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Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:25 pm
by Big.jazayrli
dracotdrgn wrote:So much to comment on here, glad I popped in. First off props to you Big J nice squat! Love to see gymers excell in the squats, too many just don't care. I've got a few guys at my gym that can bench more than they can squat... Keep tearin it up!
2nd I am jealous of your fancy gym and colorful weights
This and the picture you all have painted of Rob at work has put a smile on my face. That's pretty hard when I've only had a few sips of coffee and no breakfast yet.
we are at your service :)

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:22 am
by Big.jazayrli
Didn't get a chance to hit the gym today, i hate to miss a workout as traction picks up, but in reality the train is gonna stop since im going to canada next week.

I did go for two runs today though, got heart rate going really well. One of which was fasted, so i feel like i did well with the calories.

Also gonna work in some pushups and bodyweight squats, just for the sake of "maintenance" i guess.

I would go to the gym tomorrow, but my gym is closed on sundays :/ stupid private clubs.

Anyway, Im still in shock and awe about that squat max.

Speaking of which, come monday im gonna give those low-barred squats a try Rob, play around with some weight and see if i can't get it to slide off my back ;)

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:51 am
by RobRegish
Great! Just go light at first as they'll be new...

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 4:52 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Great! Just go light at first as they'll be new...
We'll see when i can push five plates after my first run of BP with the ecdy :D

That's alot of weight to push without wraps though. phew

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:57 pm
by Big.jazayrli
You know, its an odd feeling im having now.

I have been looking forward to my trip that starts next week for a while! But, at the same time, i am just starting to get the major traction for my feast phase, and i don't want to leave!

Kind of really mixed feelings!

Anyway, this week i'm just going to be hitting the EDT workout that is laid out in the BP. I'm gonna do monday's workout today which is lats and triceps

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:53 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Hit my EDT blocks today, two 15 min blocks

Chins/Skullcrushers, i ended up adding a 15 lb dumbell to the last two sets

One arm row/Reverse grip pushdowns

i followed this all up with 20 minutes on the stepmill, felt good to do that.

I can definitely feel an increase in my strength on the chins. feelsgoodman :)

So Rob, when can we expect to see the blueprint in our local borders?

And i had an interesting thought today; perhaps sticky a thread titled "What are YOUR suggestions and needs for the Blueprint 3.0?"

a place for user input in terms of what needs clarification, etc. i think it coudl be helpful for the next version. But you the boss :) just a thought.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:23 pm
by RobRegish
Hey these are great ideas!

The Blueprint was never meant to be hardcopy, but you raise an interesting possibility.

I can share this; I just got the "official" copyright paperwork and my baby (your Blueprint) now sits in The Library of Congress. That's right, The Blueprint sits in the Library of Congress :)

3.0 suggestions are a great idea. I might just do that. I'll share this though (after I did a LOT of listening to a LOT of people)...... 3.0 is going to focus on Recomp.

It will do so with the most cutting edge research into training (fail-safe this time with much more specific training templates), a diet that dovetails nicely with the training and some killer insight into just how far we've come in terms of high molecular weight modified starches, isolated amino acids, low molecular weight proteins and of course... Ecdy. All backed up with glucometer testing, multistix diagnostics etc.

You guys are going to be morphing so fast you won't believe it. Neither will your gym buddies!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:33 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Hey these are great ideas!

The Blueprint was never meant to be hardcopy, but you raise an interesting possibility.

I can share this; I just got the "official" copyright paperwork and my baby (your Blueprint) now sits in The Library of Congress. That's right, The Blueprint sits in the Library of Congress :)

3.0 suggestions are a great idea. I might just do that. I'll share this though (after I did a LOT of listening to a LOT of people)...... 3.0 is going to focus on Recomp.

It will do so with the most cutting edge research into training (fail-safe this time with much more specific training templates), a diet that dovetails nicely with the training and some killer insight into just how far we've come in terms of high molecular weight modified starches, isolated amino acids, low molecular weight proteins and of course... Ecdy. All backed up with glucometer testing, multistix diagnostics etc.

You guys are going to be morphing so fast you won't believe it. Neither will your gym buddies!
damn i was in DC a couple months ago! would have been cool to take a picture of ;)

Glad to be of help to future customers, and i think recomp is definitely a better selling point for this program. While yesterday's lifters were all about bigger/stronger/faster, today's are all about leanness/size so by tweaking this or that, you are hitting a much more likely to buy portion of the market

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:44 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Anoter great workout today! and bodyweight is on its way back down... right in time for me to go on vacation..

but that's ok, because i am in the process of formulating my next BP run, the likes of which none shall ever forget! :D

Today's workout, two EDT blocks:

Good Mornings (145 lbs)/Swiss Ball Crunches w/ 35lb plate

Leg Extensions/Leg Curls

I wrapped it all up with 20 minutes on the step mill. Talk about what would have made me sore before, but intra workout BCAA's seem to help like crazy.

Have i mentioned how much i hate the stupid "freemotion" leg extension and leg curl machines? I mean seriously. They are stupid. have to adjust five damn levers just to start.

/endrant :)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:28 pm
by RobRegish
Great workout!!

Glad you're enjoying the intra workout BCAA's. They really DO make a BIG difference!!

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:32 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Great workout!!

Glad you're enjoying the intra workout BCAA's. They really DO make a BIG difference!!
speaking of which, what are your thoughts on mixing my bulk BCAA's into gatorade as a carb source?

I would use waxymaize powder, but i want to be able to drink this stuff throughout my workout without gagging

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:34 pm
by RobRegish
Gatorade powder is d-glucose. Not bad but above 50g will leave you wiped out due to the sugar crash. Timing is everything with the stuff and way to tricky for me. It'll bloat the hell out of you too.

Neither of those are present with WMS...

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:35 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Gatorade powder is d-glucose. Not bad but above 50g will leave you wiped out due to the sugar crash. Timing is everything with the stuff and way to tricky for me. It'll bloat the hell out of you too.

Neither of those are present with WMS...
true, but gatorade powder actually uses part dextrose as well.

maybe i'll just get some flavored carb powder

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:47 pm
by zip
Actually I was also thinking of using the gatorade power mix with my mass pro amino for intra workout but the label puts it at 31 grams of sugar for one serving.. Yay or Nay?