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Advice on cutting/recomp

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:32 pm
by wolfgang_eruption
Hey there,

I need advice on cutting/recomp.

I've been lifting non-consistently for 5 years now. Most of this time I've been doing it wrong.

My workout regimen is Growth Stimulus Training (GST), available in bodybuilding [dot] com forums.
And my diet is Leangains style:

My stats:
5'6", 132 lbs. BF around 10%, abs hardly visible. As for pics, I don't know how to attach pics here.

Squat: 180 lbs.
Weighted pull-ups: BW + 78 lbs.
Deadlift: 232 lbs.
Incline bb press: 150 lbs.

So my question is:

How can I benefit from blueprint if I want to make a bodyrecomposition, losing fat and adding muscle at the same time? Any advice?

Thanks in advance

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:19 pm
by RobRegish
Tell you what... please PM me the last name/month you bought under at PaPal.

The streets are paved with gold here, provided you're of good faith. If you're not, in the wrong hands.... there is no gold in this mine.

It's fool's gold, and you'll get no holy water from me/us - to wash those sins, from your hands...

Hoping you're of good faith.... :)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:54 pm
by wolfgang_eruption
PM'd you

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:43 am
by RobRegish
The Short Answer: Caloric Zig Zags during Feast to the tune of the folloqing,

Given your build/somatype, 120% of maintenance for the first 10 days, thereafter, proceed as follows:

Remainder of 1st week: 100% of maintenance intake on training days/90% on "off" days, when you're doing your cardio.
2nd week: 100% on training days/80% on off days.

3rd and 4th week: 100% on training days, 80% on off days

5th and 6th week: 100% on training days, just 70% on off days.

You see the difference between the traing/off days? That difference should come from "The Formula", pre-during and post workout. Check your PM's....

The 3Faces of Fear(tm) just PM'd it to you :) :) :)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:27 pm
by the_buffer
you won't be on those diet/training plans for long if you're to reap the benefits of the blueprint :)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:59 am
by DaCookie
Up your protein bro, trust me you will see results and its the first big mistake I made for my first 2 years.Thinking my protein shake at the end of my workout was enough and maybe a dinner with some meat meaning a whopping 100g protein a day at best.Now I take in sometimes 350g protein a day and growing like a mo fo...

Its the first biggest step you need to make to see significant progress.You can get everything right and not do this and maybe just put on a few lbs of muscle.It is the unspoken obvious truth, only protein makes muscle.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:39 am
by doolee
LOL 100g to 350g might be a bit extreme! I'd suggest a simple 1g per pound, and just move the extra calories all to carbs. Assuming a bulk.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:59 am
by RobRegish
doolee wrote:LOL 100g to 350g might be a bit extreme! I'd suggest a simple 1g per pound, and just move the extra calories all to carbs. Assuming a bulk.
Very solid advice here. The only thing I'd add is to keep carbs to 1:1 vs. protein, with as few mono-disaccharides (aka "satan sugars") as possible. Rather like the term "satan sugars" - gives people the willies. :) Really, the only "satan sugar" you need is a bit of fructose, in "The Formula".

You can accomplish this with by adding 5-10g or about the amount found in a banana (green ones have closer to 10g... :)). Look for the NOW brand as it's the most cost/effective aka "cheap". Oops, did I just say "cheap". Yep, all 3Faces of Fear(tm), have alligator arms.. :) :) :)

Thanks for the help, doolee... :)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:38 pm
by DaCookie
doolee wrote:LOL 100g to 350g might be a bit extreme! I'd suggest a simple 1g per pound, and just move the extra calories all to carbs. Assuming a bulk.
I never told him that I was talking about myself.And there is nothing to LOL about besides your ignorance.Keep taking your PEA and pre workouts and maybe someday people will notice your big in a t shirt /

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:31 am
by doolee
Not really sure what warranted all that hostility. I'm just stating that no person should take in 350g of protein on a daily basis unless they want to strain their kidneys. And it is also pretty wasteful for bodybuilding purposes as well. Your body can only absorb so much protein at once...

I don't personally take PEA, but I'm currently suffering from some pretty serious depression. Wanted to hear feedback from as many different communities as I could in hopes that it might be beneficial.

Not really sure where the preworkout attack comes from as my preworkout is EC. I believe you take the same thing?

I haven't made any comments on my own personal size. But I do believe I am bigger than you. This is an irrelevant fact to me, but it seems to hold some value to you.

Come at me, bro?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:52 pm
by Street-dreams
Simmer down now guys, no need to get all mad at each other. We are all part of the Blueprint family.. that almost makes the two of you like brothers. We should be helping each other not getting mad at each other.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:34 am
by RobRegish
Street-dreams wrote:Simmer down now guys, no need to get all mad at each other. We are all part of the Blueprint family.. that almost makes the two of you like brothers. We should be helping each other not getting mad at each other.
Right here!!!

Allow me to shake a helping hand, for you were brave enough to take a stand...

Consider adding 5,000 I.U. of Vitamin D to your daily pillbox. About 1 at each meal is right.

They're tiny, inexpensive and linked to a whole' lotta benefits, not the least of which is seasonal affect disorder or "SAD". That may sound like alot, but get blood work done, you'll be surprised!! I know yours truly (I/we) were!!

See here: Mixelflick's Bloodwork Is IN! - What's in it for YOU?!?! ... php?t=1034

Sincerely hope that helps you, sir!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:04 am
by doolee
^great advice. Cheap, effective, and very important. I found the bloodwork thread very useful.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:57 pm
by DaCookie
doolee wrote:Not really sure what warranted all that hostility. I'm just stating that no person should take in 350g of protein on a daily basis unless they want to strain their kidneys. And it is also pretty wasteful for bodybuilding purposes as well. Your body can only absorb so much protein at once...

I don't personally take PEA, but I'm currently suffering from some pretty serious depression. Wanted to hear feedback from as many different communities as I could in hopes that it might be beneficial.

Not really sure where the preworkout attack comes from as my preworkout is EC. I believe you take the same thing?

I haven't made any comments on my own personal size. But I do believe I am bigger than you. This is an irrelevant fact to me, but it seems to hold some value to you.

Come at me, bro?
Dont tell me thats too much protein when

1.My big three are all bigger than you by a mile incl my weakest(bench, btw when I started out I think I could bench more than you, just bench alone being better and yet you being heavyier is humorous) And im not even a strength athlete.

2.Im lighter and leaner

3.You use broscience like 'your body can only absorb so much protein' Ill believe someone who graduated from Harvard and is an expert in the industry over you.

4.You use more broscience like 'straining kidneys with 350g protein' I have a blood test to prove that my kidneys are better than yours if you wanna show me.Good luck with your insulin sensitivity with all those carbs bro, no wonder you weigh like you do.

5.You likely have a keg since you weigh so much yet your lifts suck.

6.I take no stims unless im feeling shit or on a 1RM day, im leaner than most people cause I eat less carbs than most people and more protein.

And finally stop giving out advice based on opinion alone.This board seems to get more people like this every day its no longer only the vets posting with good info to share.I remember before there was a guy using 2servings BSN truemass a day and he was trying to 'lean bulk'

Good luck with that buddy