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Askmass what are your thoughts on this?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:53 am
by Hank!

Whats the real deal on Deer Antler stuff? ... ights-look

can you source, does it work?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:44 pm
by RobRegish
Had the genuine article in Adaptogen N YEARS ago. I'll let John take it from there.

Long story but if you search under "Pantocrine" and Atletika's old line/Rick Brunner you'll find some REAL interesting stuff..

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:55 am
by askmass
It's a great adaptogen, Hank, if the sourcing is right.

As Rob mentioned, we had velvet in Adaptogen N for it's first 3-4 years, in the mid 90's.

We then ran into an issue where a shortage of certified quality raw material became an issue. Overnight, the pricing quadrupled for what little could be found that was legit. Soon, it doubled again.

So, at the time the shortage forced us to rethink Adaptogen N. We decided to go in the direction of boosting test further, because the adaptogen side was really fully covered with or without the pantocrine. And truly, the product took a leap forward in the results department thereafter, truth be told. What we have today is a more refined and potent version of that specific Adaotogen N reformulation.

Rob is correct to credit Brunner. Real, affordable Pantocrine had a nice window of availability in America. At least it did for a select few companies who were smart enough to source and offer it. As touched on above, it was ultimately exploited to the point where no one outside of the very wealthy could afford it. Some specialized pantrocine powders sell almost like gold in parts of the world, today.

Pantrocrine does have a mystique and reverence about it, but is not THAT good, none of it, if you ask me. But, it would be great to have a solid version available for an honest price today, no two ways about it. My thinking today is that it would be best suited as a completely stand alone capsule with a specific dosing frame. And yes, I do wonder about the source and potency of the caps referenced for $68 a bottle in the article. Perhaps the market has corrected somewhat, perhaps not.

MASS PRO has a place in the greater discussion of similar benefits, too.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:05 pm
by RobRegish
Hi Hank,

John is taking care of family right now. More to come but look for some old information on a product called "Rangicrin" by Atletika.

Likewise, I'll see what I can dig up!!

Re: Askmass what are your thoughts on this?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:49 am
by JDK420
Hank! wrote:John

Whats the real deal on Deer Antler stuff? ... ights-look

can you source, does it work?
Read the same article. A few players have spoke publicly about its effictiveness; could be just a cover for what they really use, but interesting none the less.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:06 am
by askmass
Just as an FYI, I placed a couple speculative calls this week to see if the situation has improved for the availability of high quality Pantocrine.

More later, if it proves noteworthy.