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vangkm007's BP journal w/prog pics *new pics 4/10

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:39 pm
by vangkm007
I will try to take monthly pics for comparison.

Started The Blueprint over winter break from school (January). Got through the famine phase just fine and started the feast phase.


LG Sciences Ghenerate
LG Sciences I-GH-1
LG Sciences Substerone
(using LG Sciences cause I got a great deal on them, no particular brand favoring yet for GH or ecdysterone, next go around I'll try Kre-Anabolyn)
Super Cissus RX
Orange Triad
Fish Oil
Calcium +
sometimes GABA
Yohimbine HCL

Just finished up the first German loading pattern and started on the second one.

Before I started (160 lbs):

After 1 month of The Blueprint (175 lbs):




Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:42 pm
by vangkm007
I didn't keep track during the famine phase nor the most of the first German loading pattern 1, here's the first day I started keeping track:

Jan 30th

Decided maybe I should start a journal on here to track my progress?

#s for today's workout:

Bench: 135 X 10 --- 200 x 8 --- 215 x 6 --- 235 x 4 --- 250 x 2
superset with dumbbell pullovers each set: 75 x 6

Squat: 175 x 10 --- 260 x 8 --- 285 x 6 --- 305 x 4 --- 325 x 2
superset with half movement deadlift via dumbbells: 150 x 8

Shoulder/Military Press: 75 x 10 --- 130 x 6 --- 150 x 2
superset with dumbbell shrugs: 150 x 8

Power Cleans: 75 x 10 --- 130 x 6 --- 150 x 2
superset with weighted wide grip pullups: bodyweight + 25 lbs x 6

Felt good throughout workout, had no problems hitting all my reps. Good workout day today.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:43 pm
by vangkm007
A few days later on the 2nd of Feb I had my last German loading pattern 1 workout and set some new 1 rep maxes:

Set a bunch of new 1RM's today!

bench: 280
squat: 365
military/shoulder press: 165
cleans: 165

Bench: 135 x 10 --- 170 x 5 --- 200 x 3 --- 225 x 1 --- 250 x 1 --- 280 x 1
superset w/dumbbell pullovers 75 lbs x 6 per set

Squat: 175 x 10 --- 220 x 5 --- 260 x 3 --- 295 x 1 --- 330 x 1 --- 365 x 1
superset w/dimmel deadlifts 150 x 8 per set

Shoulder press: 85 x 10 --- 120 x 3 --- 165 x 1
superset w/shoulder shrugs 150 x 8 per set

Cleans: 85 x 10 --- 120 x 3 --- 165 x 1
superset w/weighted wide grip pullups 25 x 6 per set

Wasn't exactly a great workout, I didn't feel awesome throughout but hit all my lifts without trying too hard except for the bench was kinda tough...5 more lbs and I would've failed, lol. Could be because I've had a few knots in my back for almost a week now and they're really bothering me especially when stretched during lifts.

Here's a photo of the day after (screenshot taken by my GF while we were on webcam together). This shirt used to fit me, but now it's really tight!


Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:43 pm
by vangkm007
The previous evening I did Yoga for the first time in months. Felt good and reminded me of why I love Yoga, however I was not happy since I've lost a lot of flexibility and balance!

Today's workout:

4 sets X 5 reps

Bench --- 195
superset w/dumbbell pullovers 75

Squat --- 255
superset w/dumbbell dimmel deadlifts 150

Cleans --- 115
superset w/weighted wide grip pullups 25

Military Press --- 115
superset w/dumbbell shoulder shrugs 150

Hit all my reps easily today and alternated grip widths throughout with all lifts except the cleans.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:36 pm
by jox51
Nice, Keep it up. :-)

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:06 pm
by vangkm007
jox51 wrote:Nice, Keep it up. :-)
Thanks! I haven't felt this motivated in a long time, all thanks to the gains I made via The Blueprint!

Yesterday I did some HIIT on the treadmill...not really HIIT as the fastest speed is only 6 minutes per mile.

Today was German loading pattern #2 workout 3

Great workout today!

All lifts 4 sets X 5 reps

Bench --- 225 w/dumbbell pullovers 75 --- two sets wide grip, two sets close grip

Squat --- 295 w/dumbbell dimmel deadlifts 150 --- two sets wide stance, two sets narrow stance

Cleans --- 135 w/weighted wide grip pullups

Military Press --- 135 w/dumbbell shoulder shrugs 75 --- two sets wide grip, two sets close grip

Felt great afterwards, HUGE pump today! Arms feel massive.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:46 pm
by vangkm007
Skipped my workout last night. I was just way too tired and still had a lot of soreness in my legs especially. Thought one day off would give me a good boost and it did. Today's workout was great.

