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H.E.M Method of Ankle Rehab works miracles....

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:24 am
by matter2003
Well, needless to say I was pretty down in the dumps yesterday. I was on crutches all day long, put little to no pressure on my ankle, and yet it was still swollen to about 2.5-3 times its normal size and looked grotesque to say the least.

I started looking online about ankle rehab and treatments and came across the H.E.M method of ankle rehab which says that full healing can be accomplished within 3-7 days rather than 4-8 weeks. I was pretty intrigued by this so after reading a little more, I decided to spend the 20 bucks to try this out(its an e-book).

This was at around 11:30pm last night. I tried his methods which are Hydrotherapy, Exercise, and Massage(took about 45-50 minutes total) and woke up this morning to an ankle that has close to ZERO swelling. It literally looks almost the same as the other ankle, other than some minor discoloration left and some very, very slight swelling that is almost not noticeable unless you look real closely.

I am astounded by the results. How can the RICE regimen be touted by doctors and many others, when after doing the RICE for 2 days, my ankle still looked like something out of a freak show? This method completely and utterly blows RICE away, and he actually talks about how after the first 36-48 hours RICE is actually the WORST thing you can do for your ankle(or any other sprain/strain---this works on any sprain or strain).

Anyways, for anyone who has a sprain or strain, this method is worth it's weight in gold. After only 1 treatment I am walking close to normally with only minor swelling. This treatment is advised to be done twice daily, so after a few more days I can only imagine how great I will be feeling. Walking normally and without pain within 4 days is commonplace using this system he claims,and based on what 1 treatment has done for me, I believe it.

Do yourself a favor and get this information---it will shave a LOT of time off your rehab and will also help prevent scar tissue from forming and weakening your joints.

Last night I thought it was impossible for me to think about working out today, but today I think I should be OK(upper body only--not that crazy!!), still gonna maintain my crutches for a few more days but looking forward to being healed in record time!!

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:50 am
by RobRegish
FANTASTIC work, Matter2003!!

Going to make this a sticke!!! Folks, it's guts, fortitude and Matter's "Never Say Die", attitude that personifies The Blueprint Army's psychology.


There are many roads to Gainsville, some of which have potholes. However, Matter2003's resolve personifies the very spirit of The BP Army, and what I asked of you here looong ago, when I sensed my own personal war - was looming on the horizon:

2011 And Beyond: We're Playing Offense ... php?t=1057

In this very thread, I laid down the marching orders for you Believer's - in The Blueprint Army;

"Whatever happens to me in 2011 doesn't change the game plan here...

We play offense, and we play to win..."

Matter2003 had a choice; Play defense, or worse - give up.

So what did he do?

He researched, re-loaded and now he's on the OFFENSE!

And where is he now...?

In the fast lane, speeding toward to Gainsville... :)

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:40 pm
by BrainSquirt
Glad you found something that helps…
Thinking of checking it out. Matter, is the ebook rich in removing scar tissue, unbinding myofascial issues, dealing with stiffness, etc. from old injuries?? Thx.

Also, (and I’m not being a smart ass here bro's, but)
“We are either in prehab or in rehab! “
This is just a nudge to everyone - "Approx. 8 min. of early morning full body joint mobility work (which includes feet and ankles of course) will drastically reduce our chances of injury or re-injury to feet, ankles, knees, hips, back, shoulders, neck, elbows, hands, etc. etc.
Health first…We are either in rehab or in prehab!

All the best.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:41 pm
by matter2003
BrainSquirt wrote:Glad you found something that helps…
Thinking of checking it out. Matter, is the ebook rich in removing scar tissue, unbinding myofascial issues, dealing with stiffness, etc. from old injuries?? Thx.

Also, (and I’m not being a smart ass here bro's, but)
“We are either in prehab or in rehab! “
This is just a nudge to everyone - "Approx. 8 min. of early morning full body joint mobility work (which includes feet and ankles of course) will drastically reduce our chances of injury or re-injury to feet, ankles, knees, hips, back, shoulders, neck, elbows, hands, etc. etc.
Health first…We are either in rehab or in prehab!

All the best.
Brainsquirt, yes, he has a very large section covering "Prehab"... actually I believe more than half the 140 page book deals with working on things such as removing scar tissue, increasing joint mobility and flexibility and strengthening the joint to prevent the problem from happening again, as well as preventing the problem in the first place.

Huge assortment of exercises covering both flexibility and strengthening and recommended order and reps also...

I have been walking around crutch free today pretty much like normal---some discomfort in my foot that grew as the day went on, along with some minor swelling(maybe half of what it was yesterday), which should be knocked out when I do my H.E.M tonight.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:47 pm
by matter2003
Well, got in my workout today and was pretty happy with how things went. Was surprised to tell the truth.

I was doing the bridge workout 1 of the feast in 2.0, other than squats and DL, and added in triceps/biceps...

Decline Bench 225 lbs x 11 reps...could have likely done 3 or 4 more reps, but I believe the discomfort I was feeling was from some bruising due to crutches...every time I pushed up, my left armpit area was very uncomfortable...same area as the bruising when I pressed on it...still, it beats my previous 8 to 10 reps of 185 lbs x 9 reps about 6 or 7 weeks ago...

DB Pullover: 70lbs x 10 reps---might have been able to go 80 lbs here...

Triceps Reverse Pressdown: 210 lbs x 11 reps

Biceps Preacher: 125 lbs x 8 reps

All in all, a good workout, doesn't look like I lost much, so I am pretty happy...

