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Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:06 pm
by kbyram
Ive read the forum and Ive read the BP start to end and still feel lost.

In the past ive done the pre, intra, post drinks with bcaas, protein, creatine etc. But looking at this guide there seems to be so much more to drinks now. I feel between the formula and other supps there is more than a normal workout ever needed.

But to the questions, the BP outlines somewhat the things that we will need. Is there a list somewhere of exactly what is needed to put in the formula and where to buy it as well as the different types of supps? Ive spent the past 2 hours researching supps and am still confused. Im not sure where to buy from or even what exactly to look for. It seems like as soon as one thing is outlined it is then moving on to tell you of other things to use in its place but that has confused me more.

Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:31 pm
by JML2011
First, welcome aboard!

Second, Its great that you have read it front to back! Some forget to do that before they have any questions :P

My suggestion is this....

Read through it a few more times.. yes its tedious, but it helps. I was confused after reading it the first time. Its a lot to take in.

The second time I took notes as I went through... 'ok, heres what i need for this part, heres what i need here, etc'

then i read it again to check and see if i got everything :)

That week off is a good time to get all that sorted out, resting from training so that you are prepped and ready to go when famine comes a knockin.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:26 pm
by kbyram
I understand the whole this is when you change eating habits or what workouts to do. Im having problems with the simpliest thing lol

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:32 pm
by JML2011
as far as what to buy and where to buy it?

Well it depends on what you are using, first off.

If you are going by the BP, then if its things are you looking for from there, a lot of it you can get on the website for mass.

What specifically where you looking for?

Sorry if I miss understood you earlier.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:18 pm
by kbyram
Im just used to using and most the stuff isnt on there. I didnt state my question very well in first post.

Im not going to take everything off of the BP that it says to take since there is no way I can afford everything nor get it all here.

I saw that MASS has most the stuff but is there other brands that work as well? For Amino Acids in the past Ive only got experience with PW and was about to buy the ON amino energy. When it comes to supps i have very little knowledge other then protein and creatine.

I believe what I need to buy is:
Gamma GH
BCAA - Is there any ones that I should look for other then the MASS?
Protein - I believe in the formula it said you could use a specific ON protein?
Kre-anabolyn - There is the MASS and Ive also seen a lot of talk about the bols. Not sure what the difference here really is.
Ingredients for the forumla Im having problems finding also.

Biggest problem is just finding the brands that I need for these to make sure I get the right stuff. Ive only ever bought from one website so I dont know if there are other ones to look at instead.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:34 pm
by JML2011
kbyram wrote: I believe what I need to buy is:
Gamma GH
BCAA - Is there any ones that I should look for other then the MASS?
Protein - I believe in the formula it said you could use a specific ON protein?
Kre-anabolyn - There is the MASS and Ive also seen a lot of talk about the bols. Not sure what the difference here really is.
Ingredients for the forumla Im having problems finding also.

Biggest problem is just finding the brands that I need for these to make sure I get the right stuff. Ive only ever bought from one website so I dont know if there are other ones to look at instead.
You can get a lot of that on MASS. To be completely honest, I was skeptical at first, as most are, because its a place you arent used to. its something different. Its not lol. But after havin nearly completed my first run, I can honestly say I am impressed with the MASS products I bought.

Personally, I use the MASSPro for my workout drink, and I love it. I also use ON protein in the evenings, as a little extra boost of protein before bed.

I also use the MassPro Amino and KA.

Everything else I believe I got at

As far as the formula...

Send RobRegish a pm with the date you purchased the BP and what name. He will send along the info for the formula so that you know exactly whats in it :) You can find it around here, if you search hard. but it was tweaked a little i believe so some of the older arrangements of it on here may not be completely correct.
Rob is always your best bet :)

I unfortunately wont share it with ya for specific reasons, mostly my own investment protection :)

Hope you understand.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:42 pm
by kbyram
I have the formula in my email. I just cant find a couple of the things i need. I found gelcaps but now powders

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:42 pm
by JML2011
powder of what kind?

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:00 pm
by dropthebeats
kbyram wrote:I have the formula in my email. I just cant find a couple of the things i need. I found gelcaps but now powders
I'm guessing you are trying to find Pure Karbolyn. It's made by Professional Supplements. If you do a Google search, you will have no problem finding it.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:03 am
by JML2011
karbolyn is on bb as well.

everything for the formula can be found on the or masspro.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:32 am
by kbyram
yea Ill have to go back and look again. If you guys say its there I must be missing it

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:02 pm
by kbyram
Is it normal for it to cost roughly $200 for the items to make the formula alone? Then its goin to cost me another ~200 to get the items i need while running the BP

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:34 pm
by JML2011
I got the BP Stack on Mass, which is like 168 i think. And then I got everything else on BB for about 100.

This is quite a bit, but i think well worth it. several components last for more than 1 run, so you wont have to buy some of the stuff for the second run, maybe even into the third.

the pure karbolyn was just enough for 1 run for me, so i had to buy that again. i use the formula quite a bit though, as I use it on all workout days. If you only use it on days that you do your main lifts, aka bench and squat, then it will last longer.

The KA is something that you will have to buy each run, unless you buy the 3 pack i believe... not sure on that one. depends on your use.

hope that helps.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:10 pm
by the_buffer
Hey man,

For the formula, I've found a couple ways to cheapen the blow:
-instead of Pure Karbolyn you can try sci-fit Karbo-lyn which is essentially the same thing only less expensive.
-another option if you want to save further is to use waxy maize, but make sure it's amylopectin
-Leucine can be pretty cheap as with creatine monhoydrate especially in bulk
-As for hydrowhey, when I want to save money I use 1/2 hydrowhey and 1/2 whey blend

As for the other supplements, you have a couple of choices:
-Mass Blueprint stack for $168 covers you for all the adaptogens, T-boosters and BCAAs you would need for a run.

The only other adaptogen I've seen Rob approve of is e-bol which can then be stacked with tbol trib or bioforge. If you're looking to go that route your best bet might be to do a search on: to get the best prices

Also if you go that way, you may want to buy either x-tend or some other BCAA product (the cheapest might be a simple BCAA powder with crystal light).