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Drinking Alkaline Water

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:42 am
by matter2003
I was just wondering if drinking alkaline water(my parents have a Kangen water filter) would be acceptable instead of taking the alkaplex capsules?

I know they aren't much, but the water is free...

Re: Drinking Alkaline Water

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:55 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:I was just wondering if drinking alkaline water(my parents have a Kangen water filter) would be acceptable instead of taking the alkaplex capsules?

I know they aren't much, but the water is free...
I'm not sure about this one. Something doesn't sound right to me/us about it..

Nevertheless, you'd be missing out on a HOST of benefits brought to the table by Alkaplex. I'm not going to limit you to just Alkaplex though!! See here!!

Sample Fruit/Veggie Detox Drinks ... .php?t=389

Hope that helps!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:33 am
by matter2003
One of the reasons I brought this up is because one of the reasons I am drinking this is because I have psoriasis and in Japan they cure a similar condition in babies(a type of eczema) by using this water for a 4 to 5 month period. Most people think psoriasis is a skin/autoimmune disorder, which it is on the surface, but as with many things, the rabbit hole goes a lot deeper than that.

Recent research has basically shown all the issues are linked to a systemic candida infection(in fact all of the symptoms of psoriasis have been shown to occur when injecting candida into the skin of lab animals) and part of the reason candida flourishes is because of an extremely acidic environment which aids their development and hampers the development of the normal good bacteria in the gut. The candida then overpopulates, sending "fingers" through the intestinal wall, and leaking into the bloodstream, allowing undigested food particles and toxins to accompany it. The immune system cannot eliminate the candida because it constantly changes its cell membrane which evades detection by the body's defenses and becomes inflamed as a result to try and protect itself. The inflammation on the skin is a result of the body finding candida on the skin(normal, something everyone has) and activating its defense mechanism on the skin. In fact, every natural cure for psoriasis that people say works is a potent anti-fungal(aloe vera, oregano oil, tea tree oil, dead sea salts, epsom salts, oregon grape root, bayberry, etc...).

I am pretty happy with the results of the water, as my psoriasis has really started changing for the better(along with a very strict diet---one that actually goes along with working out very well so it was almost like nothing for me to get accustomed to it---brown rice, lean meats and lots of veggies). My body PH has started rising ever so slightly as well. Have PH test strips(urine) and it has gone from a 6.25 to a 6.75...not a huge change, but certainly one that seems to be reaping benefits for me...

In fact, studies have been leading researchers to theorize that ALL diseases and chronic conditions are caused by a long term PH imbalance(along with mineral imbalance) where the body becomes too acidic...pretty interesting stuff if you take the time to read a lot of it...

Sorry for the rambling, but just thought I would give a little more background...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:00 pm
by RobRegish
There is much too it. Keep after it... you're on the right track!! :)

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:43 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:There is much too it. Keep after it... you're on the right track!! :)
I got some alkaplex coming in the Blueprint MASS Stack i got coming, so I will use it together with the water...if I like the results, I'll probably just keep taking it...the more the merrier up to a certain point

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:13 pm
by matter2003
I just researched this more and found the main benefit of drinking this water is not necessarily due to its alkalinity, but rather to the fact that it is ionized. Also known as Electrolyzed Reduced Water(ERW), it contains abundant H - ions, also known as a negative Hydrogen ion.

Negative Hydrogen Ions are considered the "primordial" or "primal" anti-oxidant(they are also found in abundance in RAW plant/animal matter, but cooking ruins it) and basically act as a magnet to attract damaging free radicals floating around in the body, which have a positive charge. They attract these damaging free radicals and neutralize them, flushing them out of the system. They also deeply penetrate tissues inside the body and once again act as free radical destroyer. The reduced part comes in because the clusters of water molecules are smaller and able to be absorbed better, which results in what some call "super hydration". It also has been found to protect DNA from Oxidative damage.

Anyways, here are numerous studies done showing the benefits of drinking this type of water, all in one PDF file... ... dWater.pdf

I believe without any doubt that this is what is responsible for a significant change for the better in my psoriasis. I have had numerous spots completely disappear and many more are shrinking and fading. I have read from others that it takes roughly 5-6 months for it to fully heal, but within about 3 weeks I have already seen a tremendous change, so I fully endorse this type of water, although it is expensive(luckily my parents have a machine and they live close by).

For those suffering with skin/immune system disorders, I would highly recommend it.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 4:05 pm
by bigpelo
Hydrogen ions are H+. mix them with hydroxide OH- and you have water. I am not trying to say you are lying but please have a look at this chemistry explanation on ionized/alkaline water:

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 5:01 pm
by Hank!

Think maybe youve been sold a parcel of land 100 miles east of Long Island
Source ... le_Science.

