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Rob’s custom lean bulker program for my 2nd round

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:02 pm
by bigpelo
Hello blue printers!

Is there a better way to start the New Year then a blueprint run? Have your program design specifically for you by Mr BP himself! That’s what I did and I will log my 86 days right here in this thread.

86 days??? 5 days famine + 62 days feast + 19 days cruise

62 days of feast? I thought 42 was the maximum? With all the adaptagens I will be taking, with the 10% solution workouts and the calories cycling procedure; well I guess Rob knows it is ok :wink:

I don’t know what Rob allows me to reveal in this log or not, but I guess if it stays in the family it’s good! I am sure he will shim in and realign my log anyway.

So, about me:

I started weight lifting at age 16 and never stop since. I remember the date I first enter a gym: August 6th 1999. You always remember dates you fall in love. Yes, that’s more then 11 years of iron lifting love. When I started, I was a weak 200 lbs (21% body fat) teen. After the first year, I was 180 lbs 11%BF. Since then, I never stop gaining weight. Right now I am 242 at 18% BF and 6’1’’ height. I like lifting heavy but I don’t like 1RM sets. Though, I have been able to build good strength and muscle mass, thus my nickname my friends given me some years ago: Big P or Big Pélo because of my last name. Also, English is not my first language so if I write something weird, please tell me! So I can improve.

On my first BP round, I did a lot of mistake that I see as “improvement opportunities”. You can see my other log on this forum, I won’t recall them here but let say I won’t do them this time!

Last week was preparation time. I did LISS cardio on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Average rest heart rate was 59 BPM and Friday weight was 242 lbs.

Famine starts this morning (January 10th). 1960 calories is the goal for the next 5 days. The diet has been totally design by Rob and 4 bananas a day should go down… I think it’s a lot but I will fellow Rob’s recommendation to the letter. First famine workout will be today after work around 5pm. I will report later on that. Forgot to take rest heart rate this morning but it’s not that important at the moment I think.

Feast highlights:

This program is a hybrid between a pure bulk program and a recomp diet: maximum muscle mass and strength with minimum fat accumulation, if any. Mainly, skipping details, I will eat my maintenance calories on workout day and less on non-workouts days. Also, I will TRY to do fasted state HIIT cardio on non-weight lifting days. I say TRY because I am not an early bird at all. Waking up earlier than I do right now to exercise will be a tough challenge. But my dog should like it. She does enjoy HIIT though so it should be helping… I hope.

The feast workouts are composed of 5 bridge workout to determine new 1RM and than the 10% solution, to avoid doing to much 1RM, with EDT blocks. 10% solution have 12 workouts and I will be alternating one day of squat with one day of bench press has main exercise. That is 5 bridge WO + 24 10% solution WO + rest days = 62 days of feast.

Supplements I will be using:

- Multi life vitamins only.
- Maybe a cup of coffee before working out if needed.

- The intra workout “formula”
- MASS pro amino
- MASS pro whey
- Professional supplement pure Karbolyn
- MASS kre-anabolyn
- MASS adaptagen N
- MASS multi life
- MASS alkaplex green +
- MASS burn it up! (only if needed pre-workout)
- Allmax creapure (creatine monohydrate, 5g on workout day only)
- Allmax Waxy maize (if I run out of Karbolyn)
- USP labs modern BCAA (if I run out of MASS pro amino)
- Thermolife Ecdysten
- North coast natural Hemp Protein
- Generic name fish oil gel caps
- Ultimate nutrition Vegetable Greens (EDIT)
- PVL whey gourmet (my brother in law give me a container, so if I run low on MASS pro whey only)
- Blueprint t-shirt

- Same as feast minus the 3 adaptagens: kre-anabolyn, adaptagen N and Ecdysten
- MASS burn it up! 3 caps per day
- Creatine mono, 10g every day

I don’t know what else to write right now. If you have questions, comments or suggestions, PLEASE! Ask them here. Stay tune for updates!

Workout motivation song of the day: Five finger death punch - Ashes

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:22 pm
by slipstrm15
I like the detail. Good luck with everything and I'll definitely be checking in to see your progress. Interested to see how you're going to incorporate the Adaptogen N, KA, and E-bol.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:51 pm
by bigpelo
As I have only 1 bottle of adaptagen N, I will dose 2 caps for the first ten day or so and than 2 caps monday-friday with weekend off. Always take before going to sleep.

Kre-Anabolyn will be dose 2 caps per day, 1 one hour prior to feast workouts and 1 right after WO. On non-weight lifting days, KA will be taken 1 with lunch and 1 with diner. I do this because I have 2 bottles on KA and taking 3/day, I wouldn't had enough for the whole 62 day of feast.

And it's not E-Bol but Ecdysten that I will also be taking. Dose will be 3 caps every morning with breakfast. I do this because at my weight and at the training level of this program, I do prefer taking 3 doses of ecdy/day.

Thanks for fellowing!

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:55 pm
by kswimbledon
This looks like its gonna be a helluva ride. I'm extremely interested to see how this works for you. Good luck bro, I'll be checking in quite a bit.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:36 pm
by RobRegish
Soooo excited to see this unfold!

Right here for you if you need me...

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:21 pm
by bigpelo
I did famine workout #1 after work. It took 45 minutes because the place was jam packed. I also changed gym tonight. So new equipments, weight, dumbbells, scale, etc. But I am happy with the move: less expensive, open 24H and dumbbells up to 145lbs. Previous gym had dumbbells up to 110 lbs only...

