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Feast: number of days between workouts

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:13 pm
by german129
I'm sure this has been asked a lot but i cant find a straight answer to this. I think i read that rob says for the first 5 days of feast the workout schedule should be 1 on 2 off. Well all the deadlifting the first day killed my hamstrings so i am wondering if i should continue with the workout with only 2 days rest even though the soreness might affect my performance or take an extra day off???

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:18 pm
by vangkm007
I believe the mantra is to "listen to your body". If you're too sore then simply don't, it may do more damage than help. Try active recovery exercises if you haven't already, it will help decrease soreness, also adding BCAA's and glutamine will help reduce soreness.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:36 am
by ckeahey76
Listen to your body!!!! If your body says that you need to take that extra day then do it. On the first 5 workouts, I do back to back... would not suggest doing this for most people. I usually have a quick recovery so able to pull it off. On the regular workouts I do monday upper body, tuesday lower body, wed hiit, thursday upper body, friday lower body, and weekend rest from all workouts and supps (except protein and fish oil).

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:50 pm
by german129
thanks for the quick responses. I guess i will wait the extra day and load up on protein and BCAA's.