Alkaline water is water with a pH higher then 7.0

The pH of water is the difference between how much hydrogen (h+) water has vs. how much hydroxyl (oh-) water has. Water is H+OH- or H2O. If you add minerals with more H in them then OH the pH goes down. If you add minerals with OH- in them then pH goes up. An equal amount of H+ and OH- will give you a 7 pH. When water has more OH in it then it is alkaline. Water with less then 7 pH is acidic.

Most city tap water in the U.S and other countries is alkalized (OH added) to raise the pH to about 8.5 on average. This is because low pH water tends to dissolve things like concrete drain pipes and copper piping in while high pH tends to form deposits which actually thickens the same pipes. The reason is that thicker pipes rupture less often but plug over time.

People are now pushing Alkalized water as a health product. In reality, raising the pH offers little benefit to your health.

Is drinking Alkaline Water harmful?

There is currently no evidence that it hurts to drink it, but it sure doesn’t do anything to help. Your stomach acid will neutralize the pH of the water so it really doesn’t do anything once it hits your stomach. If you were able to change your blood pH you would rapidly develop Metabolic alkalosis.

Metabolic alkalosis develops when the body loses too much acid or gains too much base. For example, stomach acid is lost during periods of prolonged vomiting or when stomach acids are suctioned with a stomach tube (as is sometimes done in hospitals). In rare cases, metabolic alkalosis develops in a person who has ingested too much base from substances such as baking soda (bicarbonate of soda). In addition, metabolic alkalosis can develop when excessive loss of sodium or potassium affects the kidneys' ability to control the blood's acid-base balance. For instance, loss of potassium sufficient to cause metabolic alkalosis may result from the use of diuretics or corticosteroids.

Promoting Alkaline Water Hurts People

It hurts because the people selling Alkaline water are making false medical claims which give people false hope or makes them not look for traditional treatments. It is sold, as a food supplement so there is no regulation. It is the same way they can sell weight loss and male enhancement products that do not work. Sake oil products come along all the time. It is amazing how we are all so desperate that we tend to want to believe anything.

A search of FDA, CDC, EPA, WEBMD show no studies or information.

An FDA enforcement leter to Nutronix regarding health claims for coral (alkaline) supplements

Read Federal Trade Commision Report on MLM’s ABYSMAL NUMBERS

If a salesperson makes a medical claim about alkaline, Kangen or Ionized water, get it in writing. Only regulated drugs can make medical claims.

If you find any website or salesperson making a health claim about Alkaline, Ionized or Kangen Water you should file a complaint with FDA or the FTC for enforcement.


Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:20 pm
by matter2003
bigpelo wrote:Hydrogen ions are H+. mix them with hydroxide OH- and you have water. I am not trying to say you are lying but please have a look at this chemistry explanation on ionized/alkaline water:
Electrolyzed Reduced Water contains hydrogen ions that have an extra electron(negative charge) and is considered the original anti-oxidant for all forms of life on the planet.

There is at least one statement on the link you give that is patently false, or does not tell the entire truth. While we do get rid of some of the acid by exhaling CO2, the larger way the body neutralizes excess acid is by dissolving bone(calcium), which helps to explain the extremely high rate of bone issues that elderly people in this country face given the crap diet that most people follow.

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of clinical studies and research showing the benefits of ERW(there are about 50 or so in the link I provided above), so I would have to question a site that talks about it as being "snake oil", but yet gives NO research to show anything to the contrary.

The fact that he chooses to ignore published medical research and studies that are so numerous and that all show benefits of drinking this water seems more than a little strange to me...

Beyond that, I don't need someone to tell me that its working. I see it every day as spot after spot of psoriasis disappears. If this is the placebo effect, I'd love to know where that was with the 20 or 30 other things I have tried to rid myself of this condition

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:54 pm
by josh26
Every attempt I have made to research this has landed on me on someone's multi-level marketing page.

Kangen promises to cure everything from psoriasis to cancer. And get you rich in the process. Surely this doesn't smell right.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 9:40 pm
by matter2003
josh26 wrote:Every attempt I have made to research this has landed on me on someone's multi-level marketing page.

Kangen promises to cure everything from psoriasis to cancer. And get you rich in the process. Surely this doesn't smell right.
Forget typing in Alkaline Water, type in Electrolyzed Reduced Water and read thru all the studies...The claims of using it to cure skin issues is well founded. In Japan doctors use ERW to completely clear horrible cases of baby eczema that nothing else will. It is well documented in videos and various documentaries. They bathe them in it and have them drink it...within about 5 months the skin is completely clear.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 11:21 am
by BrainSquirt
re water - any one know anything about
water ?? thx