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Bobby- first run starting 1/3/11

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:10 pm
by islandboy90
Hey guys gettin ready to start my first run tomorrow so figure i'll start up a journal.
Have worked out for about a year, wasnt happy with my progress but this looks promising.
First time doing a journal and actually recording day by day
i'm 20

was previously doing bill starrs 5x5 routine, although I started with too little weight
have not worked out in 2 weeks and looking forward to getting back into it

I work out at home
no spotter so I just judge my 1rm where i'm comfortable with powerrack
i'm going to do this run based off of
squat- 200
bench- 180
deadlift - 210
row - 160
(obviously not the biggest guy here, but cant wait to see where the BP will take me)

supplements I have gathered up are
kre-anabolyn, multi life, mass whey, testopro, glycobol, and stoked
(first time using anything besides a multi, protein and creatine)
i'm going for the 10 day liver lab loading then the bcaa protocol
sticking to just multi for famine

although I do still have a question as i've been busy and unable to look over everything here on the forums

-Do I continue ramping the weight each set even after warm ups? or just same weight same reps throughout sets?

-As well as for bicep and other isolation exercises, Do I do the three different types of curls at same weight?

Thanks alot ahead of time!
have already had some great advice from you guys, hope my lack of research ahead of time isnt too frusterating.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:26 pm
by JlCh
I don't consider warm ups part of my working sets. Warm up THEN do your working sets. Weight doesn't necessarily have to remain at the same, you're working towards 4-6 reps; so whatever weight it needed to reach a minimum of 4, maximum of 6 on each and every exercise.

Welcome to the BP family and I'm sure you'll learn to like the gains you come across ;).

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:34 am
by RobRegish
JlCh wrote:I don't consider warm ups part of my working sets. Warm up THEN do your working sets. Weight doesn't necessarily have to remain at the same, you're working towards 4-6 reps; so whatever weight it needed to reach a minimum of 4, maximum of 6 on each and every exercise.

Welcome to the BP family and I'm sure you'll learn to like the gains you come across ;).
THIS. Great answer man and I appreciate the assist!!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:59 pm
by islandboy90
getting ready for second workout now,
first day went well.
picked good weight. got 4-5 out of each set although couldnt have done much more without failure
4 squat 185
immediatly into
5 seated cable row 140
rest 2 min
repeat twice

5 standing barbell curl 75
rest 2 min
5 incline db curls 35 each
rest 2 min
5 preacher curls 75

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:44 pm
by islandboy90
today went well
really beat me

(left out after workout on day 1 also added 3 sets of 10 rep incline weighted sit ups)

10 wide grip bench 105
8 seated shoulder press 40

1 min rest

10 close grip bench 105
8 seated shoulder press 40

1 min rest

10 incline bench 105
8 seated shoulder 40

1 min rest

10 decline bench 95
8 seated shoulder 40

1 min rest

10 decline close grip bench 95

1 min rest

10 skullcrushers 35

1 min rest

8 cable tri pulldowns 50

1 min rest
repeat last

1 min rest

3 sets of incline sit ups

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:12 pm
by RobRegish
Oh yeah, this one is tough. The next is the ultimate test. Do heed these words:

If you at all feel sick, off or just not right - STOP. No shame in that man. Many don't require workout 3. If in doubt, discontinue.

It sounds like you're almost there....

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:25 pm
by islandboy90
good to know,
glad there's support here to keep me motivated
I usually end up slipping on my dieting

so far so good, real sore but still feeling healthy.

as for the 1 hour cardio that's recommended, I do ride a bicycle quite often.
sometimes a couple hours a day although it's a single fixed gear so i'm continuously moving but there's not alot of resistance.
is this sufficient?
I may get a jump rope too


- when i'm done with workout 3 on friday for famine
do I start eating, sleeping and doing the workouts for feast phase starting on saturday? when do I start workout one for feast?

