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Static Holds: A Cautionary Tale

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:41 am
by the_buffer
Back in early Feb. I was doing close-grip press static holds, obviously with a lot of weight, and due to my wrist not being properly supported I wound up developing an extremely painful ganglion in my wrist.

I was put on strong anti-inflammatory meds for a couple of weeks which did not help the problem, and now it looks like I will have to undergo surgery sometime this summer to remove it which will make me unable to do lifting of any kind for several weeks while it heals.

Moral of the story: Make sure to have proper wrist support when lifting heavy!

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:33 pm
by DaCookie
I wear gloves or straps, always have and always will.Only movement that has ever effected me was barbell bicep curls so I use EZ bar now for that and over 2years ago when I started out push ups did the wrists in as well.

Cheers for the warning, hope you have a speedy recovery