Peb5048's first run at BP

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Post by RobRegish »

That looks great!

Let me know how it goes...!
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Post by peb5048 »

My first two workouts of GLP are down I swtiched up my EDT blocks from workouts 1-5 a bit, how does it look?

Bench (10 x160)(8 x 175)(8x195)(8x210)(8x235)(6x250)
EDT BLOCK: 20 mins
Decline DB Press (90) 6,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,4 (38)
Bent Over Row (185) 6,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,4 (38)
EDT BLOCK: 15 mins
Upright Row (90) 5,5,5,5,5,4,4,5,5 (43)
Close Grip Bench (155) 5,5,5,5,4,4,4,5,5 (42)
Static Holds - Decline Bench (275lbs)(1x15sec)
Static Holds - Cable Crunch (95 lbs - tense cables) (1x20secs)


Squat (10 x 215) (8 x 230) (8 x 260) (8 x 280) (8 x 310) (8 x 335)

Hack Squat (285) 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 (40)
Stiff Legged Deadlift (205) 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 (40)
Back Extension (50) 5,5,5,5,5,3,5,5 (38)
Hanging Leg Raise (15) 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 (40)
Static Holds - Rack Pull 3 3 to 5 2 minutes

How does that look, any suggestions for other leg EDT BLOCKS
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Post by RobRegish »

Love the smilies. Keep it going on the bench If necessary, insert an extra rest day prior to those sessions as it may well benefit you. Also, check the warmups stickie here "How to warm up". It may well benefit you.

Your EDT blocks/workouts look fine. One suggetion though, on the hanging leg raises, you definately DON'T want to do them before something like the top range rack pulls. Weakened abs in any kind of lift like that diminish your power.

Consider either putting them LAST in the workout or dropping them altogether as your static crunches on the other day should be more than enough.
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Post by peb5048 »

I see...The way I set up my GLP is I rotate my EDT Blocks, so I was wondering if you had any good suggestion for another leg EDT Block other than Hack Squat and SLDLs
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Post by RobRegish »

I always have suggestions :)

Try this:

Front squats
Leg sled with feet close, high on the platform and push from the heels

Single leg squats holding dumbells, one foot elevated on a bench
Stiff legged deadlifts

BB or DB lunges
Lying leg curls or standing leg curl maching (one leg at a time)

I'm full of suggestions. More when I'm loaded up on Burn It Up's, fewer when I'm not :)
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Post by peb5048 »

Thanks here was my workout today, I missed my last rep on bench but that part of me thinks that I was pushing myself. The GLP calculator told me to do 272 lbs for 6 reps and instead of doing 270 lbs, I went for 275 lbs. Here is the rest of my workout

Bench Press 10 x 160 8 x 195 6 x 210 8 x 235 6 x 250 6 x 270

EDT BLOCK: 20 Reps
Incline DB Bench Press (80) 54 Reps
Dumbbell Pullover (70) 54 Reps

EDT BLOCK: 15 minutes
DB Shoulder Press (65) 37 Reps
Barbell Curl (85) 37 Reps

Static Holds - Decline DB Press 2 5 - 10 secs 2 mins
Static Holds - Cable Crunch 2 15 - 20 secs 2 mins

I beat my Incline DB Press PR Zone so I'm going to increase my weight on that to 85 lbs.

Here is my Leg workout for tomorrow:

Squat 10 x 215 8 x 260 6 x 280 6 x 310 6 x 330 6 x 360

Split DB Squats (80)
Romanian deadlifts (235)
Static Holds - Rack Pull 3 x 3 to 5 2 minutes
Decline Crunch (45)
Back Extensions(135)
I'm starting to put on some BF%, I'm thinking about lowering calories a bit after this week. Any suggestions on what to lower?
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Post by RobRegish »

First, nice work on the GLP. One tip: Always round down, not up. You can always round up on your max day :)

If you need to lower a macronutrient during feast fat first, then protein, the carbs.