Squat: 275x7, 315x6, 325x6
superset with
One arm dumbbell row: 81x6, 81x7, 84x7 (old time gym with iron dumbbells that aren't exactly on spot with 80, 85, etc.)

Good energy, felt strong


Cable row, close grip: 195x6, 225x6, 225x5
superser with
Chin up: body weightx6, BWx3, BWx2

That was hard, but still felt good


Standing barbell curl: 80x8
Incline dumbbell curl: 45x6 (could have been 7 or 8 )
Preacher curl: 80x8 (maybe able to do 9)

Weight after workout was 243 lbs so +1 from Friday. Maybe because of my weekend diet of because of the new weight scale... not afraid of this though.

Diet for January 10:

Fat: 27g
Carbs: 380g (fibers: 49, sugar: 181)
Protein: 46 g
Total of 1815 calories (from "MyfitnessPal" application for Iphone)

I did replace one banana for 2 kiwis and one potato+1banana for popcorn at the movie theater. My girl wanted to see season of the whitch movie and I do like pop corn... a lot! Movie was good. The rest of the diet for today was the exact template Rob gave me in my custom program. I thing there is a significant difference between the calories "MyfitnessPal" calculate and the one Rob did. Anyway, I don't thing the difference will affect my famine to much. 1960-1815=145 calories...

Lights out!

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:27 am
by jox51
Good job so far. I recommend you get the livestrong app instead of myfitnesspal. Livestrong has largest amount of food choices and it is more user friendly. Good Luck :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:39 am
by RobRegish

Popcorn's cool in my book. Movie popcorn saturated in fattie fat/swimming in sodium plus a diet coke is not. Unless you're into the bloat for bulking.

Then I'm on board. In the bloat we trust.. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:01 am
by bigpelo
Thanks for following everyone!

Famine day 2, January 11 2011

This morning rest heart rate was 61 BPM so +2.

No training today so I will report diet at the end of the day.

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:09 am
by RobRegish
Check in with me prior to workout #3 please.

You may NOT need it! We'll make that call TOGETHER..

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:19 am
by bigpelo
Ok Rob, stay tune!

Just want to share yesterday nutrients macro in term of % calories

Fats 14%
Proteins 11%
Carbs 75%

Carbs composition:

Complex: 39%
Sugar: 48%
Fiber: 13%

Also I do feel hunger but nothing out of control at the moment. Celery strips help with putting something in the stomach without calories. Damn! it's like 3 calories per strips and that's a lot of bites.

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:54 pm
by RobRegish

So happy you're doing well with it... :)

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:16 am
by bigpelo
Famine day 2 - January 11 2011

Diet: 1913 calories

Fat 17g (8%)
Proteins 55g (12%)
Carbs 427g (80%)

Carbs composition:
Sugar 163g (38%)
Complex 210g (49%)
Fiber 54g (13%)

I had a bowl of mini wheats before bed with a cup of milk yesterday in place of 2 bananas and a cup of carrots. I can't eat 6 bananas per day, the 4th is kind a hard to down... The problem is that I under estimated the grams of proteins this cereals bowl provided.

No training on famine day 2


Famine day 3 - January 12 2011

Rest heart rate still at 61 BPM this morning. So +3. I know I wrote +2 and average 59 but after checking back my notes yesterday, average was 58.25 BPM... Sorry for the confusion.

Typical famine lunch box

The little round container to the left is raspberry. So sorry for the quality, it's been taken with my phone.

Today, my main diet focus will be to cut back on proteins. At 5PM I will head up to the gym for famine workout #2. Mood is good, hunger in check but more and more present. I will maybe take some measurements tonight if I can find my "myotape".

I will train, weight and then report later on. (Could someone clarifies me on "than" and "then" and when to use them? Frenchy is confuse... :( )

Workout motivation song of the day: Soulfly - Innerspirit

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:49 pm
by bigpelo
Famine day 3 - January 12 2011 continu

2nd famine workout

Bench press 195x10, 10, 6, 5
superset with
Dumbbell shoulder press 45x10, 6, 3, 3

This got intense pretty fast. Triceps where busted after this already

Decline close grip barbell press 165x12
Skull cruch 85x10
Lying triceps extensions 45x9
Cable press down 150x6 (double pulley so 75lbs)

Do I need to tell you what set was easy and which one was hard? :)

Total training with warmup took 29 minutes

Weight after workout was 241.5, so -0.5 from last friday (taken with a different scale) or -1.5 from monday (same scale).

Diet macros for today:

1762 calories
Fats: 16g (9%)
Proteins: 42g (10%)
Carbs: 393g (81%)

Carbs composition:
Sugar: 150g (38%)
Fiber: 42g (11%)
Complex: 201g (51%)

I skipt the last banana because it just won't go down and the last cup of milk to keep protein total low.

I really start to feel the appetite at lunch time. Co-workers meals where smelling intensely good! I also notice some DOMS from monday workout in the morning. I when for a walk with the dog between workout and dinner and after that, calf felt tight.

Here is a detail famine diet log for today:

Breakfast: 1 cup of pink grapefruit juice, 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 multi-life
Morning snack: 1 cup raspberry, 1 cup carrots, 1 coffee
Lunch: salad leaves with olive oil and white balsamic vinegar, 1 cucumber, 200g potatoes, 1 nectarine, 1 cup carots
Afternoon snack: 5 celery strips, 1 banana, 2 kiwis
Post workout: 1 banana, 1 cup of green tea
Dinner: 360g potatoes, 1 banana
Before write this post: 1 banana, 1 cup of non-fat milk

Sorry Rob. I can't fellow your diet plan to the letter but I think it's a fair try, isn't it?