Justin's 2nd BP RUN

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Post by Justin »

Thanks a lot Rob so just to clear up: breakfast its good to have some fast digestive carbs even if its brown sugar for example? (I usually have no other sugars during day besides post workout)

and for the 1 day fasting what would you recommend once every 2 weeks, a month! I'm going to experiment but I was still curious to try it out during cruise?


I'm going to Gym doing some more GLP deadlifts Can't wait I hope my lower back wont hurt today and I'll have a great workout. :wink:
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Post by RobRegish »

Thanks a lot Rob so just to clear up: breakfast its good to have some fast digestive carbs even if its brown sugar for example? (I usually have no other sugars during day besides post workout)

A. Yes, insulin sensitivity is highest earlier during the day, less so at night.

and for the 1 day fasting what would you recommend once every 2 weeks, a month! I'm going to experiment but I was still curious to try it out during cruise?

A. You may want to try it away from Blueprint. I don't do entire day fasts. Rather, I practice the warrior diet approach.

This involves fasting until say, 4PM. Then a small piece of fruit with a small protein drink... workout and then WHAM - you slam virtually all of your calories for the day withing the 2-4 hour window after the workout.

I'll tell you what... you sleep real well doing this. Murder during the day (until you adjust) and then real happy ending after you're stuffed. Suggest fasting until 11AM, then adding an hour each day. Ease into this stuff. First day I did it went for the gusto off the top. Dizzy + driving don't mix well. On the positive side, you'll pass the breathalizer with flying colors. You won't feel so hot though, if you get in an accident. Better safe than sorry :)
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Post by Justin »

Sounds super interesting I'm going to try something similar after my BP! Okay so today I went for deadlifts anddd i wasn't sure I was going to hit my 2 reps because I failed my 6 reps and for my 4 my back hurt so i stepped into gym determined plugged music in and got my 2 reps!!! was super happy about that! so happy i decided to just destroy my back that set after set I didnt want to stop :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man! (provided you didn't really "destroy" your back in the process!)

Now one thing to keep in mind if and when your back/lower back is giving you issues. Great time to pull out two scales and place one foot on each. Doing so is going to tell you if you're out of balance and a visit to the chiro is in order. See The BP, pages 24-25 for more information.

Also, take this as a cue to up your ab work. I mean really go for the gusto on upping your static hold cable crunch weight/time held to exhaustion. Focus on pushing/contracting the abs during deads/squats as the power transfer there is ALL about the abs.

Otherwise, GREAT work digging deep and getting those 2 reps!!
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Post by Justin »

HAHA i wrote that wrong what i meant was i destroyed my back in the EDT :) haha like a crazyy PUMP :D
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Post by Justin »

Ahh just a quick update I have 2 more GLP left then I'm beginning my cruise, should you take a few days off for the cruise? also I have a bunch of exams coming up and I was wondering if there are any supplements or foods that help keep stress lower?
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Post by RobRegish »

Take 2- 3 days off before cruise yes.

Burn It Up! is PERFECT for your exams situation, both from a stress reduction/studying perspective. Try it just once.... you'll be hooked!
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Post by Justin »

I'll have a look at it thanks!!! :)
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Post by Justin »

okay so this morning i was suppose to perform a GLP upper body however, I'm still very sore from my last chest workout so I'm taking an extra day of rest and we'll see how it goes!
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Post by RobRegish »

SMART move!!!
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Post by Justin »

Hey guys so i performed some cardio today was pretty good! i weighted myself and im at 182 which is 4 pounds up from where i initially started! and no bf gain :)

Rob I have a pretty random question my friends were talking about some guys they knew who were taking H-drol and beastdrol and inno what else they were saying their not steroids but when i looked that stuff up i got a bunch of steroid things?!?! can you please clear some stuff up
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Post by RobRegish »

These are steroids although they're currently flying under the radar. They'll be gone soon enough once the powers that be come down hard. It's already in the works.

Like the other PH's on the market, these steroids were researched by pharma companies many years ago and/or are chemical tweaks to those products. They were never brought to market by the pharma companies for various reasons (that should tell you something right there) and the vast majority were NEVER tested in human beings.

