Elderadoracing's first run - Let the games begin!

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Elderadoracing's first run - Let the games begin!

Post by ElderadoRacing »

I actually started famine on Monday May 2nd. So here is a little background. I am 28 years old, weighed in at 168lbs at 6.0' tall. Yes I am lanky(blame my parents).
I have been working out 4 days a week for the last 2-3 months. I managed to gain 3lbs of lean muscle in that time, not to mention adding at least an inch to all measurements.

Current Stats:

Height: 6.0'
weight: 168lbs
Body fat: est. 10%
Hips: 33"
Waist: 32"
Chest: 40"
Shoulders: 47.5"
Biceps: L=14" R=13.5"
Quads: L=23" R=23"
Calfs: 14"

Bench Press 1rm: 165lbs
Box squats 1rm: 225lbs

I have a weaker upper body due to being a goalie(all legs) not to mention I walk 10miles a day with 35lbs of weight(letter carrier with Canada Post).

My goal is to add 20-30lbs of weight to my main lifts through GLP1 and GLP2.

Let the games begin!

Where is that train?
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Alright, a little more background. I started famine the day after I got back from a boys trip to Vegas. Slept for 14 hours which really helped in not eating. Famine was not as hard as I thought. I lost 4.5lbs and the old heart rate jumped up 8 beats.

The eating has begun! I have found that I love protein. I can't wait to get back in the gym.

The stack I will be using is as follows:

Adaptogen N
White flood pre-workout
Xtend with karbolyn intra workout
Whey protein with Karbolyn post workout
Casein protein before bed
Orange Triad multi vitamin
omega 3,6,9 caps.

Meeting the train tomorrow, HIT workout #1.
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Post by bigpelo »

No bridge workouts?
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Post by y0lked »

looking forward to how u feel about the Kre-anabolyn
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Yes, I did all the bridge workouts, just lazy in posting. I really didn't find them to be much more difficult then my previous workouts. Perhaps I need to push myself a little more.

I am looking forward to the KA. Off to the gym for workout number one.
This I will post about.

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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Feast H.I.T workout #1.

Bench Press: 125/10. I need to add some serious weight as this was a cake walk. Thought I was being sane as my max was around 165.

Dumbbell pullovers: 40/8

E.D.T. #1
Incline dumbbell press: 40lbs- 6,6,6,6,8,8,6
T-bar rows: 70lbs- 6,6,6,6,8,8,6
92reps in 17min.

Box squat: 185/8
SLDL: 135/8

E.D.T #2
Leg Press: 360lbs(not including machine)- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6
Romanian Deadlifts: 125lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6
84 reps in 17min.

This workout felt awesome. It was good to be back in the gym. I think I need to add some more weight. I keep underestimating my strength. Looking forward to workout 2.
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Feast H.I.T workout #2.

Bench Press: 145/5 ([/b]PR)
Dumbbell Pullovers: 50/6

E.D.T #1
Incline DB Press: 50lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6.
T-Bar Row: 90lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6.
84 reps in 17min.

Box squat: 195/5. (PR at this depth)
SLDL: 135/7

E.D.T #2
Leg Extensions: 115lbs- 6,6,6,6,8,8,8.
Lying Leg Curls: 90lbs- 6,6,6,6,8,8,8.
96 reps in 17min.

This was another great workout. Loving this program so far. Need to add more weight to my EDT's I think. Not sure how many reps I should be aiming for. I figure either shorten the rest or up the weight once I reach 90+ reps.

Weight today was 167.5 which is only up 1.5lbs from the end of famine.
I am not worried. Just need to eat more I guess. [/b]
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Finally time for a post.

Post by ElderadoRacing »

Alright, It has been a few days since my last post. I was out of town teaching a motorcycle racing school. Man it feels good to be back on a bike!
My weight after the weekend was up to 169.5lbs. Tuesday I was at 170.5lbs, which is where I was at, at the start of famine. This is also probably the heaviest I have been until I took my weight today. 171lbs as of Wednesday.

