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Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:55 am
by beachpirate
I did some sled training this morning. Focused primarily on upper body and found my delts fatigued quickly.

sled + 50# alternating through each movement for 20 yards each for 2 rotations.
tricep extension
forward arm raises focusing on anterior deltoid

I would have liked to done some more but my shoulders were shot and could not raise my arms anymore.

Calories 1868
Carbs 147
Fats 52
Protein 202

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:47 pm
by beachpirate
Well today did not go as planned. I have been alittle under the weather this week and it effected my workout this morning. I was tired and not very motivated to workout. I hit the gym this morning and completed my third day of GLP#1 for squats. However, I did not have the stamina for the PR zones that I had planned. I began the first set of romainian deadlifts and leg presses and did not have the energy to complete the series. I ended up calling it a day and went home to regroup for next week.


depending on how I feel in the morning, I will do my sled training.

Calories 2710
Carbs 188
fats 112
Protein 242

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:34 am
by RobRegish
Smart move!

You're listening to your body. To take more away in a depleted state due to sickness (there IS something going around... I got it) would have set you back.

On the positive side.... the fact you completed the GLP workout #3 is HUGE!

Great work..

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:04 pm
by beachpirate
I decided to take the day off from sled dragging to cotinue to recuperate from this cold. I am feeling better and believe there should be nothing holding me back for next weeks workouts.

Calories 1974
Carbs 154
Fats 69
Protein 186

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:17 pm
by beachpirate
I had a good workout this morning. I was feeling good and was able to get to the gym early enough to take my time on bench. Diet over the past few days has been good with the exception of having friends in from out of town yesterday and we went out to eat.

Bench (The last 2 weeks I have started at 135 instead of 115 or 50% to avoid the big jump between the 1st and 2nd sets)
and just for kicks
235x1 not the prettiest but unassisted. I failed at this lift 3 1/2 weeks ago.

PR zone 20 mins
Decline DB Press and Seated Cable Rows
70x8 165x8
70x8 165x8
70x7 165x8
70x7 165x8
70x6 165x7
70x5 165x6
70x5 165x6

PR zone 15 mins
Tricep Extension and Incline DB Press
70x8 35x6
70x8 35x6
70x8 35x6
70x8 35x5
70x8 35x5

Again wore out and unable to complete static holds. I might consider adding static holds before PR zones to try to get them in.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:26 pm
by sovabrat
nice job man, you seem to be right at my level. What was your 1RM before starting the German Loading pattern?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:32 pm
by beachpirate
1RM was 225. I did 220 easily and wanted to try more so I went for it. I'm looking forward to my new 1RM in 2 weeks.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:35 pm
by sovabrat
nice! I got my 1rm in at 235 unassisted. At first I tried 245 but my spotter finger tipped the bar at the end and i couldnt count that. So i dropped the weight and got it no problem. I would say 3 weeks prior to that attempt, my max was 185-205 ish. I keep saying in my log, I dont know how I increased that much by s tarving myself and doing a simple progression schedule but it happened. I hope to be able to rep out 225 by the end of this. NOthing is more satisfying than throwing two of the big plates up there and pumping out 6-8 reps. Im not a really tall guy either (5'7) so people stare when I load up the bar. :) best of luck to you man! continue the great success.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:55 pm
by beachpirate
Thanks for the encouragement. Prior to the BP, I was hesitant to try 195 on my own and now that feels easy. About 7 years ago I considered 225 my first set after warmups and repped 315. Since then I left the gym and gained about 50 lbs. Then 2 years ago I decided it was time to get back to work. I lost 70 lbs in 4 months and most of that was muscle. When I finally went back to the gym I could not do 135 for a set of 10. Humiliating to say the least. That was a little over a year ago. I am excited to see what the next year brings.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 6:02 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah Beach!

This is one of my favorite logs....

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:54 pm
by beachpirate
Another good day in the gym.

Lately I have been lacking motivation and struggling on leg days. I have been able to complete most days with the exception of last week but I have felt like I was just going through the motions. Today, I was feeling good and decided to take some thermogenics and green tea extract before hitting the gym. Not sure if that was the boost I needed or what but if I had known the A/C was out I might have passed on the thermos. I don't usually break a sweat until I get to the my PR zones but not today.

I have also been somewhat concerned that I experience very little DOMS on leg days, maybe slight DOMS in glutes and hams the next day but pass quickly. However, the DOMS I get from chest workouts last 2 days easily and tend to be strong. So today I wanted to see how hard I could push myself.

GLP#4 Squats
225x 8
245x6 I should have done 240 but realized I loaded the weights 5 lbs heavy on one side after completing the set.
310x3 not quite to parallel but added a slight pause at bottom. I kept trying to go lower but just didn't make it as low as I wanted. Parallel is about as low as I go without weight. Flexability is just not there.
275x5 good reps.

I felt good on squats and had no lower back issues that concerned me. Loading and unloading the weight on the power rack has been easier than the squat rack. Glad I made this change.

PR Zone 20 mins
Romainian Deadlifts and Leg Press
185x6 520x6
185x6 520x6
185x6 520x5
185x6 520x5
185x5 520x6

At this time I was breathing hard, sweating profusely and moving slowly but I wanted to do some more.

Leg extensions, Seated Leg Curls and Seated Calf Raises superset for 3 sets
105x10 130x10 90x10
135x10 140x7 90x10
165x10 140x7 90x10

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 4:53 pm
by ace
This is good stuff man, im along for the ride.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:16 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome, awesome work Beach!

These are great logs, great detail and most importantly... GREAT RESULTS!

I'm going to have to give the Blueprint thing a whirl. Sounds like there's something to it... :)

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:34 pm
by beachpirate
Update on the legs, They are still weak and I have had to go upstairs several times today. I will be sled dragging tomorrow morning and I have recruited a partner. It will be his first time with a sled.

I have been playing with my calories this week. Basically trying to play with percentages. Eating more carbs on workout days and less on off days. My weight has held steady around 260 and I'm not too concerned about this but will focus more on weight when I enter cruise phase and subsequent BP runs.

Calories 2330
Carbs 252 42%
Fats 49 18%
Protein 238 40%