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:03 am
by beefcake66
This sounds awesome. Would it work as well on Knees too do you think...? After reading your review I'm definitely interested in seeing what its all about... I'm fighting with my bad knee almost everyday it seems.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:27 am
by matter2003
beefcake66 wrote:This sounds awesome. Would it work as well on Knees too do you think...? After reading your review I'm definitely interested in seeing what its all about... I'm fighting with my bad knee almost everyday it seems.
yes, it should work with any joint, as the principles would be the same...however the exercises obviously would be different as this is mainly focused on the ankle...

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:44 am
by Linkiroth
matter2003 wrote:
beefcake66 wrote:This sounds awesome. Would it work as well on Knees too do you think...? After reading your review I'm definitely interested in seeing what its all about... I'm fighting with my bad knee almost everyday it seems.
yes, it should work with any joint, as the principles would be the same...however the exercises obviously would be different as this is mainly focused on the ankle...
Sounds awesome, Matter. Huge resource. Thanks so much.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:24 am
by matter2003
Well, my ankle is progressing very nicely. Yesterday there was very little swelling even after I was on it all day at work. After another HEM treatment last night, I woke up this morning and was able to move and bend my ankle much more than previous days.

There is some soreness from my massaging(u are supposed to use as much pressure as u can stand), which has caused some slight bruising, but other than that it definitely feel WAY better than before. I cannot believe that Saturday night at 11:30pm my ankle was swollen so bad I figured I would be on crutches for a week at least, yet the next morning the swelling went down so much I walked on it all day Sunday, and even worked out. It swelled up a little bit Sunday night, maybe 1/3 of what it was before, but it barely swelled at all Monday---maybe 1/6 or so of what it was, and even so I could feel the point in my ankle bone, which I couldn't feel at all Saturday night and barely Sunday night.

All in all, I couldn't be happier with the treatment and its only Day 3!!


Just got home from work and the only time I even notice my ankle today was when I walked up or down stairs, since the normal range of motion isn't quite there yet and it bothered me a little bit. Other than that, no issues. My doctor called me up today to see how I was doing and to see if I wanted an MRI. I told him nope, I am doing much better. He then asked me if I was still using my crutches to walk, and I told him not since Saturday night...he was kind of quiet for a few seconds and asked how I was able to walk on it, because it should have been several more days before I should be even trying to walk on it. Told him about this H.E.M. treatment I was doing and how it completely took the swelling and pain away after a few days and he said that was very interesting and he was going to look into it and recommend it to other patients!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:38 am
by RobRegish
EPIC!!! - OP "heals thyself", goes on to crush PR's with gas to spare.

THIS ladies and gents, is we do things in Gainsvile... No surrender, no retreat.

"We play offense, and we play to win..."

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:43 am
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:EPIC!!! - OP "heals thyself", goes on to crush PR's with gas to spare.

THIS ladies and gents, is we do things in Gainsvile... No surrender, no retreat.

"We play offense, and we play to win..."
As I used to tell people...

"When the freight train is coming....GET OFF THE TRACKS!!!"


On a serious note, the same things that led me to this site were the same things that knew there had to be a better way to heal this than sitting on your ass for 4-8 weeks.

I am not one of those people that goes along with the sheep, so to speak....then again, I am pretty sure most of the people on this site are pretty similar...we refuse to accept the "norm" and instead search for a better alternative!!

Can't wait to hit the metal today...gonna be going for 255 lbs on the decline and am gonna annihilate it!!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:59 pm
by RobRegish
Can't wait for the update here..

And for sure, this ain't the "follow the herd" site. In fact, I tell people that like "sheep" training, "Blueprint isn't for you..."

That's just fair, being up front like that. If they can't break free, I don't want 'em.

May sound harsh, but I'm not into wasting anybody's time. Theirs, or mine/ours... :)

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:20 am
by BrainSquirt
A Review: My wife sprained her ankle last Friday morning. She left on vacation to Europe just this morning (Mon AM) so she needed a quick fix for sure. When she called me right after it happened I told her to get ice on it immediately and start the massaging as much as she could take. Doctor and xrays confirmed that it was “bad but could have been much worse”. She was prescribed one of those black boots and told to stay off it. Instead, that evening we did the hydrotherapy, massage with the oil, and did the overnight sock (actually just used an ace wrap) with the oil. Repeated basically the same Sat and Sun AM and PM’s.

By Sunday PM the bruising / blueing was almost completely gone and the swelling down to where she can wear her regular shoes and use a clutch, etc. She even loaded her ~45 lb. suitcase into the car way early this morning before I woke up to help. She thinks that as long as she can just walk ‘straight ahead’ ie no quick turns, etc. that she’ll be fine to travel and sightsee etc. Thanks again, matter, for this referral!

btw: With the water, we used clean office size (about 15 inches tall) plastic trash cans and put blocks of ice in the cold water one and used microwave to heat a bowl of water to add to the already very hot tap water… beats the snot out of standing at the sink under running water…
Going to try the trash cans myself for the deeper capacity with the same basic hydro protocol on a pull I did recently that started out in foot but has spread to ankle and calf via compensations ( it all started from quick spring jumping without bending / using upper legs and which I keep using and re injuring bcse haven’t given it enough rest time )… May end up having to get a barrel for the cold and use hot tub for the hot to do whole lower half of body… :)

One negative - Author really should mention Eric Cobb in his credits. I know Cobb didn’t invent each of those individual movements, but the combination, sequence /order , reps, even the look and feel of the photos, of Malin’s first series of exercises in the book are directly out of zHealth RPhase, which pre-dates Malin’s work and certifications by years… I am going to contact the author about this. ( We may have to get Rob after him to show him how to do some of them FiveFofF ;) … )

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:44 am
by RobRegish

You're now... your own Dr.!!! :):):)