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3Faces of Fear's(tm) Finest Hour(s), lol :) :) :)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:55 am
by RobRegish
Justin texted me late last night, w/a question re: where to insert a set of loaded stretch movements...

3Faces of Fear's(tm) response: "Certainly, consider loaded stretches in the form of pullovers on a slight incline.

What is/are the 3Faces of Fear(tm) doing, answering questions at midnight - from a graveyard*?

Looong story... :) :) :)

*From the crypt keeper, as I departed; "The only moment we have here, is right now..."

3Faces of Fear, 4Life... :) :) :)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:59 pm
by doolee
Clearly, you were burying some pirates and clowns.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:41 am
by RobRegish
doolee wrote:Clearly, you were burying some pirates and clowns.
Actually, it is a much more postive mission. I was searching for my Grandfather's gravesite. It was his 100th birthday. I found it, placed a BP Tshirt, a picture of Nicholas Maximus and a note which read;

"I just came here to say Happy Birthday Grampa/Gramma. I wanted you both to know I was working hard to be a better man, workin' my way home to take care of my family..."
Left that there, with a small arrangement of white flowers in a ziploc baggie.... and YES, I snapped a picture of it.

Debating whether to post it here. It was another episode of mania, I suppose. I'll let the man upstairs though, judge whether or not, it was the right thing to do.

In my book, and it is my book :)... it was.

Mission accomplished :) :) :)