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I told them so!

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:05 am
by seasoned
Well, I tried to explain the way that we don't really have a currency, but a sort of bond. In fact, in the financial industry, it would easily be identified as a zero coupon bond. It even identifies itself with an empty promise "This NOTE is legal tender for all debts public and private" We have an exchange that sets the rate, known as the G7, now the G8. We even have an idiot to help skew the value, like the joker in a deck of cards! The idiot playing the role now is named "ben bernanke".

A REAL currency, like what the swiss have, and what WE HAD, would be backed on a stable, non perishible, and desired material. The world pretty much determined that is GOLD which is where "gold backed currency, and gold standard, come from"

AND, since our "currency" isn't REAL, but merely an investment of sorts, dilution by printing more, like a stock split, or weakening the country, like a reduction of market share, will LOWER its real value. THAT means that more is needed to cover the same amount. In a CLOSED environment, that wouldn't be visible. But we are NOT in a closed environment!

Because we are NOT in a closed environment, suppose we wanted to buy a radio made in china that cost $10. We buy it STRAIGHT from CHINA, NO profit. If the government "doubles the currency supply", that radio will eventually cost $20, for china to be paid the same in THEIR currency!
That little bit of "magic" is what is called INFLATION.

OK, you can tell a liberal that till the cows come home and they won't understand or believe. I have been trying to get this through their thick skulls for like 30 years. Obama even got "economists" and "the rich" to say I was wrong.

Well, guess what happened yesterday? A little guy started saying what I did, and got the news to pick it up. OK, many have said the same. I said the same. So why is HE getting the press? Well, he is seeing his costs go up an average of about 20%. OK, many have had such problems. Who cares about this one guy. Well, he runs a chain of stores. Maybe you've heard of it?

If you haven't, they are only the largest retailer on the planet. And they are KNOWN for keeping prices low. In order to MAINTAIN profit margin, they will have to raise PRICES an average of 20%. Some may be 16%, others may be 25%, but they will go up SUBSTANTIALLY. And that is just the FIRST increase.

Things are happening now that have NEVER happened to the US before and, when they are complete, the US will find that its actions affect its currency as much as with other countries. If it continues, the G8 may abandon it, and the dollar would collapse.

OK, HOW do you think I can get people to put 2 and 2 together?


Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:05 pm
by RobRegish
God bless you man!!!

I saw this coming LONG ago....

See here: Rob's Plan for World Domination: Get on Board - Or Else ... php?t=1068

Ma'ma didn't raise no fool(s). 3Faces of Fear(tm) ain't playin :) :) :)