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JML- Train Ride Number Two!

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:16 pm
by JML2011
Ok... Here we go!

I have started Famine again... Today is day 1. Its been so long I forgot to take my waking heart rate.... damn. Will do it tomorrow. I have a pretty good idea where I need to be at anyways by day 5.

Had workout 1 today. Went good. Felt good. I havent been in the gym for a couple weeks due to some personal stuff. But glad to be back in the BP!

Looking forward to some improvements yet again... thanks Rob!
Also, I had a question for ya, I PMed you it.

The Train is off to the next Gainsville!

Inspiration for this run:

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:43 pm
by RobRegish
PM taken care of...

Saddle up for a ride on that pain train.... because the gain train leaves the station day #1 of Feast!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:34 am
by JML2011
haha... unfortunately you didnt catch my correction the last time... the pain train leaves the station to Gainsville on day #1 of Famine!
It gathers its momentum, and its full speed by day #1 of Feast!!

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:03 am
by warrior
Good luck with your second run JML can't wait to hear your results, keep us posted! How much weight did you gain from your first run? Muscle vs body fat.

Re: JML- Train Ride Number Two!

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:19 am
by RobRegish
JML2011 wrote:Ok... Here we go!

I have started Famine again... Today is day 1. Its been so long I forgot to take my waking heart rate.... damn. Will do it tomorrow. I have a pretty good idea where I need to be at anyways by day 5.

Had workout 1 today. Went good. Felt good. I havent been in the gym for a couple weeks due to some personal stuff. But glad to be back in the BP!

Looking forward to some improvements yet again... thanks Rob!
Also, I had a question for ya, I PMed you it.

The Train is off to the next Gainsville!

Inspiration for this run:
OMG.... I missed this the first read. Can I use this in 3.0???

Full credit to you!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:01 am
by JML2011
sure thing Rob. Go for it.

Warrior- Not too much. I didnt completely eat as much as I was supposed to. Because of where I am, its tough to get everything I need all the time. This run though will be quite different.

I gained about 6 pounds of muscle. I really dont have any fat to speak of... im about 2-3%. :P

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:04 pm
by KE
Good Luck JML2011 :!: I may have missed it, but which loading pattern are go doing this round?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:47 pm
by JML2011
That secret will come after the 72 hours of feast! Builds the suspense! :P

stay tuned through! This run is going to be a doozie...

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:38 am
by RobRegish
JML2011 wrote:That secret will come after the 72 hours of feast! Builds the suspense! :P

stay tuned through! This run is going to be a doozie...

Love the drama. Love you, Love it... :)

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:43 pm
by JML2011

All Right!!! Wednesday Workout Famie!

Felt good today. Tired a little... Hungry a lot!

Cannot wait to get to 1159 Friday night :)

No stat info.. sorry. Dont feel like typing it out. Been crunching numbers all day working on my data research. Lets just say I know my body and the previous famine. I know how I should feel, and right now im right on pace :)

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:57 pm
by RobRegish
Good man.

Always learning... :)

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:45 pm
by JML2011
always learning, always growing, always getting better!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:52 am
by Big.jazayrli
JML2011 wrote:always learning, always growing, always getting better!
that's the key to success right there.

never be close minded

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:41 pm
by JML2011

WEEK 1- WO#1

Descriptive expletive for todays workout: GRRRR


1x5x120* Was supposed to be 130.. oops.


Good Mornings:

This was my first go around with GMs. Quite an experience. My hammies did not like me one bit. They threw a little fit, but they calmed down after a few sets.. :)

This was a GREAT workout. Challenging to say the least. I am realllllly looking forward the the rest of this Sheiko. Its going to be pucking fhenominal.

Nice and Sunny out as well, Spring is finally here I think....