Feast H.I.T workout #3

Bench Press: 155lbs/3reps. PR
DB Pullovers: 50lbs/5reps

E.D.T #1
Incline DB Press: 50lbs - 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6
Single Arm Rows: 50lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6
96 reps in 17 mins. 1 min break between sets.

Box Squats: 210lbs/3reps. PR
SLDL: 185lbs/3reps.

E.D.T #2
Leg Press: 410lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6
straight Leg Deadlift: 135lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6
96 reps in 15min. 1 min breaks. Had to stop due to knee pain.

I was tired from moving boulders around in my backyard, however I felt great in this workout. The strength is mind boggling. I can't believe how amazing the EDT's are. Love it!

Woke up on Wednesday with some slight knee pain. Thursday morning I had severe knee pain, and have pulled my knee cap out of alignment. I have to take a couple days off before my next workout. Hope this heels fast, the workouts are addicting.
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Every time I work out I am amazed at this program. I had a partially dislocated patella(knee cap), and could not get to the gym for 6 days. Went to the gym today and had a great workout.

I am lagging behind in my workouts as injuries and time have been an issue.
Today was deload before 1RM on Wednesday.

Bench Press: 145lbs/6reps.
DB pullovers: 55lbs/6reps.

E.D.T #1
Incline DB Press: 55lbs per DB- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6
T-Bar Row: 100lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6
84 reps in 17 mins.

No real leg work as knee is still sore.

Looking forward to max on Wednesday as my bench feels stronger on every workout.
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Electric blue T + E.D.T's = 20lbs on my bench.

This program is full of WIN!!.

Did my bench max today and was amazed that I pushed 185lbs for 1.5 reps. second rep had a slight pinch of help from my spotter.

Thats a 20lb increase from start. Not too bad. Also a huge PR.

I didn't do squats as my knee was feeling a little sore on the warm up squats.

Weight is still at 170 which is okay for now. I hope to see some size gains soon.

Off to the race track this weekend to race motorcycles.
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Post by beefcake66 »

Looking good!
+20lbs on your bench in 10 workouts (half being upperbody?)?

very goooood!

And I'm jealous you race motorcycles! I have yet to own one but I've always been interested!
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Post by RobRegish »

All aboard!! Train to Gainsville, leaves the station Day 1 of Feast!!

Now take heed; I see where you're an ectomorph. As such, take great care to keep tabs on Famine/weight lost and resting heart rate, amongst other objective/subjective variables.

There is a VERY high likelihood, you will NOT require workout #3. And remember.... HEALTH FIRST - at ALL times!! Discontinue - in the event you feel sick, off or just "not right".

Otherwise, let the games begin!!
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Alright, I finally have time to throw a post up.

Workout from Tuesday May 31.

GLP 1 Workout 1.

Bench Press: 95/10 100/8 110/8 125/8 135/8 145/8
Dumbbell Pullovers: 35/8 all 6 sets.

Dumbbell Fly's: 20lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6 = 42reps
Single Arm rows: 55lbs- 6,6,6,6,6,6,6 = 42reps
17 mins.

Close grip Lat pulldowns: 115/10 145/6
Y.T.L.W.I. raises: 5lbs for 10reps 2sets.

weight still at 170.
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Post by ElderadoRacing »

Workout from Thursday June 2nd.

weight 170lbs.

GLP1 Leg Workout 1.

Lateral box step-ups (warm-up): 25lb dumbbells two sets ten reps.

Squats: 115/10 120/8 140/8 150/8 165/8 175/8

Top Range Rack Pull: 225/15seconds, 275/10seconds.

E.D.T. 1
Leg Extensions(single leg) 65lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,6,6 = 42reps.
Leg Curls (single Leg) 55lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,6,6 = 42 reps.
17 mins.

Seated Calf Raises: 115lbs/20seconds, 140lbs/10seconds.

Was completely spent after this workout. Felt great!
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