turned them into a more blueprint friendly format with EDT blocks and stretches.
The DB, BB or EZ curl bar pullover, is notorious for this. Leaves the long head of my tricep sore for a looong time!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:19 pm
by 5.0stang
I implemented those DB pullovers in my new workout :)

Rob, does this workout look better (more Blueprint friendly)?

Workouts One-Three: Rest Period (Rep Range) with 4-6 sets (no more, no less)

Week 1: 3 minutes (4-6 rep) – 120% calories ON/100% OFF
Week 2: 2 minutes (6-8 rep) – 120% calories ON/100% OFF (check body comp% at end to adjust if nec.)
Week 3: 1 minute (10-12 rep) – 100% calories ON/85% OFF – Begin taking extra KA Capsule ON days
Week 4: 3 minutes (4-6 rep) – 100% calories ON/85% OFF
Week 5: 5 minutes (2-3 rep) – 100% calories ON/70% OFF
Two Static Holds per Hold Section for 5-15 seconds, 3 minute rest in between holds
EDT Blocks are Supersetted and go to muscle failure

Workout One

Static Hold (Bench Press – 20/40% more than 1RM)
EDT Block 1
•Incline Dumbbell Curls
•Dumbbell Pullovers

Static Hold (Powerband Sidepressure/Backpressure)
EDT Block 2

Workout Two

Static Hold (Weighted Cable Abs)
EDT Block 1
•Bench Press
•One Arm DB Rows

Static Hold (Military Press)
EDT Block 2
•Weighted Towel (Pronation/Supination)
•Wrist Curls

Workout Three

Static Hold (Hammer Curl Pulldown Hold)
EDT Block 1
•Barbell Curls
•Skull Crushers

Static Hold (Hanging Leg Raises)
EDT Block 2
•Wide Grip Pulldowns
•Arnold Presses

Cardio Options For OFF DAYS:
•(Low Intensity, Steady State) – straight Jog for no more than 30 minutes (no hills)
•Physical Prepardness Training (Medicine Balls, sled drag, etc.)
•HITT for no more than 20 minutes (sprint, walk, sprint, walk, etc.)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:53 am
by RobRegish
Very, VERY nice work... :)

Two pointers:

"Two Static Holds per Hold Section for 5-15 seconds, 3 minute rest in between holds

EDT Blocks are Supersetted and go to muscle failure..."

Bring the static holds down, to about 5sec/hold. The objective being to hold more weight/up the intensity, as it's the most important of the 3 (Intensity, Volume and Frequency)

On the EDT blocks, do NOT go to failure during the early sets. On the last set perhaps, but not the preceeding sets. You're managing fatigue, not seeking it out of the gate!... :)

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:40 am
by 5.0stang
Will do Rob! Thanks for the pointers, I will make the adjustments for sure.