rack pulls

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rack pulls

Post by the_buffer »

Hey guys,

here's a question I probably should've posted before today (training day), but here's my situation:

My gym doesn't really have a power rack conducive with rack pulls, so as far as I see it I have the following options:

1. The squat rack has a loading/safety rack at about waist height I could use, but it would lessen the range of motion.

2. I could do it right off the floor, making it almost like a deadlift

3. The smith machine

Thanks for your advice & thoughts.
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd opt for option #1. Here's why:

Lessen the ROM has it's BENEFITS too. The big one being you can hoist more weight. That means more overload which means more muscle. More to come on this but Big.Jaz is THE MAN so let's take a look!

Top Range Rack Pull with Static Hold - Big Jaz shows us how its done!


The second variation is the Romanian DL. This isn't a "rack pull" per se but if you aren't currently utilizing it in your EDT blocks or otherwise, have a look!

Romanian Deadlift


Hope that helps Buffer. You've brought a LOT to The BP and that was BEFORE you knew it would deliver for you.

Says a lot about a man...
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Post by the_buffer »

Very good. Op 1 it is. I am using RDLs -- 2 straight sets on leg days.
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