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Swedishfish - Round 1

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:35 am
by Swedishfish


After several PM's and a lot of thought and a few mishaps I'm finally ready for my first run of the BP 2.0; and I've decided to log it, mostly to get input from you folks as things progress and if there's anything worth adding/subtracting etc.

Sorry for this first post but it's going to be a long one as I detail everything for y'all.

Height - 6' 2" / 74 inches / 182.8 cm
Weight - 198 (AM) - 202 (PM) / 90-91 kg

Daily Maintenance - 2,500 cal
Protein - 275g (3g/kg)
Carbo - 150/300g (cycled non-training/training)
Fats - 50/90g (cycled training/non-traning)

For those interested, I have been and will be following the Intermittent Fasting techniques employed by Martin Berkham through his website For those of you who feel like not reading I'll give you the bullet points.

My eating schedule is roughly this...

Training Day
5:30 AM - 10g BCAA/Creatine/Pre-workout
6:00-7:15 AM - Training
7:30-11:30 AM - 20-30g BCAA sipped until Meal 1
12:30-1:00 PM - Meal 1 (45-50% of calories, 100g protein, starches on training days)
5:00-6:00 PM - Meal 2 (25% calories, 75g protein, veggies, healthy fats)
8:00 PM - Meal 3 (25% of calories, 75-100g protein) Usually several cups of cottage cheese or greek yogurt with a little frozen fruit for flavor

Non-Training Day
12:30 - 1:00 PM - Meal 1 (50% of calories, mostly protein and fats, only low GI carbs)
5:30-6:00 PM - Meal 2 (25% of calories, again mostly protein and fats, lots of veggies)
8:00 PM - Meal 3 (25%, same as above, usually large portion of cottage cheese or greek yogurt)

-Fasted Training sessions
-50% of calories in post training meal on training days (at least 100g protein)
-50% of calories in meal 1 on non-training days (at least 100g of protein)
-Cycling calories, fats, carbs (especially high-GI carbs)
-Focus calories on Meal 1 either post training or post fast

Training History
This will be more of a narrative, again feel free to skip if not interested. I started college fresh off of 2 winning lacrosses seasons in high school, but I was tired of coaches telling me what to do, so basically I did nothing, I drank a lot and ate even more. Put on a solid freshmen 15 and sophomore 20, as is typical. When I turned 20 I realized I couldn't live my life barely passing classes and putting on weight like an offensive linemen. So I took control, I started with a workout from Men's Fitness (not the greatest but it got me where I needed to be). I started tracking what I ate and mild supplementation with fat burner type products. By November of Junior year I had gotten back down to my high school weight, by Spring I was down below any weight I was in high school, 185 at the lowest.

I then decided that I liked the feeling that working out gave me, and the control that I was able to obtain over my life through diet and exercise and started in with more 'bodybuilding' or 'mass gaining' type workouts, less focused on weight control. The Summer after Junior year I had made a lot of beginner gains, I was up at 195 and didn't look so skinny fat anymore. In January of senior year I did my first natural test booster type stack trying to put on a solid bit of mass, and I did, got up to about 205. Then I started a spring cut with EC, lost almost 20 pounds; 187. This past summer was sort of do whatever you want after school summer, and while I was working out and gaining strength I also put on some of that weight. I am presently about 198 depending on water retention.

My most recent maxes (November)
Deadlift - 315 x 6 (Calculated 1RM - 371)
Bench - 195 x 6 (Calculated 1RM - 230)
Squat - 255 x 6 (Calculated 1RM - 300)

My Goals
Why did I buy the BluePrint? Why did I enlist Rob's personal support to get to where I want?

I've always been an endomorph - I need to eat very little to put on fat, but it's very hard for me to gain strength without putting on fat. I don't like the traditional bulk/cut approach. I feel that if you do things correctly it should be possible to gains strength and size without adding fat, and even while cutting fat.

