Does this count as my 3rd run?

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Post by MSR9889 »

yea its irritating, but on the bright side my back held up great today. last set of squats i only got 1 rep because i lost focus and dropped the weight on the 2nd rep. i had to cut my edt block short 2 sets to meet up for a group project, otherwise i would have broken my own records.

squats- 95x5, 150x10, 195x8, 220x6, 235x4, 255x4, 270x1 and a negative

edt block
deadlifts- 265x29 over 5 sets in about 15 min
leg sled- 26 over 5 sets

my left hand was dying on the deadlifts usually by the 4th rep so i had to let go of the weight and regrip which slowed me down, otherwise id have hit 6 reps/set.

static crunch- 1 hold for as long as a could, ~30 seconds

i dont like to count the time for the hold because i feel like once i reached a number i thought was good enough id stop
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Post by LHockey »

great work squatting 270x1, and especially deadlifting 265 for so many reps afterwards :shock:

can't believe you're already on your third run! still liking it as much as the first time? and yeah, that's annoying about the belt...
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Post by MSR9889 »

thanks, though i was upset with myself with only getting 1 on 270.
this run is much better than my previous runs. my first run was a test and i liked the results, 2nd i tried cutting but had too many things getting in the way. this run ive been trying to recomp but its been hard with school being hectic and a lot of 21st birthdays recently, but im still hanging between 216-218. while i saw the biggest transformation my first run, especially in my legs, this run i have already seen more significant strength increases. yesterday actually seemed like the first strength increase ive had since maxing out. a couple weeks ago i think i only got 235 for 1 rep at the end of my workout and yesterday i was upset about not getting 270 for more than one.
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic Matt!

Let me know when the Eagle has landed..
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Post by MSR9889 »

i got the belt today but it seems like i can only hook it up to a pulley and not put actual plates on it. do i need to loading pin for that?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, or you can make one :)

If you have a shop class/HS nearby, visit. A visit to the hardware store for some chain linkage is another option. You'll find your way. If not, PM me..
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Post by MSR9889 »

chest and back today. i got close to 8 hours of sleep the past 3 nights but was still tired waking up this morning. my barbell bench was weak today and my hand was bothering me on bench as well. also, havent taken my sleep meds in a week so hopefully that issue has passed.

bench- 110x10, 160x8, 170x6, 185x4, 200x1, 215 negative

db incline bench- 60x32 in ~15 min
tbar rows- 115x33 in ~15 min

skull crushers- 55x38
db incline curls- 30x37

static holds- 270x2

everything but barbell bench went pretty good.
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice work man!

Keep hammering away on the bench. If you're still not happy with things in another month or so, we'll get on the phone again.
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Post by MSR9889 »

do the numbers seem right in terms of what i should be hitting/missing? the EDT blocks for the most part seem to be improving minus issues with my hand here and there.

also, ive now been off my sleep medication for about 10 days and ive woken up every day still tired and sluggish. most nights im getting around 8 hours of sleep but i still sometimes wake up early and toss and turn for a couple hours. but im wondering if maybe im tired because in general im eating fairly low carbs most days. i feel like ive been sleeping well enough to not have these issues. thoughts?
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Post by LHockey »

MSR9889 wrote:do the numbers seem right in terms of what i should be hitting/missing? the EDT blocks for the most part seem to be improving minus issues with my hand here and there.

also, ive now been off my sleep medication for about 10 days and ive woken up every day still tired and sluggish. most nights im getting around 8 hours of sleep but i still sometimes wake up early and toss and turn for a couple hours. but im wondering if maybe im tired because in general im eating fairly low carbs most days. i feel like ive been sleeping well enough to not have these issues. thoughts?
maybe your body's gotten used to the sleep meds to put you into a deep sleep? you could try taking them for one night to see if you feel better the next day. low carbs are a possible culprit too
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Post by MSR9889 »

pretty good workout today. back died on me early but my legs felt really strong, probably the strongest theyve felt since i last maxed out.

Squat- 95x5, 150x10, 220x8, 235x6, 255x4, 270x1, 290 negative

EDT Block
Deadlift- 275x32
Leg Sled- 450x38

Static Crunch- 2x as long as i could hold
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Post by MSR9889 »

im not really sure what happened today because i was in the zone on the way to the gym and then just kind of lost it after my first set. i was pretty out of it the rest of my workout. my breakfast was 3 scoops of protein with some peanut butter, almonds, and ebol so maybe it was lack of carbs. but it also seemed like i never digested the shakes. after 3 hours i was still burping and tasting the shakes.

bench- 110x10, 160x8, 180x6, 195x2 and 1 with help, 205x2 with help on both

db incline- 60x29/27 with my left and right
tbar rows- 115x31

skull crushers- 55x33
incline db curls- 30x40

static hold- 270x2

seems like everything went down except incline db curls which increased. maybe i needed more rest but i felt good to go so idk what to think. it sort of feels like ive reached a point of overtraining and may be regressing but i guess we'll see when i max out next workout.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. One workout is great... the next not so great. I think it gets back to the sleep issues.

Do your best but we do need to figure out a way for you to get a consistent, good night's sleep. You're doing everything else right it seems.

That's the only fundamental I can see that needs to be addressed..
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Post by MSR9889 »

its hard now because ive been off the sleep meds for 3 weeks with the exception of 1 night before a midterm. ideally id be off them permanently and just save my stash for specific nights. i still end up waking up earlier than id like, almost like clockwork after 7 hours of sleep, then i end up tossing and turning for a bit.
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