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shoulder popping question

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:33 pm
by islandboy90
my last workout I noticed while doing bench press the front of my left shoulder pops a little bit
happens when i'm down with barbell by my chest
doesnt hurt
i've noticed it every now and then since i first began working out and assumed it was poor stretching or flexability
although it seems to be doing it everytime now
want to make sure i'm not injuring myself, or if there is some sort of stretching i should do if someone else has experienced this?

i've researched it on other forums but never found a solid answer, seems most other posts are about the back of the shoulder

I usually do a bit of stretching before working out, but maybe i'm not doing enough warm up sets?


Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:05 pm
by islandboy90
I feel it (not as much of an intense pop) whenever my I lift my arm so that my elbow is in line with my shoulder
it feels like it may be a ligament or something popping..

i'm starting to notice it alot more now

based off what i've researched i'm thinking it may be in my best interest to take some time off and stretch it or something before I hurt myself.
somethings definatly seems out of line..
looking into rotator cuff stretching

what would be recommended?
as far as time off, if I should start BP over after taking a break or just resume, any specific stretching?

thanks alot ahead

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:18 pm
by islandboy90
thinking it's my rotator cuff
doing some exercises and stretches these next 2 days for it and am going to see how it goes wednesday for my new 1rm day

may have to take a short break to strengthen/stretch it

any advice appreciated

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:43 am
by beefcake66
I don't know much about shoulder injuries but I've been following along in logs with a few people who've had to deal with them, and if it's a soreness that occurs from lifting I think that the common thing to do is take 2 weeks off or so and rest it, do some rehab exercises (like it sounds like you have been doing). If it's seriously bad why don't you see a doctor? Torn rotator cuff or pulled ligaments are terrible.

Personally when my shoulder starts popping or feeling funny I limit my range of motion so I don't irritate the area. IE: I don't do military presses all the way to my collar bone like some people, I do them to just below my chin where my upper arms are parallel or just past parallel to the floor.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:06 pm
by islandboy90

doesnt actually hurt, it's just the popping noise/feeling that's driving me crazy
i've done some research and I'm hoping I can just strengthen my rotator cuff with the stretches and exercises and it should stabalize for me and quit popping. depends if it's a ligament or what I suppose

Going to try my workout tomorrow and see how it goes, if it seems to be the same I will probably take time off

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:40 pm
by Street-dreams
I hurt my shoulder in a benching accident awhile back... the spotter pulled the bar way to far towards my head...almost like if i was doing an incline range of motion laying down... bad news bears..

anyways.. I find that with my injury, it feels SOO much better if I do shoulder specific work.. and strengthen the muscles around it...

Im not sure what sort of injury you have but thats what I do for shoulder pain.

attend to it now

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:46 am
by nunzie59
Just a word of caution. I was a powerlifter, years ago and I had a similar issue with my right shoulder, which I never addressed. After a few years came some pain---still never addressed it. Now, after about 15 years, I am being advised I have lost much of my cartiledge in the shoulder, have 30% range of motion, and was diagnosed for a complete shoulder replacement. My advice is to seek out a joint specialist, stop barbell bench presses, change over to dumbells and focuse on shoulder and upper back to stabilize the joint.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:52 pm
by matter2003
I had an issue with my shoulder that was from bench pressing when I first started lifting. I ended up with an impingement and a sprained AC joint that forced me to stop lifting for about a year while it healed. If would have stopped earlier, I likely would not have injured it that badly, as it was bothering me pretty badly for about 3 months or so and was getting progressively worse. Yet I kept bench pressing.

IMHO, there are some people(myself included) that physiologically just CANNOT bench without injuring themselves. Not sure what its related to, but I am guessing it stems from how their shoulders are set up, and also the connection of the pec tendon to the shoulder...

For me, decline and incline are much safer options, and I will not be benching again anytime soon, if ever.