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SAMMM's Journal

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:18 am
by sammm
Personal stats:
Weight 147lbs on 27 feb
Height 178cm
Goals: Muscle Mass and Definition

My Famine Meal Plan:

DAY ONE ; 07 March 2011
Weight: 65.6kg
Resting Heartbeat: ???

DAY TWO ; 08 March 2011
Weight: ???
Resting Heartbeat: 66

DAY THREE ; 09 March 2011
Weight: 64.5kg
Resting Heartbeat: ???
Was not as hungry as the previous days.
I misunderstood Rob's famine plan, and i did 12 sets of supersets instead of the correct 4. Now i wonder is that going to affect me much or not.

DAY FOUR ; 10 March 2011
Weight: ???
Resting Heartbeat: ??? I forgot to take my RHB... I'll be sure to do it tomorrow.
its day 4.

I woke up at 6AM with sore triceps, chest muscle started to become slightly sore at 9AM.

Climbing one flight of stairs to my office elevates my heartbeat significantly.
I look at the mirror naked, and i was surprised how much stomach fat i can lose in one night, my abs are even more visible than yesterday.

My colleagues also commented that I look frail compared to the usual me.

1045AM I started to experience very slight headache for awhile and lack or concentration.

2:48 PM, my head is feeling weird, not really a headache, its something like my brain is tired...

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:20 am
by bigpelo
I would eat only one serving of the following: nuts, peanuts or beans. Surely not all three.

You want to stay below 30g of protein per day during famine.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:33 am
by sammm
bigpelo wrote:I would eat only one serving of the following: nuts, peanuts or beans. Surely not all three.

You want to stay below 30g of protein per day during famine.
Noted. Thanks.

Its 10.48pm now, and i'm feeling super hungry... i think its gonna be hard to fall alsleep.

I will be following this diet on day 2, is this okay guys?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:05 pm
by bigpelo
Ok for the 2nd famine day diet.

If you have a hard time falling asleep on an empty stomach, try eating less early morning and during the day and take your biggest meal 30-60 minutes before going to bed. Or, take a glass of warm milk before going to bed, watch for the protein total though...

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:07 pm
by sammm
Great, its day 3 today, i woke up today, looked at the mirror and i could really tell that the fats around my stomach are significantly reduced. Abs are more visible.

I was hungry 80% of the time during day 2, so i guess i am doing it right.

Still no change in resting heart beat, around 66 beats... is it suppose to be elevated by now?

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:43 pm
by dropthebeats
It's different for everyone. Day 4 was the day where everything changed for me. My heart rate spiked. And if you think you are hungry now, wait until tomorrow. Haha. Good luck.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:57 am
by sammm
Ok, so today was day 3 famine, i did the workout.

BUT i misunderstood rob's famine workout plan.
I ended up doing 12 sets of supersets instead of the correct 4 sets.
Sorry for being dumb, since i ended up doing 3 times more supersets, should i eat more or something to balance it?

And i'm getting a slight stabbing pain in upper right abdomen, happens for like 1min every 2hours. Hmmm i think it might be the sudden change of diet, the pain first started yesterday at meal 4 after eating raw carrots.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:23 am
by bigpelo
Do not eat more! you are setting a stronger alarm signal though. But you may be skipping the 3rd workout, depending on: your body weight decrease by 1lb/day or so, your rest heart rate is elevated by 8bpm since the average on preparation week, your mood, etc.

Hopefully, Rob would shim in and make it clear for you.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:13 am
by sammm
Thanks ok, i wont eat more.

I weighted myself:

I was 144.6 lbs on Famine Day 1.

Today, on Day 3, I am 142.2 lbs.

I was feeling slightly light headed at gym today. And also lack of concentration during gym.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:35 am
by bigpelo
sammm wrote:Thanks ok, i wont eat more.

I weighted myself:

I was 144.6 lbs on Famine Day 1.

Today, on Day 3, I am 142.2 lbs.

I was feeling slightly light headed at gym today. And also lack of concentration during gym.
so -2.4 lbs in 3 day + lack of concentration = everything normal so far

Do you take your rest heart rate? For me, it's the best indicator of my progression. On day 4 it can be +1 or 2 and then at day 5: BOOM! +8 ! Right on!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:55 pm
by sammm
its day 4.

I woke up at 6AM with sore triceps, chest muscle started to become slightly sore at 9AM. climbing one flight of stairs to my office elevates my heartbeat significantly.

My colleagues also commented that I look frail compared to the usual me.

At 1045AM I started to experience very slight headache for awhile and lack or concentration.

I updated the first post, pls take a look.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:21 pm
by RobRegish
OK STOP now.

You're there. HEALTH FIRST. Some of the objective diagnostics are already there. There are several others you undoubtly have too:

1.) Cursing the name "Rob Regish" frequently?
2.) Wondering how this whack job came up w/something that makes me weak/frail looking?

Those are all the right signs... :) Nice work. Train to Gainsville leaves the station tomorrow AM. Your assignment:

Destroy the local all you can eat buffet of your choice. I want a minimum one year ban from the establishment, no less. Ideally a lifetime ban but nothing less than 1 year.

Otherwise, you're going to "the camps". You don't even want to know what goes on there...

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:50 pm
by sammm
Yay, ok thanks Rob, however I'm unprepared for feasting today, did not stock up food and I'm stuck in my army camp, so i'm ordering some macdonalds delivery!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:54 pm
by dropthebeats
sammm wrote:Yay, ok thanks Rob, however I'm unprepared for feasting today, did not stock up food and I'm stuck in my army camp, so i'm ordering some macdonalds delivery!!!
McDonald's delivers? Time for America to get even more obese. But go ahead on eat it. I'm pretty sure Rob would say eat anything in sight those first 3 days.