Solidify new gain

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Solidify new gain

Post by AussieRobbie »

Hey there.

My names Rob and im pretty keen to give this Blueprint a go. No doubt i will have more questions soon, but im curious about the last phase. Now, i kno it says were ment to rest but im currently on holidays and by the time my feast phase will end im back to work. I am an infanteer. So when I go back my training will be fairly heavy, mainly cardio though. Will this high workload have a detrimental effect to what im trying to achieve with this program? There will be no weights, at least no where near as much as during these holidays.

EDIT: also, during the famine stage im gunna be camping and may only have a set of dumbells on me. providing i use those and a lot of bodyweight and cardio, do i need to thrash myself at the gym to reach the desired fatigue?
Also the blueprint reads that at the end of the fatigue stage the body will reach a state of low catabolism AND anabolism.
After these 5 days and the stress caused I would have thought th body would be in a high catabolic state, breaking down the muscle tissue for energy?

sorry for the stupid questions lol.

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Post by RobRegish »

Welcome aboard!

Please PM me your real name you bought under and I'll get you more information.

"My names Rob

COMMENT: Like you already. Strong name :)

and im pretty keen to give this Blueprint a go. No doubt i will have more questions soon, but im curious about the last phase.

QUESTION: Which phase are you referring to as "the last phase"? In my mind, that would be Cruise. Perhaps you're referring to something else though. Just want to get it straight.

Now, i kno it says were ment to rest but im currently on holidays and by the time my feast phase will end im back to work. I am an infanteer. So when I go back my training will be fairly heavy, mainly cardio though. Will this high workload have a detrimental effect to what im trying to achieve with this program?

A. Depends how close to the end of Feast this is. Provided you can peak your lifts or at least most of them prior to going back into infanteering, it shouldn't be a problem. I can help you work around it once I have more detail.

EDIT: also, during the famine stage im gunna be camping and may only have a set of dumbells on me. providing i use those and a lot of bodyweight and cardio, do i need to thrash myself at the gym to reach the desired fatigue?

A. Going to be difficult but I've done it before with DB's only for people and I can do it for you. I need to know if you have anything beyond DB's though, like an adjustable bench or something to perform bench like movements, step ups on etc. Hell you could use a tree stump. I've done that before.

Also the blueprint reads that at the end of the fatigue stage the body will reach a state of low catabolism AND anabolism. After these 5 days and the stress caused I would have thought th body would be in a high catabolic state, breaking down the muscle tissue for energy?

A. Correct. It reads word for word as follows:

"At the end of day 5, you will be in a state where both catabolism and anabolism are very low".

Anabolism is low for obvious reasons: there are no building materials around to build with and your workload brought about by the training involved doesn't allow for recovery even IF you had those materials around.

Catabolism is low because the window is so brief no REAL catabolic state exists for any meaningful period of time. The beauty of this is that while you haven't burned any real amount of muscle, you HAVE activated the body's anti-catabolic/anabolic machinery. When you add it all up, whatever homeostasis existed 5 days ago is now GONE and you are primed for maximim anabolism the following 6 weeks will convey. Doubly so when an adaptogen is introduced into the mix.

Prior systems attempted this for 2 weeks or more. Way too long and it was there that REAL muscle loss was realized. I corrected these flaws and get you there in 5 short days. Method to the madness my man.. and nothing is without thought. I fully appreciate your question though and applaud your deductions/questions. Hopefully, that sheds some light on why I have you doing what you're doing.

sorry for the stupid questions lol."

A. I keep hearing these apologies over and over. While I appreciate them, I want you to know the following:

I consider answering questions a privilege, not a pain.

Yes they take hours of my time every day and I derive no money out of it (you will buy a BP Tshirt though, won't you? :). However, we built this place to help YOU get the most out of your investment in The Blueprint. I bought all these courses in the past and was left high and dry in terms of customer support. I CERTAINLY didn't get answers from the guy who wrote it.

I took steps to make sure you wouldn't suffer the same fate. You can also thank AskMass for building/hosting this place. He did so out of the goodness of his heart with no links to his store nor over the top "pushing" of his products. We are free to discuss other companies products here too, respecting the fact people can and do use other lines.

Finally, we've worked hard (very hard) to build a positive group of like minded individuals that live the mantra Learn, Share, Grow! and don't tolerate trolls, hacks and wingnuts.

THIS is the place I would have wanted 25 years ago. We now have it thanks to AskMass/Muscle and Sports Science and the proprietor, John Drake.

Thank you John... for allowing me to help these guys in forum free of spaceclowns, weirdos and whack jobs. OP, do PM me your real name and please don't take offense. I'm just looking out for you and everyone here to protect your investment in The Bueprint/this place!
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