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Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:05 pm
by the_buffer
I began trying to look into just what turkesterone is, it seems to be somehow similar to RCE, but I can't really find any layman comparison. Anyone able to explain this so a dummy like me can get it?

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:40 pm
by DaCookie
Superior to ecdy but very hard to get a legit high % affordable extract

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:31 pm
by RobRegish
DaCookie wrote:Superior to ecdy but very hard to get a legit high % affordable extract
A. I'm not sure about this, but I'll find out within a couple of months as I'll be ordering some... :)

OP, here are the cliffs on just how "Turk" has been shown to be "different" vs. RCE!!!

CREDIT: This is Tonvara's "TrueTurk" Product, Ad Copy...

"Ajuga Turkestanica, the world's only known natural source of True Turkesterone. (it most definitely is not the Chinese so-called 40% "turkesterone" produced from Rhaponticum Carthamoides (aka Russian Leuzea) that is commonly sold on the internet). True Turkesterone is one of the most powerful aids to greatly improved natural protein conversion resulting in rapid and impressive muscle gains and fat reduction. Results can be very impressive and even exceed those of much less desirable synthetic anabolic products. Trials have produced measurably positive results in as little as 10 days or less with no known negative side effects.

What is vitally important to the success of this natural protein conversion process is that the Turkesterone must be of sufficient strength and purity. For almost all products currently claiming to include Turkesterone, those necessary attributes cannot be verifiably demonstrated.

Tonvara TrueTurk is Turkesterone from Ajuga Turkestanica from The Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances (ICPS) in Uzbekistan which is the worlds only true Turkesterone and has clearly demonstrated its protein conversion powers in extensive trials carried out by the ICPS and associated Institutes. The product itself is the result of their great expertise together with their persistence and belief that an authentic and truly effective Turkesterone could be commercially produced. The Ajuga Turkestanica plant from which they now exclusively and painstakingly extract their Turkesterone only grows in the Surhandarya region of Uzbekistan. All attempts to cultivate it elsewhere have failed. The growing and harvesting of the plant is strictly controlled by Surhandarya local authorities and export of the plant is subject to even more stringent controls by a dedicated customs office. These controls endeavour to ensure that all sanctioned outlets for the product can subsequently be verified, thus providing vital reassurance that the product is legitimate and will always be truly effective.

For all dedicated natural bodybuilders and athletes who are familiar with this product, verifiable legitimacy is of the greatest importance, as there are a large number of bogus products on the market claiming to be Turkesterone. The most common is a so-called "40% turkesterone" produced from Rhaponticum Carthamoides or Russian Leuzea, which has been extensively tested by the ICPS and shown to contain absolutely no Turkesterone but lesser phytoecdysteroids of varying effectiveness.

Reassuringly, ICPS Ajuga Turkestanica Extract contains not only a standardized and guaranteed amount of the highest quality and highly effective Turkesterone but also a similar guaranteed amount of high quality Ecdysterone plus smaller amounts of other useful active phytoecdysteroids such as Cyasterone and Ajugasterone which all work in synergy to offer superior protein conversion resulting in rapid and impressive muscle gains and fat reduction.

Turkesterone from Ajuga Turkestanica from ICPS in Uzbekistan is the worlds only true Turkesterone and up until now has only been available in the US and Uzbekistan. We are pleased to have reached a mutual cooperation with the ICPS to make this impressive naturally effective product much more widely available.

Tonvara TrueTurk Turkesterone is now available in convenient, easy-to-take tablet form and contains a very generous dose of 100mg per tablet* of this awesome extract, probably more than you will find in any other product in the world. A daily dose of four tablets during a high protein diet cycle is recommended for bodybuilders intending to gain muscle mass and a daily dose of two tablets is recommended for athletes wishing to improve their speed properties".

I/we'll let you know shortly. DaCookie is already convinced, which in my book (and it is my book... :)), say alot.

3Faces of Fear 4Life :) :) :)

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:05 pm
by the_buffer
wow. So in this case Rhaponticum Carthamoides = bad.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:07 pm
by DaCookie
Yes sorry I should have elaborated a bit more.I meant superior being turk + ecdy rather than just ecdy.I think turk on its own would be an expensive and unproductive experiment with little gain.

I did 50mg of turk for 48 days and I liked it.I also used kre anabolyn alongside it.I only used it once and want to use it again to get a better gauge at it but so far what I think is its worth it if you have the money, but I would buy ebol or kreanabolyn and the formula first and then if you still have cash you are willing to spend, its worth it imo.

Keep in mind that I live with my parents and dont really buy anything besides supps though...I have found what works for me and I dont think the industry will improve massively over what I know and what I think works over the next few the moment there seems to be very little innovation-just new types of creatine and some other pink magic type herbs...

Anyway this a long post and you have probably gotten bored of my ramblings, turk and 25R are the things im trying to evaluate currently and after that I dont think I will do much research into supps for a long while ill just let Rob handle it, ive found what works for me so im going to stick with that until Rob really toots his horn about something

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:18 pm
by austinb37
I found this older post and was wondering if anyone else had tried Turk either in isolation (TrueTurk) or combined with RCE (MegaTurk)? Please share your thoughts/reviews of these products.

I'm planning on using Synthagen with some Turk for my next run for a cut/recomp oriented BP run. Synthagen and extra turk seems to be a winning combo.