Here's a snippet from "Beastdrol's" ad copy. This appears to be Superdrol under a new name:

"What side effects can I get while using Beastdrol?

Headaches, lethargy, acne, aggression, high blood pressure (HBP), thinning of the hair, and a decline in healthy cholesterol levels.

These are typical of any other designer hormone. You should not use Beastdrol if you have any preexisting conditions that can be made worse by the use of Anabolic Steroids.

Is Beastdrol liver toxic?

Yes, it is. All methylated hormones are. You should always use a liver supplement when using methylated oral hormones. The active ingredients in Post-Cycle should be plenty of support for your liver after cycle. If you are worried about live toxicity during cycle, you can take Post-Cycle during your whole eight (8) weeks. So you would need two (2) bottle of Post-Cycle to complete your whole cycle.

Many people say Beastdrol is more toxic than oral steroids. This is unproven in every way you look at it. (Edit: Sure it is. Look at the bloodwork that's been run on Superdrol, it's all over the boards. Now compare that to d-bol which is well studied in humans. It's a hell of a lot more toxic than dbol). There are no studies ever given or shown that proves Beastdrol is any more toxic than any common oral steroid (Edit: Of course there aren't. As I stated prior, Superdrol is a chemical tweak to a known anabolic. Who in their right mind is going to fund a study on a known, unscheduled designer steroid? Which university again is going to take them up on this? Can you say unethical to administer this stuff to humans?) but caution should always be observed, so it is not recommended you ever take beastdrol for more than six (6) weeks.

Sounds like great stuff huh? You know it's bad when the guys selling the stuff are telling you about how toxic it is. Of course, they'll just use that to upsell you on their PCT and other items you'll need. Splendid.

Your friends probably rationalize that b/c they are legal and labeled as "pro-hormones" they're not steroids. Bull. They're active hormones and aren't "pro" to anything. They don't convert in any direct sense to an active hormone they're already active.

Today's legal "prohormone" will be tomorrow's illegal (scheduled) steroid. It happened to 1-ad, 4-ad etc.. I have an entire section of 3.0 devoted to this topic and a solution.

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Post by Justin »

Thanks a lot rob! I figured as much. I knew it was super unhealthy :s if only they're were more suppements liek edsy that can one day = steroids withoug having all those bad side effects :p anyway back to my BP today was an awsome workout i decided to do a bench set of 2 plates if you recall my goals was to hit 2 plates 8-10 reps when st start i was hitting 2 reps :p and I would like to announce today I hit 8 reps ( help on last) which i'm super happy about :)

I can't wait to cut down in april as I mentioned to you! I'm thinking of taking burn it up throughout my cut as my main supplement! I'm not sure if i will be able to afford kre-anabolyn at the time so I'm thinking of buying some bcaa pro and burn it up?? do you recommend anything else along side my staple of omega 3,protein and multi-vitamin :) :D

Sorry If I'm getting annoying but i read some article online about whey protein and how it deosnt even get digested and all we do is like piss out 90% of it is their any truth in this?
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Post by RobRegish »

Burn it Up! is a fantastic addition and will serve you quite well. That and your other listed products (in particular the BCAA's) will assist quite a bit in your cutting.

Whey not absorbed and just expelled? No, that's not the case at all. In fact, it has an incredibly high biological value vs. other proteins. Do take care you are taking in a QUALITY whey such as MassPro or other cold processed whey. Why? Because the bargain basement whey's at Wallyworld are cooked up to 170 degrees farenheit, literally denaturing/destroying many of whey's delicate lactoferrin, growth factors etc.. Oh, they'll be there on the label, but inside that jug with the shiny label is a cross linked mess of "whey". In that case, I'd rather opt for a steak thanks..

When you spend money on whey make sure it's doing something MORE than what regular supermarket proteins do for you: deliver a MUCH higher biological value, enhance immunity and build glutathione levels (perhaps its most sought after property, in my mind)....

My $0.02...
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