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KE's 10% SOL. RUN

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:30 pm
by KE
DB pullovers-85x10
DB SHOULDER PRESS-65X6,6,6,6,4,4
DB BENTOVER ROWS-80X6,6,6,6,6,6
STATIC RACK-315@5-7 sec.x4
Morning wgt-205
Bkfst (always the same on training days)-2/3 cup ol'fashion oatmeal, 1/5 cup raisins or blue berries :wink: , 1-scoop MASS PRO WHEY, 1-egg, 2-oz egg white, 1-tbs spoon wheat germ, little bit of olive oil, and squirt of honey in shaker.
Next meal is 3-oz of Rob's protien shake mixture (drank about 3-hours after bkfst).
Lunck-6-oz top sirloin steak, 1-cup green beans, 1-blood orange, 3-oz Rob's protin shake mix.
Dinner-looks like tacos.
Looks like my goodies for the "Formula" arrived today! Needing one item yet...crystalline fructose. Thought I could get it locally, but no luck. Any suggestions?
Note-Before I took last week off (wound up doing loads of seasonal yard/car maintenance) a power lifter had me use his belt and knee wraps. I have not gotten any yet but, really a huge differance. Due to lower back issues I tend to always go lite on all back exercises...gettin me a 4-inch belt soon!

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:19 pm
by RobRegish
I'll PM you the fix!! :)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:01 pm
by KE
BP-250x5, then db pull over-85x7
SQ-365x4(did not get deep enough, so) SQ-315x5, then SLDL-195x6 Did SLDL in squat rack today with belt and knee wraps, back was feelin weak so went light. When finished I was disappointed I did not go heavier, but my back is tellin me I made a good decision.
STATIC HOLD-315 @ 10 seconds x 3.
Morning wgt-206
Note- Early start today for work (4:00 AM) and did not get into gym until 6:30PM. Felt tired during workout, but left with fairly good pump on the arms and chest (threw in a few extra sets of bench for good measure).
Rob got your PM, Found the NOW brand locally :wink:

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:26 am
by RobRegish
Solid step on your Road to Gainsville.. :) Glad I/we could help, on the Formula issue!!

"When finished I was disappointed I did not go heavier, but my back is tellin me I made a good decision..."

A. You made a smart move here!! Nothing to feel disappointed about. In fact, much to be proud of... :) :) :)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:26 pm
by KE
DB pullovers-100x8
overhead lat pulldowns-110x6,6,6,6,4,4
static ab crunch, and assorted ab work.
Morning wgt-208
Note-it's been a long week and I would have wasted my time had I tried to do any sort of training since my last wo on Wednesday. I did put in 7 hours today too, but felt good to go when I got home. I've added the "Formula" and Cissus to my supps. Thanks Rob :D

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:37 pm
by KE
DB pullovers-100x8
Morning wgt-207
Note-these are hard workouts in that I'm always limited to max effort due to old aches and pains. However I am learning where my true limits are and continue to gain in strength, which is a plus since my initial goal was to firm/lean down. Looking foreward to 10% :!:

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:24 pm
by RobRegish
SOLID.. :)

One suggestion: Insert an extra rest day between workouts. These joint pains and such are a sign.

Read the signs.. :) :) :)

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:05 pm
by KE
Been ill with respiratory and sinus "crud." I can't even make it up a flight of stairs without gettin short of breath. Kinda felt it comin on last week, now I'm coughing up some serious "lung butter." I worked last weekend and again this one too, so training will be on "hold" until Monday to let my batteries recharge. Peace fellow BPrs.

Re: KE's 10% SOL. RUN

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:53 pm
by matter2003
KE wrote:#1-HIT

Looks like my goodies for the "Formula" arrived today! Needing one item yet...crystalline fructose. Thought I could get it locally, but no luck. Any suggestions?
You can get it really cheap $4 for a 3lb bag...

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 7:36 am
by RobRegish
Get the NOW brand.. :)

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 3:16 pm
by KE
Finishing up antibiotics, and told not to train while on Levaquin due to possibility of tendon tear/rupture?
I did start my run 10% sol late last week and will be on #3 Monday.
10% #1 WO (done on 4/27)
BP-#195 3X3
db pull overs-#85 3x10 (hard on left elbow if I go any heavier)
decline bp-#225x5,4,4,4
overhead lat pull down-#140x6,5,4,4
SQUAT-#228 3X3
SLDL-#175 3X3
note-short wo due to, #1- ran out of gas and #2- had a lot of questions form others due to not having been in the gym for a while-it's a small town).
wgt -#208

10% #2 WO (on 4/630)
BP-#225 3x3
over head pull overs-#85 3x10
SQUAT-#265 3x3
SLDL-#263 3x3
note-never did any leg work in the past, and finding I can do more that I thought, but due to back injury I'm taking it slowly on increasing wgt.
decline bp-#225x6,6,4,3
over head pull downs-#140x8,6,6,4
note-wanted to do other body parts but gym was too busy and a few guys that "circuit train" AKA-they think they need to use every piece of equipment in the gym at the same time).
note-I felt/thought I was dying last week from this "cold" and was not going out hungry!

Thanks for the tips and any suggestions welcome! Lookin forward to

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 10:10 pm
by RobRegish
"Finishing up antibiotics, and told not to train while on Levaquin due to possibility of tendon tear/rupture...?"

Thanks again big pharma...

Get on a quality 5-10% Cissus extract such as USP Labs CissusRx + AskMass's Nordic Naturals fish oil..


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 12:08 am
by KE
I tried to get by without the abx but was really getting behind on training and losing a lot of ground. I really was sick as $hit :!: I did train yesterday, but my gym is closing @ 6:00 P.M. all week so I only got a brief wo. I did get my bench, squat, and SLDL all in but not much else. I'll post the numbers with tomorrows wo info.
Tonight was "lawn care cardio."

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:43 pm
by KE
10% #3 on 5/2
BP #255 2X2
DL #225 2X2
SQUAT #315 2X2
Static ab and various ab training
Wgt #210
10 % #4 on 5/4
BP #205 3X3
DL #185 3X3
SQ #240 3X3
some ab work
gym closed early again so short on time.
wgt #211
note-needing to increase cardio on none training days and HIT at end of training days when hours are back to 9:00 P.M.