Everything I do, I do for myself. Everything. I don't compete, I don't play a sport, this is purely for me. Strength is important but not crucial, I just want to look in the mirror and be proud of what I see. Always trying to improve.

The Blueprint
Rest Week - Dec 27 - Jan 2
Famine - Workout 1 Jan 3 until heart rate is sufficiently elevated
Feast - Roughly Jan 9 - March 1 (roughly 50 days, though I didn't count)
Cruise - March 1 - infinity

I'll be taking my before pics, as well as pics of my supps (for vanity purposes) on Day 1 of famine. I will be tracking calories, weight, and heart rate daily.

Looking forward to the ride!

Rest Week Day 1 - BP Day 1

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:41 am
by Swedishfish
Weight - ??? (Lots of bloat from the holidays & road trip)

Roughly 3000 kcal today, didn't get to fitday because I was in a car for 9 hours coming home from the relatives house. Stopped at an italian place for Meal 1 - wasn't the best source of calories I've ever had, but it's better than nothing I suppose.

Rest week day 1 - no training. Doesn't feel good but I know theres a rhyme and reason.

Rest week - just multi, fishoil & joint supp. Placing my final orders for Feast around new years, hoping for a few sales.

Nothing so far.

Rest Week Day 2 - BP Day 2

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:50 am
by Swedishfish
Weight - 201.0 - confirmed bloat from holidays
Resting Heart Rate - 56 BPM

Solid today, overate a little as Meal 3 was out to dinner with family celebrating my sister getting into her first choice college. Instead of my typical bowl of cottage cheese. Luckily it wasn't that hard on my macros just a few more calories than I needed, especially while not training.

Food log is in the signature. Missing dinner.

Still no training.

Still no supps

I really don't like taking this much time off the gym. I know it's good for me slash necessary to prevent injury & overtraining. Just makes me sad.

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:39 pm
by xlb57
Great details! Best of luck during your run and if you have any questions, ask away!

Rest Week Day 3 - Bp Day 3

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:29 pm
by Swedishfish
Weight: 198.7 (-2.3) - mostly bloat
Waking HR: 56 BPM

Diet is in sig. Back to my regular diet feels very good after holiday binge. Protein and veggies mostly today.

Still no training.

Still no supps

Can I do cardio during the rest period? Or is it no activity at all? I've found myself taking the stairs in the garage, and trying to jog places to curb my need to do something.

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:32 pm
by RobRegish
Fantastic man. Right here for you too.

Your approach to this is unorthodox. As you know, I LOVE the unorthodox.

Why? Because it questions assumptions.

Keep this in mind then, whenever you're not getting results with the "usual approach" : "Question Assumptions"

My old boss (thanks Tom D.!) taught me this little gem. Had a little sign hanging in his office stating as much. He doesn't lift weights but I learn from everyone and apply to my given interest in life, then share these things with you. You'll need to remind yourself periodically that THIS - questioning assumptions and taking a different road - is what will allow you to succeed.

The "assumption" is that you can't simultaneously drop bodyfat and build muscle unless you're 1.) A noob or 2.) On performance enhancing drugs, at least for any length of time. I say bullshit.

Does this not make sense? The current approaches don't work. The widely held belief and assumptions 1 and 2 above illustrate this. In order to break free, you must again employ the "unorthodox".

Yes, you will be seen as "unorthodox" by your fellow gym-goers. Unorthodox people though, are among history's greatest contributors. For much of the world's progress can be found resting on their shoulders. Only hindsight reveals that their boldness advanced the state of the art well beyond the accepted "normal or average" expectations. This is mediocrity in my book.

Mediocrity is unacceptable in my world, and I won't stand for it.

Neither should you...

Rest Week Day 4 - BP Day 4

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:55 pm
by Swedishfish
Weight: 198.8 (+.1) Back to eating maintenance minimal gain over the holiday
Waking HR: ?? BPM (forgot, gf spent the night, slipped my mind)

Diet is in sig. Back to my regular diet feels very good after holiday binge. Protein and veggies mostly today. Big bowl of meat and veggies for meal 1, spicy peanut chicken & sweet potato fries meal 2, cottage cheese 2 hours before bed.