All lifts 4 sets X 6 reps

Bench --- 195 superset w/dumbbell pullovers 75

Squat --- 255 superset w/dumbbell dimmel deadlifts 150

Cleans --- 115 superset w/weighted wide grip pullups

Military Press --- 115 superset w/dumbbell shoulder shrugs 150

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:51 pm
by vangkm007
Internet has been down for two days...this is yesterday's workout...the day before I did 1 hour of yoga and today ran some intervals

#s for yesterday's workout:

All lifts 4 sets X 5 reps

Bench --- 225 superset w/dumbbell pullovers 75

Squat --- 295 superset w/dumbbell dimmel deadlifts 75

Cleans --- 135 superset w/weighted wide grip pullups

Military Press --- 135 superset w/dumbbell shoulder shrugs 75

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:42 pm
by ckeahey76
Keep up the good work, you can def see a difference in your shoulders and arms, and chest. Keep doing the yoga, what style do you do? My wife keeps trying to get me into one of those heated yoga classes where they induce a lot of humidity and set the temp to 95 to 100 degrees. I am not ready for that class, yet. 8)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:49 pm
by vangkm007
ckeahey76 wrote:Keep up the good work, you can def see a difference in your shoulders and arms, and chest. Keep doing the yoga, what style do you do? My wife keeps trying to get me into one of those heated yoga classes where they induce a lot of humidity and set the temp to 95 to 100 degrees. I am not ready for that class, yet. 8)
Thanks, my motivation has never been higher than it is now since I've seen such amazing results on this program.

I'm new to yoga but I love the way it makes my body feel. So far I've only done DVDs but I'm trying to get into the yoga class at my university next semester. I think I wouldn't mind the heated yoga at all, my muscles seem to work waayy better when it's very hot outside. The yoga I've been doing is the P90X one, I got the DVDs as a gift but I didn't really like any of the workouts and I never used a workout tape in my life. I was looking to increase my flexibility to decrease injuries so I decided to try the yoga out. I loved it the first day.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:48 pm
by vangkm007
Wasn't feeling too pumped today, not sure what it was. Managed to go through the whole workout still.

#s for today's workout:

All lifts 4 sets X 6 reps

Bench --- 210 superset w/dumbbell pullovers 75

Squat --- 275 superset w/dumbbell dimmel deadlifts 75

Cleans --- 105 superset w/weighted wide grip pullups

Military Press --- 105 superset w/dumbbell shoulder shrugs 75

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:26 am
by ckeahey76
The P90 X yoga is pretty good, really good for a beginner(like myself), on up to a seasoned pro (like my wife). The heated yoga class is, from what my wife says, really good. There are some pro football players (Cowboys) who take the class as well, my wife says they come in and just fling sweat everywhere.

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:54 pm
by vangkm007
ckeahey76 wrote:The P90 X yoga is pretty good, really good for a beginner(like myself), on up to a seasoned pro (like my wife). The heated yoga class is, from what my wife says, really good. There are some pro football players (Cowboys) who take the class as well, my wife says they come in and just fling sweat everywhere.
Yoga has definitely helped me out since I've started, less injuries and my athleticism has definitely increased!

Felt awesome today! Must've been in part due to the great massage I got yesterday. Unfortunately had to split the last two sets of my bench to: 4 reps, rest 1 min, final rep.

#s for today's workout:

All lifts 4 sets X 5 reps

Bench --- 240 superset w/dumbbell pullovers 75

Squat --- 310 superset w/dumbbell dimmel deadlifts 75

Cleans --- 140 superset w/weighted wide grip pullups

Military Press --- 140 superset w/dumbbell shoulder shrugs 75

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:13 am
by vangkm007
Good workout yesterday, light compared to the previous one. Next workout is going to be killer though!

#s for today's workout:

All lifts 4 sets X 5 reps

Bench --- 210 superset w/dumbbell pullovers 75

Squat --- 275 superset w/dumbbell dimmel deadlifts 75

Cleans --- 120 superset w/weighted wide grip pullups

Military Press --- 120 superset w/dumbbell shoulder shrugs 75