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Feast Program Spreadsheet Template

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:42 am
by skia123
Hello to all from sunny Greece!

I have prepared my template for the full feast training in excel and word format.
The program is done based on my needs (need comments if it is correct) but you can feel free to edit it (play with the formulas if you know basic excel) according to your needs.
I dont have any other way but to upload it to rapidshare.!download|64cg2| ... ast.rar|74
Also in google (doesnt appear nice) here only GLP1 ... 1rAI#gid=1
If you like my template a plain Thanks is enough
I hope you enjoy it.
When Rob is back?I need the formula.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:55 am
by Hank!

Fantastic work, this is something I would have loved on my 1st run.
Very generous for you to share

This will probably get stickied once the mods are back

I appreciate very much !!


Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:14 am
by skia123
Happy to help!
What is your opinion on the half EDTs? I wanted to do 2 full EDT but in order to train more parts but not overtrain i divided the final in to 2 smaller

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:27 pm
by Hank!
I see you have EDT tucked in with Famine, I wouldnt do them until in feast (after the GLP) or cruise

my 2 cents

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:34 pm
skia123 wrote:Happy to help!
What is your opinion on the half EDTs? I wanted to do 2 full EDT but in order to train more parts but not overtrain i divided the final in to 2 smaller
If you are referring to the half EDTs of shoulder presses, chin ups, and dips - I like it. I am also playing around with my first run. On my upper day, I do Bench Press and then go into EDT block weighted Dips/Pullups, then short warm up sets into static holds of Smith/Hammer shoulder press and Biceps curl.

I noticed you left out an EDT for lower body. I threw in a combo of SLDL/RDL with leg extensions. Ending with static holds for abs and calves. Why not throw in a static hold for the calf monkeys?

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:30 am
by skia123
Thx for the replies
In the Glp excel (should be named to feast 5-15+) sheet there are 2 tabs Glp for the 1st part of the train and the Edts for the 2nd part of the program.
Edt for legs is Legpress -SS- Deadlifts.

If you talk about i dont do a 2nd Edt in legs Rob suggested that 1 Edt is enough.If more needed you can add more lines in my program using the formulas accordingly!

Famine + Feast 1-5 is not Edt but the cells are divided in such way in order to be used if printed for 2-4 runs (you print it once and use it for multiple BP runs) and have a check what you have played the last time.
You think it would be a good idea to avoid Feast 1-5 and start immediately the GLP program?
Calves will aslo be added in my routine!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:03 am
Well, I was talking about there not really being an EDT "block" on your lower body day. The EDT blocks usually contain antagonistic body parts "super-setted" for 20 minutes or less. You are doing leg press which can be focused on the hams a bit more, but you need to place your feet really high on the platform. Both Press and Dead lift will still hit a ton of your quads though. And, if you are doing your leg presses for focus on the hams - I would do that exercise AFTER dead lift. Dead Lift is an extremely compound lift and I would want to be as strong as I could be during the movement. The GLP program is geared toward growing the 3 main lifts : Bench, Squat, or Dead Lift.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:59 am
by skia123
Ok i ll put deadlifts 1st.
Apart from this what do you recommend as a lower EDT?
My leg press is really high uses mostly the back of the leg.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:55 am
I believe a good compliment to that would be a nice slow extension focusing on the bottom of the movement and maximally stretching the quad. Maybe someone else can recommend a better one. But, both the Leg Press and extension should not be taken to failure early on in the sets. So it should be a weight that you can handle comfortably for your 6 reps.