-also, when I start feast and begin taking BCAA I saw somewhere to cycle 3 days on 3 days off
I also have GABA, and L Glutamine are these all seperate amino acids that can be taken together? or should just one be used?
I also have dessicated liver tabs although i'm not sure how they relate to BCAA's I think I saw them compared

Really helping me out here

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:31 pm
by islandboy90
I always seem to find different answers when I look around
but I saw somewhere to add a little salt to each meal, is this every phase?
thanks again

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:37 pm
by RobRegish
No, only during Feast.

Nothing overboard, just a shake or two at each solid food meal!

Hope that helps!!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:45 pm
by islandboy90
thanks rob
I keep trying to do my research but I always seem to find different answers

these should be last questions for a little while


1- when i'm done with workout 3 on friday for famine
do I start feast phase starting on saturday? when do I start workout 1 for feast?

2-also, when I start feast and begin taking BCAA I saw somewhere to cycle 3 days on 3 days off
I also have GABA, and L Glutamine are these all seperate amino acids that can be taken together? or should just one be used?
I also have dessicated liver tabs although i'm not sure how they relate to BCAA's I think I saw them compared

3-as for the 1 hour cardio that's recommended, I do ride a bicycle quite often. sometimes a couple hours a day although it's a single fixed gear so i'm continuously moving but there's not alot of resistance.
is this sufficient?
I may get a jump rope too

Really helping me out here

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:17 pm
by JlCh
Gotta excuse Rob a bit. Seems his workload has upped again and it may cause for some space cadet moments. I know he didn't intentionally miss your Q's.

You'll finish out Friday with the Famine diet. On Saturday you'll begin your Feast diet and eat for 3 days without working out. On Tuesday you'll begin your 1st Feast workout.

The 1+ hour of bicycle riding, or any form of cardio, is probably more than enough. The diet + working out gets you to where you need to be in itself if done properly. Cardio at that point is almost extra to me. If you really want to get wild, start knocking 1-2 hours off your sleep.

Rob will have to chip in on the amino question, as I'm not familiar with GABA or liver tabs (never taken them). I know Glutamine can be taken with the amino's for the protocol, but I'm not sure about the other 2. Also, there are 2 different loading protocols you may want to look into to see which fits you best.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:31 am
by warriorcookie
I think I can answer the others. Rob correct me if I'm a little astray here.

Ok, for the Liver tabs, take 6 every hour with 12 ounces of water. You will go through alot. Do not take BCAAs while on the liver tabs. After ten days, stop taking liver tabs, wait 3 days then start BCAA loading protocol #1.

Liver tabs are on pg 29 and BCAA protocols are on 40 and 41 of Blueprint 2.0. Yes BCAA#1 is cycle 3on 3off 3on 3off, etc. I like to take mine with pineapple juice between meals, not sure what everyone else is using.

As far as GABBA goes it CANNOT be taken with ANY amino acids. Try to take an hour before or 2 hours after eating. GABBA has to cross the blood/brain barrier, it was argued for a long time that this was not possible. We now know it is possible for GABBA to do, but provided there are not any other amino acids present. This means no protein, no BCAA's, and no L Glutamine at the same time as GABBA. It's not dangerous to take with other aminos, just makes it ineffective.

As far as brand goes, please consider a quality brand (we highly recommend gamma gh from musclemass
I have tried a cheaper brand that was usually good, but I'm pretty sure has been responsible for a few sleepless nights with puddles on the sheets from cold sweats.

Another major thing that needs to be known about GABBA, DO NOT take with any alcohol. Alcohol is sympathetic (I think that's the proper term) to GABBA. It amplifies the effect GABBA has on the GABBA receptors in the brain. Some might think that's a good thing until they try it and don't wake up in the morning.

You're doing awesome, almost done the hard part. This weekend is going to feel awesome. Be sure to read Rob's stickies on feast as the workouts have changed a little now with the addition of the EDT blocks.

Keep rockin!!

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:37 am
by JlCh
Thanks for assisting with the assist. You cleared up that gabba = gammah gh (I wasn't sure and sure as heck wasn't going to act like I did and end up wrong) and I did know the dosing protocol on that. Still clueless on the liver tabs though :p.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:06 am
by RobRegish
Start slow with the liver tabs and build up. Try 3 every 2 hours and build up to 6.

I can't even think straight today. Woke up with the flu :(