This rule doesn't apply intra-workout. You definately want the same/more quality proteins and aminos there!
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Post by peb5048 »

Alright thanks good to hear that my GLP is going correctly. I took my BF% last night after working out having a pre shake, peri shake, post shake and dinner. I woke up this morning and realized to move on with my goal of gaining mass. I'll take care of the petty stuff during cruise and afterwards (BF%). On that note I can't wait to lift legs today.
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT decision!
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Post by peb5048 »

Here is yesterays workout

Squat 10 x 215 8 x 260 6 x 280 6 x 310 6 x 330 6 x 360

EDT BLOCK: 20 minutes
Split DB Squats (55) - 36 Reps
Romanian deadlifts (235) - 36 Reps
Static Holds - Rack Pull 3 x 3 to 5 2 minutes
EDT BLOCK: 15 minutes
Decline Crunch (50) 48 Reps
Back Extensions(50) 48 Reps

I have some questions about creatine, in the form of Kre-Alkalyn. I want to take Kre-Alkalyn during my cruise phase and afterwards. I know that creatine should be cycled 4 weeks on 2-4 weeks off. Would I be able to take Kre-Alkalyn in cruise phase because technically Kre-AnaBOLYN, has Kre-Alkalyn in it??
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Post by peb5048 »

One more question, although I am still curious about Kre-Alkalyn in my previous most...

My Reps for GLP tomorrow go like this

10 x 160 8 x 211 6 x234 4 x 250 4 x 272 4 x 288

Should I round 6 x 234 to 6x235 or 6x230 and should I round 4 x288 to 4x290????
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Post by peb5048 »

here are my past two workouts:

Workout 3 (Day 1)
Bench Press - 10 x 160 8 x 210 6 x230 4 x 250 4 x 270 3 x 285

EDT BLOCK: 20 minutes
Decline DB Bench Press (90 lb) 46 Reps
Bent Over Row (185) 46 Reps
EDT BLOCK: 15 minutes
Upright Row (90) 52 Reps
Close Grip Bench Press (155) 50 Reps

Static Holds - Decline DB Press 2 5 - 10 secs 2 mins

Workout 3 (Day 2)
Squat 10 x 215 8 x 280 8 x 310 4 x 330 4 x 360 4 x 385

EDT BLOCK: 20 minutes
Hack Squat (285) - 48 Reps
Stiff Legged Deadlift (205) - 48 Reps
Static Holds - Rack Pull 3 3 to 5 2 minutes
EDT BLOCK: 15 minutes
Barbell Calf Raise (315) - 48 Reps
Hanging Leg Raise (15) - 47 Reps

I have some questions about creatine, in the form of Kre-Alkalyn. I want to take Kre-Alkalyn during my cruise phase and afterwards. I know that creatine should be cycled 4 weeks on 2-4 weeks off. Would I be able to take Kre-Alkalyn in cruise phase because technically Kre-AnaBOLYN, has Kre-Alkalyn in it??
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Post by RobRegish »

First, workouts look solid. Nice work man..

I know that creatine should be cycled 4 weeks on 2-4 weeks off.

Question assumptions. I don't personally feel this way but yes, I do cycle it. Everything from 3 on/3 off to all sorts of variations. In the grand scheme of things, it's minor. My $.02... try using just what's in KA (2/3 caps day = 500 to 750mg) during Feast.

During cruise, use JUST kre-alkalyn but double the dose. I'd be curious as to what you notice. I'm told MOST Kre-alkalyn users switched over to Kre-Anabolyn when they tried it. This, despite a considerable difference in cost.

Tells you something..

Would I be able to take Kre-Alkalyn in cruise phase because technically Kre-AnaBOLYN, has Kre-Alkalyn in it??

A. As per the above yes it's fine. I would just experiment with a higher dosage as the additional 4hiso, L-dopa a RCE isn't present. Will be real curious to see this one play out if you pursue it..
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Post by peb5048 »

Is there a different creatine I should try or would kre alkalyn be recommended? Also how should I fanage calories in cruise if I mostly want to gain muslce?
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