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Went down in weight, what's going on?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:27 pm
by vangkm007
The past few week and a half I've added HIIT and yoga as active recovery exercises in between my lifting days.

For the HIIT I'm limited to my treadmill's top speed of 6 min/mile so I usually run 2 min at a slow speed and then run 1 min at the top speed. I warm up beforehand walking about 10 min. Afterwards I'll usually do a few ab workouts.

Alternatively I'll do an hour of yoga other days.

I haven't been eating any more calories than I was when I wasn't doing the active recovery workouts. I understand that I should lose a little weight but my concern is I went down 4 lbs in just about 5-7 days. I don't think it's water weight either...and I do look a little slimmer in the gut.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:51 am
by JML2011
Were you super active before starting the HIIT?

My thought is that it will go down a few pounds quickly initially, due to the changes and rapid increase in exercises. That will burn off some of the fat pretty quickly, and then it will cease.

So you lost 4 pounds in a week... but what about after that... see how it does. You will probably only lose like 1 or 2 the next week or so.

IMO it might just be the initial shock of a new "routine". I would give it time to see how it plays out.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:20 am
by Big.jazayrli
if you lost 4 lbs in a week its definitely water weight

it would take a huge calorie deficit and some sort of voodoo to drop 4lbs of BF in a week

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:02 pm
by vangkm007
JML2011 wrote: IMO it might just be the initial shock of a new "routine". I would give it time to see how it plays out.
I guess I'll see if this keeps up if I lose any strength.
Big.jazayrli wrote:if you lost 4 lbs in a week its definitely water weight

it would take a huge calorie deficit and some sort of voodoo to drop 4lbs of BF in a week
That's what I initially thought too but why would I lose water weight if I am well hydrated and have been working out for a while already?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:17 pm
by JML2011
vangkm007 wrote: That's what I initially thought too but why would I lose water weight if I am well hydrated and have been working out for a while already?
Because although you are hydrated and have been working out, you are probably working out harder, and sweating more.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:58 am
by Hank!
I can literally fluctaute 3-9 lbs in a week

The scale is craazy and imo not the best tool for measuring success

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:28 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Hank! wrote:I can literally fluctaute 3-9 lbs in a week

The scale is craazy and imo not the best tool for measuring success
<-- I put on 14lbs in the night after my weigh in before my meet

trust and believe weight can fluctuate ALOT based on several different factors

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:15 pm
by seasoned
1 hour of squats burns, if you weigh 200lbs, abdout 1152calories!
A pound of fat apparently has about 3200calories
So you COULD lose over 2 pounds a week just from that kind of exercise.

Personally, I weigh almost exactly 3 pounds more at night than the morning. SO, if you weighed yourself at night, and again a week later in the morning, losing over 5 pounds IS VERY reasonable!

For women, they say about 3.5lbs/week is safe.
For men, they say about 7lbs/week is safe.

That doesn't even take into account the 3 pounds I noted. I'm male, so let's say a male could lose 10lbs in a week. Realize that that 3lbs is weight you WILL gain back that day. Some of it may be undigested food, some water, etc... But you can test this out YOURSELF! Go to the restroom,etc... before you go to sleep. Weigh yourself. Go to the restroom,etc... just after you wake up. Weigh yourself. Note the difference.

Geez, you are doing ALL you can to lose weight, though 6mph IS slow, and then are shocked when you DO? I'm shocked when I DON'T! Just hiit, with no change in diet, will cause you to lose fat or at least not gain as fast. COUNT ON IT!

BTW 6mph isn't even what I would call running. It is a fast walk or jog. The average walking speed is about 3.5mph. Many people probably run close to 12mph(about 5 minutes per mile). 6mph, if you weigh about 200lbs is 931 calories an hour. Hiit is supposed to raise your metabolism, which means MORE calories burned.


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:49 pm
by Hank!
I love Hiit

last week my total run time was like 12 minutes yet I burned about 650 calories for the entire workout duration

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:07 pm
by seasoned
Hank! wrote:I love Hiit

last week my total run time was like 12 minutes yet I burned about 650 calories for the entire workout duration
Still, in about an hour that would be enough to burn a pound of fat in a week. And the 650 was DURING your workout, how long was your metabolism raised, etc...


Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:15 am
by Hank!
seasoned wrote:
Hank! wrote:I love Hiit

last week my total run time was like 12 minutes yet I burned about 650 calories for the entire workout duration
Still, in about an hour that would be enough to burn a pound of fat in a week. And the 650 was DURING your workout, how long was your metabolism raised, etc...

I took off my HRM right after workout, but after my shower i was still sweating to the point where it was dripping off my head. I would say i settled down about 45-60 minutes later

my cycle was 45sec work 90sec rest max hr hit 172 my non work HR stayed around 128-133 after the 1st three sprints