Still no training.

Still no supps

Still anxious, antsy, lethargic. Doesn't feel good being this slothy.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:24 pm
by RobRegish
OK, follow my advice now health first!

Otherwise, great work!

Rest Week Day 5 - BP Day 5

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:44 pm
by Swedishfish
Great to know you're reading Rob. Really getting anxious to start in on this. Made my famine shopping list today, going out Saturday to start on Sunday.

Weight: 199.7 - ate a lot for dinner yesterday, overshot calories by at least 250.

Waking HR: 56/58 BPM

Diet is in sig. I learned something interesting today, for whatever reason I never noticed but has broccoli at about 100kcal/cup and 5g of fat, which is absurd, unless you'r cooking it in butter or something stupid.

I've now switched to, though I haven't yet figured out how to link it. Therefore I will begin reporting totals for the day.

144 g
1479 mg
1871 mg
131 g
21 g
304 g
24 g

Still no training.

Still no supps

Nothing really to note. Placed my last order from the cyberstore today. Picked up my e-bol (was hoping for a new years sale, no luck), got some fitness fiber and some other odds and ends, Vit D for the winter etc. Again full supp list will be later.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:35 pm
by RobRegish
Very nice :)

Let's take it one day at a time. We'll do it together...

Rest Week Day 6 - BP Day 6

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:16 pm
by Swedishfish
Weight: 199.2 - staying pretty consistent around 198/199
Waking HR: 56 BPM

119 g
996 mg
3380 mg
134 g
17 g
224 g
33 g

A little light on protein and fiber today. But its new years so I could be doing worse.

Read more:

Still no training.

Still no supps

Nothing really to note here. Happy new years to everyone reading. Hope its a good one!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:49 pm
by hally83
Looks like ull be up to the famine soon. Just warning u that the first couple of days are the hardest as that is when ur body is still getting used to the fairly big diet change.

Im lucky, I have a mess i can go to without having to cook. Only problem with that is I look over and see everyone else eating chicken, lasagna etc... I look down and see a small portion of plain rice, half a plate of veges, a banana and some lettuce lol.

Im on day 5 of famine now so im almost there!

Rest Week Day 7 - BP Day 7

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:56 pm
by Swedishfish
hally83 wrote:Looks like ull be up to the famine soon. Just warning u that the first couple of days are the hardest as that is when ur body is still getting used to the fairly big diet change.

Im lucky, I have a mess i can go to without having to cook. Only problem with that is I look over and see everyone else eating chicken, lasagna etc... I look down and see a small portion of plain rice, half a plate of veges, a banana and some lettuce lol.

Im on day 5 of famine now so im almost there!
Yea, didn't go to the store today, so famine will start Monday with my famine workout #1. I'm pretty used to fasting at this point, so being hungry all day doesn't both me. I will probably get rather moody as my blood sugar drops, but I trust Rob who says its healthy. Good luck with your run.

Rest Week Day 7
Weight: 198.2
Waking HR: 56 BPM

163 g
1452 mg
4612 mg
150 g
7 g
243 g
110 g

Higher sugars today than I wanted. Way too much fat too. Calories are still on point though. I'll be glad to get to famine and not feel like such a lazy turd.

Still no training.

Still no supps


Rest Week Day 8 - BP Day 8

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:33 pm
by Swedishfish
Rest Week Day 8
Weight: 199
Waking HR: 56 BPM

41 g
714 mg
2618 mg
206 g
27 g
262 g
88 g

Hit all of my goals today, little high on the carbs, but I'm trying to finish off the last of my yummies before famine.

Still no training.

Still no supps

Forgot to hit the store yesterday, so I took an extra rest day. Hit the store today with my shopping list of veggies. On the bright side $38 for a week of groceries has to be a record since getting into this game. Excited for famine workout #1 tomorrow.