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TMG + CLA highly anabolic synergystic effect?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 10:40 pm
by matter2003
Since I have a huge bottle of TMG sitting around that I am not using because I don't need GPA due to taking KA, I came across a few studies from my favorite site...ergo-log

The first talked about how TMG helped subjects do more squats in trials:

Taking 2.5g of TMG daily helped subjects to do more squats, and the longer they took the TMG, the more extra reps it helped them do(at least for the 2 weeks the study lasted). Participants were doing 75% of their 1RM, and by the 2nd week they averaged 14 reps without TMG and 21 reps with TMG...
For some reason they didn't understand, TMG had no effect when measuring bench press reps. Theorized it might be because legs are bigger muscles that store more TMG...

Also noted that pigs given TMG in their feed gain more muscle and lose fat...

Second Study which was even more interesting was that CLA + TMG taken in combination showed a highly anabolic effect on Iberian pigs, a type of pig that easily gains fat in their muscles, which they thought would be an excellent model for obese people...

Neither TMG nor CLA by itself showed much statistically, but when they were taken in combination the results were pretty drastic...

CLA appears to show its most benefits when partnered with something else, drastically increasing the effects much more than taking either CLA or its partnering item by itself. Studies have indicated that CLA + Guarana obliterates not only fat, but also destroys fat cells completely, which researchers had thought was impossible. Neither CLA nor Guarana by itself showed a strong effect, but together they showed a huge effect...

The study started with the pigs weighing 30 kg and ended when they hit 50 kg. They were then slaughtered and body composition was checked.

Study numbers are in grams/day and the results were pretty shocking to me:


Animals fed CLA+TMG gained an average of 58.7 g/day muscle and 215 g/day of water resulting in a total of 274 g/day of lean body mass compared to 238 g/day with TMG, 236 g/day with CLA and 222 g/day with nothing. The pigs receiving this mixture also put on the least fat(138 g/day) of any of the groups, with the pigs taking nothing putting on 155 g/day of fat.

So to put in perspective, the pigs taking CLA+TMG gained the most weight per day(424 g/day), the most muscle per day, the least fat per day and by far the most lean bodymass per day.

Sounds like this is a combination worth looking into since I have a whole bottle of TMG and a whole bottle of CLA sitting on my shelves collecting dust right now...

Dosage was 1% CLA and 0.5% TMG

**Added Bonus, TMG converts to SAM-e in the body, which is an activated form of methionine and helps assist in the breakdown of estrogen and also helps with joint pain!!

Rob, what do you think about this---something worth trying out, and if so, what would be the optimal dosage?

Dinoii, a bodybuilding MD from LeanBulk Forums is a huge believer in CLA taken in high dosages...12-14 g per day for 200+ lbs

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 12:28 am
by sovabrat
Wow those results are very shocking. I would love to hear Rob's input on this and also your experience of taking the two. Could you pm me the link to the blog that you are reading? I love adding things to my morning web surf with my coffee.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 1:30 am
by DaCookie
Damn man thanks for this info, will wait for Rob to weigh in then will make the plunge most likely.Cheers for the science.Always good to see something thats hard to dispute like that.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 8:16 pm
by Linkiroth
Very interesting, gotta get me some CLA and more TMG before the prices skyrocket!

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:24 am
by Big.jazayrli
12-14g/day of CLA is hugely expensive..

I'd be interested to see someone try this out, but am skeptical to believe it without a firsthand account.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 9:50 am
by sovabrat
Yes the study looks very promising, almost too good to be true. I would love to hear a first hand account or see a log of someone.

Same with the DHEA compound from the new BP. Has anyone made the compound yet and used it?

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:41 pm
by tufluk
Same with the DHEA compound from the new BP. Has anyone made the compound yet and used it?
im sure "the buffer" has along with adaptN

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 2:47 pm
by sovabrat
tufluk wrote:
Same with the DHEA compound from the new BP. Has anyone made the compound yet and used it?
im sure "the buffer" has along with adaptN
Is that his/her username?

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 9:51 pm
by matter2003
sovabrat wrote:Yes the study looks very promising, almost too good to be true. I would love to hear a first hand account or see a log of someone.

Same with the DHEA compound from the new BP. Has anyone made the compound yet and used it?
yes, I have made the orange peel version of it and have not noticed a whole lot yet other than my skin has been extremely oily on my face and today I noticed I had about 3 or 4 zits popping up...

only been using it about 4 or 5 days now...

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 11:15 pm
by sovabrat
could the zits be a byproduct of the increased test? Thanks for your input!

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 11:37 pm
by matter2003
sovabrat wrote:could the zits be a byproduct of the increased test? Thanks for your input!
Possible...I got a similar reaction when starting to use D-Aspartic Acid as well...

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 9:05 am
by beefcake66
Hey, couple questions!

In that study with the pigs, did it say how much TMG and CLA they were being given?? (Maybe I missed it?)

"Dinoii, a bodybuilding MD from LeanBulk Forums is a huge believer in CLA taken in high dosages...12-14 g per day for 200+ lbs"

This means someone 150lbs should take 9-10.5g... 100lbs 6-7g... More reasonable for the smaller people (like me!).

I'm definitely interested in trying this.. lets see if I can get my hands on some nicely priced CLA and TMG.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:03 pm
by BrainSquirt
beefcake66 wrote:.. lets see if I can get my hands on some nicely priced CLA and TMG.
re: Pricing
TMG is available in bulk at good prices from PureBulk

CLA at good prices :roll: good luck with that ie not going to happen

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:39 pm
by sovabrat
BrainSquirt wrote:
beefcake66 wrote:.. lets see if I can get my hands on some nicely priced CLA and TMG.
re: Pricing
TMG is available in bulk at good prices from PureBulk

CLA at good prices :roll: good luck with that ie not going to happen
I have never searched but what are we talking per month to supplement this stuff? Is this something we would need to cycle or can you run it all year round like protein?