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Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 8:32 am
by Hank!
mars88 wrote:oh and how many calories/protein am i aming for the first 3 days?
Mars you want to shoot for 12-15 times your body weight in calories so in your case at least 2250 cals(based on the way your workout i am sure you could use more). The key is to really ramp the protein Rob Says

"The early protein loading too, is very important. In fact, the more protein consumed during these first 72 hours the faster the ATP-dependent proteolytic pathway will be peaked".

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 8:49 am
by RobRegish
Hank's spot on with the calories/protein. Thanks again Hank!

As to your training questions:

Q. Rob i had a question for HIT workouts were doing an EDT block with leg sled and romanian deadlifts after the squat set. Leg sled is leg press right?

A. Correct

And the different types of deadlifts are confusing, theres stiff legged, romanian and a regular deadlift.. i know that stiff legged you keeps leg straight and a regular deadlift but whats a romanian deadlift? Whats the difference between a regular deadlift and romanian? I saw a video of romanian that you posted in zee's thread and it looks like a regular deadlift so im a bit confused..

A. Romanian isn't taken all the way down, only to a point about halfway down the shins. You'll also note it's done with an overhand grip and slightly different hip position.

This is a fantastic hip dominant lift and very comlimentary to the squat. Work the entire backside of the body from the calves to the traps. VERY IMPORTANT: focus on really squeezing the abs during this lift as they facilitate the transfer of power from the lower to the upper body and back down again.

I'd wager to say that if you were restricted to performing only one lift this would be it. It works an incredible amount of muscle mass and can be cycled through many different rep ranges to avoid burnout. Personally, I like to run the following 3 rep ranges in sequence:

20 reps
15 reps
10 reps
Repeat with 10 more pounds per cycle vs. what you used on the first run

This pattern can be repeated MANY times due to the fact that it keeps you well away from the 90th percentile, avoids the variable that your body adapts quickest to (reps) and the rep spread itself isn't too wide (5 per workout, no more than 10 from extreme to extreme).

Hope that helps!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 9:47 pm
by mars88
Thanks rob thst helps! And thanks Hank as well!
I've been eating alot! Now tmrw is 1sy workout gonna wake up dose 2 ebol 2 tbol trib 6 cbol creatine 1 lean xtreme and sip on peri workout drink then go gym. The edt block Is tbar roes with incline fumbel presses can I do single arm dumbell rows instead or Can I add a 2nd edt block for dumbbel rows snd decline presses?

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:10 am
by RobRegish
Hi Mars, sure.

Just take care to not over-train, otherwise good to go!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 5:38 pm
by mars88
Hey guys completed the 1st workout and it went well
bench 155x8 I think I coulda did more weight

dumbell pullover 55x10

incline dumbell press 50x6 for 3 sets then 50x10 4tu set superseyyed eith single arm dumbell rows 60x6 for 3 sets last set got 7 this pr zone done in 12 mins very easy

Squat 175x8 supset with 145 dimel deadlift squat snd deadlift both felt light

Pr zone 12 min romanian dead 145x 6 for 4 sets superset with leg extension 140x6 3 sets then 4th set 10 reps I finished with a pr zone for dips and widegrip pullups. I cud have used more weight but it felt good def gaining strength back from famine ! I'm sore today too!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 6:34 pm
by RobRegish

Unusual to get traction this early but great going Mars!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:19 pm
by mars88
Thx rob but wats traction? Is it s good or bad thing to happen this early?

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:41 pm
by SudburyBaller
Traction is like sex. Even when it's bad it's still kinda good....

All joking aside it means your progressing, nice lifts Mars man.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:54 am
by RobRegish
Ha ha, as SBD said... it's really good.

Traction as I refer to it is hyper-adaptation when coming out of Famine. Some experience it late (frustrating), some experience it early. The earlier, the better!

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 7:45 am
by mars88
today is supposed to bd workout 2 but my hamstrins are still sore! Those Romanian deads really did it up I guess I need to take s 3rd day off which is surprising I'm
only sore 1 day after workout today is 3rd day and still sore

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:13 pm
by RobRegish
It's OK. Best to fully recover and hit it HARD!

Sometimes new exercises will do that. As you progress through The Blueprint, most reach a point where recovery sharpens up VERY quickly.

You'll be (pleasantly) surprised!

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 12:00 am
by mars88
Agreed for sure the Romanian deads did it since it's the first time I ever did it. Now if my legs r still sore whn i wake up tmrw can I just split workout 2 into two days and do bench with upper body edt pr zones and then do lower body on Sunday then workout 3 on wednesday?

Also I went to fo cardio and abs checked weight at gym I'm 143 lbs that's a 4 lb gain in
a week! No fat :)

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 4:52 am
by RobRegish
Yes, feel free to split it up.

And GREAT work on getting that much traction that fast!!

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 12:27 pm
by mars88
Great, Thanks. So my hammys are still a little sore and so i'll split up workout 2. Going to gym now gonna do the bench set+ dumbell pullover with 3 pr zones first pr zone incline dumbell press with single arm dumbell row. 2nd pr zone lat pulldowns with weighted dips 3rd pr zone preacher curls and skullrushers.. depending on how i feel i may another pr zone but i doubt it! Tomorrow i should be good to go for legs