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A Keto Type Famine?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:36 am
by doolee
Starting famine in about a week, hoping that BP 3.0 will be released by then!
I had a quick question, assuming famine hasn't changed much. If I have the willpower, could I limit my calories to strictly fats? Meaning my sole calories would come from healthy oils / fish oil supplement/ small amount of nuts perhaps, totaling around 50g per day. I may also choose to include some lettuce/spinach for health purposes.
I realize that famine is stressful enough, but I am hoping to lose as much possible BF% as possible (separate reason). Normally, I don't like keto, but I believe if I want to lose maximal fat while also inducing a famine state, this could be a solid option for me.

Any ideas?

Re: A Keto Type Famine?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:45 am
by RobRegish
[quote="doolee"]Starting famine in about a week, hoping that BP 3.0 will be released by then!

I had a quick question, assuming famine hasn't changed much. If I have the willpower, could I limit my calories to strictly fats? Meaning my sole calories would come from healthy oils / fish oil supplement/ small amount of nuts perhaps, totaling around 50g per day. I may also choose to include some lettuce/spinach for health purposes. Any ideas?

I realize that famine is stressful enough, but I am hoping to lose as much possible BF% as possible (separate reason). Normally, I don't like keto, but I believe if I want to lose maximal fat while also inducing a famine state, this could be a solid option for me....

A. I/we have LOTS of ideas. All 3Faces of Fear(tm) on our weekly conference call (location? Parts Unkown... :)) were in agreement; "Likely not a good idea, for doolee". Allow me/us to tell you why... :)

You'd be missing out on the carbs (necessary to fuel these demanding workouts), the phytonutrients/related detox-cleansing components found therein, etc..

In large part, this is dependent upon somatype. Lord help you if you're like me/us, with strong ecto-leaning tendancies. A mesomorph or endomorph on the other hand, it may be worth exploring.

Regardless, the fat loss you seek is largely addressed in Feast.... especially in 3.0. It's being PDF'd
/"protected" right now, so it just might be ready to go, when your Feast phase rolls around... :)

Hope that helps!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:39 pm
by doolee
If it helps to clarify, I believe myself an endomorph *wince*. I'm not really worried about fueling workouts during the famine week. But I would be missing the benefits of the detox like you mentioned. I was just hoping to drop 2% or so bf during the week. And of course losing even more with the recomp!

Seeing as how famine's purpose is to induce some muscle damage, would a keto type diet really be overboard? Concerned about strength (I remember this comes back VERY quickly in feast =D), but really determined to cut up by the end of famine + feast.
In addition, cutting out carbs should temporarily increase my insulin sensitivity. I believe this could be useful for the first week of 120% maintenance calories. Just not sure if this and the fatloss benefit outweighs the risk of muscle loss.

EDIT: A variety of salad: Spinach, lettuce, celery, cucumber, sprouts, etc. + Olive oil. Would this be enough phytos? Or is the fruit a necessary component for proper detox?

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:42 pm
by DaCookie
2% of bf a week is a lot, you will need to eat 2 dozen green bananas a day for that to work

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:35 pm
by doolee
Haha. It is a little ambitious, but at 500-700 calories a day, it is slightly realistic. My maintenance is around 2400.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:27 pm
by RobRegish
doolee wrote:If it helps to clarify, I believe myself an endomorph *wince*. I'm not really worried about fueling workouts during the famine week. But I would be missing the benefits of the detox like you mentioned. I was just hoping to drop 2% or so bf during the week. And of course losing even more with the recomp!

Seeing as how famine's purpose is to induce some muscle damage, would a keto type diet really be overboard?

A. Short answer: YES... :)

Concerned about strength (I remember this comes back VERY quickly in feast =D), but really determined to cut up by the end of famine + feast.
In addition, cutting out carbs should temporarily increase my insulin sensitivity. I believe this could be useful for the first week of 120% maintenance calories. Just not sure if this and the fatloss benefit outweighs the risk of muscle loss.

EDIT: A variety of salad: Spinach, lettuce, celery, cucumber, sprouts, etc. + Olive oil. Would this be enough phytos? Or is the fruit a necessary component for proper detox?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:37 am
by doolee
K thanks for the reply, Rob. I'll keep it simple, and hope for the best.