I used KA as a standalone last time and had some pretty good results. The RCE and Kre-Alkalyn in KA are definitely a winning combo in my book. I had awesome workouts, felt like a beast in the gym and scared people with the weight I was throwing up on my static holds. I would also like to add that I really felt the difference when I upped my dosage from 3 to 5 pills a day. I am a bigger guy (6'5 230) and felt like I needed the extra dose in order to get the full benefits.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:42 am
by RobRegish
austinb37 wrote:I found this older post and was wondering if anyone else had tried Turk either in isolation (TrueTurk) or combined with RCE (MegaTurk)? Please share your thoughts/reviews of these products.

I'm planning on using Synthagen with some Turk for my next run for a cut/recomp oriented BP run. Synthagen and extra turk seems to be a winning combo.

I used KA as a standalone last time and had some pretty good results. The RCE and Kre-Alkalyn in KA are definitely a winning combo in my book. I had awesome workouts, felt like a beast in the gym and scared people with the weight I was throwing up on my static holds. I would also like to add that I really felt the difference when I upped my dosage from 3 to 5 pills a day. I am a bigger guy (6'5 230) and felt like I needed the extra dose in order to get the full benefits.

BTW: If you google turkesterone dot net you can find all of Tonvara products for 10 - 20 $ cheaper. The website is owned by Tonvara so I'm not sure why it is cheaper compared the Tonvara website.
You bring up a great point, with respect to Synthagen + TT. It's yet another stack we need to know the merits of.

Personally, I can't wait to see how a Synthagen + other non-hormonal anabolic agent stack does against say, Synthagen plus a Test booster and/or Synthagen + PH's.

By including multiple ingredients that reduce cortisol levels (RCE, OA and TMG), we may very well see it so favorably modulate your test to cortisol ratio it comes very close to PH's, run standalone.

Speculation on my part, but I hope you can see where I'm going with this.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:28 am
by bigpelo
I finished a 6 weeks run of megaturk 2 days ago, 4 caps/day. I was doing turbulence training as workouts and warrior diet. I did not do the usual famine-feast-cruise but I still experience slightly better recovery inbetween workouts than without it. I stayed the same weight, around 219-222, but I am noticely slimmer.

I give credit to the diet and the workouts plan more than to megaturk though. I was also taking DS ActivaTe but this combo is not worth half KA/AN done with famine/feast in my book. Neither price wise.

So I ordered 4 bottles of syntagen with KA, AN and BIU! for next real blueprint run :twisted:

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:33 am
by RobRegish
bigpelo wrote:I finished a 6 weeks run of megaturk 2 days ago, 4 caps/day. I was doing turbulence training as workouts and warrior diet. I did not do the usual famine-feast-cruise but I still experience slightly better recovery inbetween workouts than without it. I stayed the same weight, around 219-222, but I am noticely slimmer.

I give credit to the diet and the workouts plan more than to megaturk though. I was also taking DS ActivaTe but this combo is not worth half KA/AN done with famine/feast in my book. Neither price wise.

So I ordered 4 bottles of syntagen with KA, AN and BIU! for next real blueprint run :twisted:
Thanks for sharing, Canadian Colossus... :)

This is interesting feedback, as I haven't used MegaTurk nor the newest version of ActivaTe. I appreciate you giving Synthagen a chance. Given you'll also have KA, AN and BIU on hand you're certainly loaded for bear!

Curious to know how you plan to run each? This is going to be one killer log/feedback thread... :)

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:02 am
by bigpelo
RobRegish wrote: Curious to know how you plan to run each? This is going to be one killer log/feedback thread... :)
No time for log anymore :cry:

I plan on running 2 bottles of syntagen alone first with a 3.0 fashion run and then go for an all out run of KA/AN/BIU!/MPS. Not sure what kind of program I'll use though. I might give you a sign for a personalised plan :roll: That could be killer isn't it?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:23 am
by RobRegish
bigpelo wrote:
RobRegish wrote: Curious to know how you plan to run each? This is going to be one killer log/feedback thread... :)
No time for log anymore :cry:

I plan on running 2 bottles of syntagen alone first with a 3.0 fashion run and then go for an all out run of KA/AN/BIU!/MPS. Not sure what kind of program I'll use though. I might give you a sign for a personalised plan :roll: That could be killer isn't it?
Oh my, I hadn't even thought about that!

It would indeed... :)

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:54 am
by drtda
I have run True Turk twice. The first time was as part of 3.0 and I used it at a full dose with KA and AN. It definitely helped me with recovery as I had virtually no DOMS at all.

The second time I used it as a partial dose to augment a run I was testing for Rob with BP Meteoric. At this lower dose I didn't really notice much difference, but was only using it on workout days instead of every day.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:24 am
by austinb37
Thanks for all of the replies guys. From my own experience there seems to be a dose threshold that you need to hit in order to see results with a lot of these supplements. I really noticed this with KA and BIU. For example when I take 1 or 2 BIU I don't feel a thing at 3 or 4 pills I feel like I am on aderall and can crush any lift.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:18 am
by beefcake66
austinb37 wrote:Thanks for all of the replies guys. From my own experience there seems to be a dose threshold that you need to hit in order to see results with a lot of these supplements. I really noticed this with KA and BIU. For example when I take 1 or 2 BIU I don't feel a thing at 3 or 4 pills I feel like I am on aderall and can crush any lift.
lmao thats awesome if you like being that stimmed up :p

I have a ton of megaturk left at home for a run... I will probably attempt it with MPS once it arrives... but last time i took it I was getting some weird side effects. I think I was doing 3off/4on.
When the time comes I'll report in... could be a while though.