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james' first blueprint run (3.0)

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:01 am
by coontentment
this will be my first blueprint run. I got blueprint 2 back in february, but due to surgery, holidays (got engaged, so that was a bit stressful. actually it's still stressful, organising a wedding), and illness, i haven't had a chance to start yet.

I have had 8 weeks off from the gym, so i'm going to train for another month to build up muscle memory and then start my first blueprint run in June. I've been back to the gym for almost 2 weeks.

I'm a bit excited about this, especially as blueprint 3.0 just came out. I was actually a bit confused by version 2.0, so after looking over version 3.0 I am comfortable having a go on this.

My stats (note that these will be different when i start blueprint 3.0): 30 years old, 85 kgs, bench press is 80kgs, stiff legged deadlift is 100kgs (both of these are at 10 reps, 3 sets), and squat is non-existant (it was up to 80 - 100, but not serious and not great form. i've since bought an ironmind belt and loading pin, so i'll be using this).

Current workout is (it will probably be the same for the cruise section as well, perhaps reduced exercises, more compound work):

bench: bench press, incline flyes, incline press, dips, pullovers, cable flyes.
back: stiff legged deadlift, pull ups, tbar row, bent over rows with bicep grip, rear shrugs.
shoulders: seated shoulder press, arnold press, side/front raise, rear flyes, upright rows.
arms: barbell curl, close grip press, reverse grip preacher, dips, hammer curl, rope pressdown.
legs: squats, leg press, calfraises, lunges.
Also i add some writs exercises and ab exercises to this. This is used for either 1 on, 1 off, or 2 on, 1 off.

I won't really add more to this thread until I start going, at which point i'll highlight planned diet and exercises goals, and where my lifts are so i can see how far i can progress. i'll add some pictures too as i go.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 4:21 am
by j10nke
I would personally do regular deadlifts on back day and if you are going to do stiff leg deads I would do then on legs day as they hammer hamstrings more... Hams and lower back.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 5:11 am
by coontentment
j10nke wrote:I would personally do regular deadlifts on back day and if you are going to do stiff leg deads I would do then on legs day as they hammer hamstrings more... Hams and lower back.
thanks for the advice. i used to do deadlifts, but in fact i feel like i get more out of the stiff legged for my back.