1st Run of Blueprint

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1st Run of Blueprint

Post by jasmatt49 »

Starting Round 1 of BP on Monday. Looking for some support as this whole diet(mainly famine) thing is very new to me. I try to eat healthy but the calorie cutting is out of the norm for me. I will be running ebol, cbol creatine, and tbol trib . Any suggestions on Supp schedule will be appreciated.I am currently 184lbs and my resting HR is 55.
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Post by beefcake66 »

I think for famine the general rule of thumb for supps is keep it to the bare minimum - multivitamins, fish oil. No adaptogens, t boosters, creatine, etc. Lecithin granules are suggested....

Famine diet tips from me... eat lots of fibrous veggies and absolutely no meat/protein powder lol

Just get through that part and I'm sure someone else will come along with a dosing scheme for your other supps :)
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Post by jasmatt49 »

Thanks for the Info. I'm going try to keep my protein intake at a minimum on Famine. For protein I plan on sticking with mostly nuts, and an occasional yogurt. As for supps on the famine, Im only going to take the multi vitastack. This contains fish oil also. Ive got the dosing recommendations for ebol, so im mostly looking for ideas about the cbol creatine and tbol trib.
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Post by jasmatt49 »

Starting the 1st day of famine. I'm keeping track of my calorie intake and will post all the details tonight after my workout.
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Post by thepaul7 »

Good luck on your run!

Couple tips to make it more bearable: Save the majority of your calories until nigh time and metamucil works wonders to keep you full. I always took a serving before bed and it kept the hunger away.
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Post by jasmatt49 »

I'm trying to space my food intake out throughout the day. Just now through my 2nd meal. Im going to eat 1 more time before my workout and then save the rest for my calories tonight. Going out to eat with the family so I plan to pig out on salad w/o dressing. Thats going to suck.
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Post by jasmatt49 »

Day 1 of famine is in the books. My RHR this morning was 58 and my weight was 180
Here are the foods that I ate- I munched throughout the day with no particular meal schedule.

Multi and fish oil tabs
-cup of grapefruit juice(200 cals)
-powdered greens(2 servings-100cals)
-orange 87 cals
-1/4 of almonds(135 cals
-cup of rasberries(65 cals)
-broccoli(30 cals)
-cup of pineapple(83 cals)
-baked sweet potato(140 cals)
-cup of carrots(50 cals)
-salad w/light dressing(275 cals
-grilled chicken(had a week moment-130 cals)
-green tea (80 cals)

Total 1475
Hope to keep my diet free of any animal protein (other than dairy) from here on out. I will outline my lifts in just a bit. I cant wait to feast! Im fairly lean already so this is killing me!
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Post by jasmatt49 »

The Workout
Disclaimer-my legs are WEAK

Leg press(Close,High on the platform) 270x6
supersetted w/one arm dumbell rows
Close grip cable rows 190x6
supersetted with wide grip pullups
Standing preacher curls
dumbell hammer curls
reverse grip dumbell curls

I was very fatigued at the end, my guess is due to the lack of protein. I didnt eat the chicken until afterwards. The strength that Ive built was still there but felt like a beginner w/ the amount of fatigue that I felt. Looking forward to Wed workout. With the help of Rob I hope to be able to tell after this workout if I'll need to continue this phase. Im a bit of an ectomorph, even though my weight usually stays above 180(im 6 ft), so this stage stinks! But I trust that its for the greater good!
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Post by jasmatt49 »

Day 2 is in the books. This morning my resting Heart rate was 67 up from 58 on day 2. Im starting to really feel the Alarm state. Here was my diet from day 2.
multi +fish oil
FRS drink (25cals and loaded with quercetin)
1 banana-100 cals
1 1/2 cup of pineapple(100 cals approx)
1/4 cup of almonds(135 cals)
1 sweet potato(140 cals)
green tea 100 cals
greens powdered drink(50 cals)
1 banana(100 cals)
cup of peanuts 200 cals
1 cliff bar 250 cals

Approx 1200 cals
I went lower with my cals on day 2 and I can really tell. My workout today(day 3) is going to be hell.
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Post by jasmatt49 »

RHR on day 4 is 65
The workout Day #3 of Famine

Flat barbell bench-205x8
ss/w bb shoulder press 55x8

Decline barbell bench-205x8
ss/w bb shoulder press-55x8

Decline closegrip bench-185-10
ss/w bbshoulder press-50x8

Incline Bench-135x10
ss/w bbshoulder press 50x8

skull crushers
cable pulldowns

I was absolutely toast after this workout. Cant wait to start eating real food.
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Post by jasmatt49 »

Day 5 RHR is 67

I made the executive decision last night to go ahead and start the feast today. Last night I went ahead and did workout #3 of famine.


Squat 135x12
One arm DB rows 80x12

squat 135x12
One arm DB rows 80x12

Squat 135x12
One arm DB rows 80x12

Preacher Curls 60lbs
hammer curls 35lbs
reverse db curls 35lbs

Absolutely Worn out! Not used to all this rest between workouts But I'll rest FR through Sun to prepare for the first Feast Workout.
I Started the Ebol and tbol trib before first meal this morning.

First Meal
-Egg Protein shake
-1 1/2 of oatmeal
-Green Powdered drink
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Post by jasmatt49 »

Okay, I know this thread is not getting much response but I'm going to keep this going just so I can keep track of my progress better.
3 days into my feast and my weight is already back up to 185, which is 3 lbs heavier than my start.
On the Bol stack-ebol,cbol creatine,tbol trib
FEAST workout #1-

Bench Press 225x8
DB Pullovers 75x8

Squat 205x10
Straight leg Dead Lift 225x10

rest 10 min

EDT blocks 5 sets- Reps 6,6,5,4,3
Incline DB bench 80lbs
Tbar Rows 200

Romanian Deadlift 225lbs
Leg Press 270lbs

Static crunches absolutely killed me!

I now understand why the 2 days rest between workouts are needed. My body is absolutely SMOKED! Very sore this morning (day after). I may play pickup basketball tonight, but im not touching weight until Thurs.
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Post by RobRegish »

"I made the executive decision last night to go ahead and start the feast today. Last night I went ahead and did workout #3 of famine....."

Damn fine decision making my man..

"I now understand why the 2 days rest between workouts are needed. My body is absolutely SMOKED!"

That same sweeheart of a body won't lie to you either. Listen to her and hold on tight.

Women like that are hard to find...
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Post by jasmatt49 »

Finally back on, hard enough trying to eat, eat, eat and workout with 2 small kids so Ive let my log on here lapse a little. Weight is up around 4lbs. Honestlly I dont feel like Im eating a lot more than I normally do just taking in more proteing between meals. Im 6ft and now around 188

Just a day removed from doing GLP#1 my 1RM is 285 on Bench press.

Last set was rouqh.

EDT sets went as follows.
#1 Pullovers 75 for 6,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,4
Bent over BB rows 155 for " " " "

#2 Close Grip BP 155 for " " " " "
DB standing shoulder press 55 for " " " "

Decline Bench Static hold for 13 sec
Cable crunch static hold for 15 sec

Now rest with legs to come next
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