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Another Australian joins the party

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:09 am
by rookie_mistake
Just purchased the BP 2.0 today and have already quickly read over it, along with a couple of the introductory stickies on the forum.

It seems like a lot of information to comprehend, and to understand. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions after I read it for a second, and a third time over the next few days. I hope to understand it thoroughly enough to plan myself a layout, and hopefully start my first trial in late february.


So now I have read the PDF a couple times, along with the large amount of information presented in the forums, and I have my BP run all sorted. I will be doing a bench and squat run to begin with.

The famine is simply enough to understand. Using the maths listed in the BP, i will be consuming 1400 calories from fruits and vegies during this stage.

The feast is when i will begin taking E bol, i'll be taking 4 one day, 5 the next, and repeat etc. That will see my 150 tablets last the duration of the feast. During the feast, I will also be using a stack from Driven Sports, consisting of Triazole + Actvate Xtreme.
During the FEAST, i will be consuming 2500 calories. Seems a little low, so i'll judge it when it comes around. I will probably do a 50/25/25 diet. I usually am not the biggest fan of carbs, I find i store too much fat.

My EDT blocks on the first 5 workouts will be incline DB/ one arm DB rows with Stiff leg DL's and Machine hack squats.

During the german loading principle, i will be completing 2 EDT for upper (if i feel like my body can handle it on the day), and one EDT for the lower days.

the Upper edt will be the following
1) Decline bench/ barbell rows
2)preacher curls/ skull crushers

and on the lower days it will be
1)Stiff leg DL/ hack squat machine
2)IF i feel like i could do a second leg EDT exercise, i will do ham curls/leg ext. I will judge this by how I feel on each day.

The cruise stage is also simple enough to understand, i'll be doing exactly as the BP says. I'll be consuming about 1800 - 2000 calories. I will also discontinue the use of EBOL, triazole, and activate xtreme.

I am looking forward to it.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:44 pm
by Hank!
More shrimp on the barbie!
Welcome to our little asylum

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:13 am
by rookie_mistake
edited my OP to include my plan. I would love some feedback etc

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:50 am
by Hank!
What do you weigh, and what is the goal of this run? Size? Strength?, a Cut?

Looks like you're got the plan l;aid out, one recommendation is for the 1st week or so of feast it is important to overfeed, Like 12-15x body weight. Your body will use this and youll be set up for big gains out of the gate


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:59 am
by rookie_mistake
Hank! wrote:What do you weigh, and what is the goal of this run? Size? Strength?, a Cut?

Looks like you're got the plan l;aid out, one recommendation is for the 1st week or so of feast it is important to overfeed, Like 12-15x body weight. Your body will use this and youll be set up for big gains out of the gate

I'm following a CKD diet atm, so when depleted I weigh about 175lbs. After a carb up day, I can push 182lbs lol. I'll have a week off prior to this, to ensure I have recovered, and that's when i'll record my initial weight.

The goal of the run - primarily size, then strength.
I lift purely for the aesthetic reasons, however I am also focusing on strength. In late november, i became very sick for about 10 weeks. So i'm only JUST getting back into lifting weights (the past 3 weeks). I'd love to regain some of that strength I had prior to falling sick

In regards to the bolded bit, i like the sound of that. That would be roughly 2700 - 2800 calories or so. What do you think of the supps I have added? Would you recommend I drop these in the cruise phase?

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:17 am
by MSR9889
for your first run, id use as few supps as possible. try one run with just ebol then youre next run add something else like the AX/T. or run the AX/T alone, and then combine them with ebol for youre 3rd run possibly.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:35 am
by Hank!

Rob is probably going to say that at least while in feast on workout days to keep carbs up around 35-40% of your caloric intake . The peri workout formula he recommends is carb loaded, with good reason as the spike in carbs(insulin) will help shuttle nutrients quickly into depleted muscle. From experience you will see a difference in pumps, performance and recovery time.
Quick recovery = more workouts = strength

As for the supps, feast is where youll take your ecdy and other adaptogens. In cruise you can continue to run your other supps. However since time off should equal time on you may be better off stopping the Triazole and Activate so that come next feast youll be able to use them (or other test boosters) again.

my 2 cents

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:57 pm
by rookie_mistake
Thanks for the above, i have taken your thoughts on board.

Here are my before stats

height: 182cm/ 5 foot 11
weight 81kgs/ 178lbs.
Bodyfat - From a 4 point calipers - 14%. From an OMRON body scale - 16%

1 max bench- 90kg / 198lbs
1 max squat - 110kg / 242 lbs

Right now, I am in the middle of my one week break from gym before i begin the first stage.
On another note, i will be following a dieting method called 'lean gains'. It's basically a fasted state for 16 hours, followed by an eating window usually consisting of 3 or 4 meals for 8 hours.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:57 pm
by Street-dreams
the diet your describing sounds like Intermittent fasting or the warrior diet

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:59 pm
by rookie_mistake
Street-dreams wrote:the diet your describing sounds like Intermittent fasting or the warrior diet
Yeah, it's simply another version of intermittent fasting. I find it suits my lifestyle much better.

If anyone is curious, feel free to check out at

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:03 pm
by rookie_mistake
my order of supps from the states to australia still hasn't arrived, and i'm getting a bit nervous about it. It might delay my first run of the blueprint. Heres hoping for it to arrive either tomorrow or the day after

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:49 am
by rookie_mistake
I'm not going to be completing a detailed log. I'll just update how i go, and list any significant gains in lifts or weights.
Today was famine workout 1, and it went quick but it was tough.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:13 pm
by rookie_mistake
2nd day of famine was very easy, only due to the fact that i was out of the home between 7 and 5 and only took fruit with me. Now i'm on the morning of day 3 and am really looking forward to the chest/tri/shoulder workout

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:30 pm
by rookie_mistake
Day four of the famine was tough! I kept it at 1500 calories, although it wasn't only from fruit/vege sources. I had some yoghurt + oats for breakfast. Right now, it's the morning of famine day 5. Each morning i've been weighing myself, and i haven't dropped the numbers that i expected to. My weight has been fluctuating each morning, ranging from -1lb to +1lb. Is this an indication i may have done something incorrect?