Hank's Blue Print Journal

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Post by Hank! »

Nice leg WO today

135x20 A2G

90lb DBS x 10x3

Hack Squat

Leg Curls

some odd ball leg and hip machine

and leg presses

did 4 sets last being 580 to failure

2359 cals
56g fat
321mg choles
1.7gms sodium
297g carbs
149g sugar
188g pro ..found it hard to get protein today
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Post by RobRegish »

Terrific. Love your updates Hank...
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Post by askmass »

I love seeing a set of 20 rep squats in there, Hank.

Smart man.
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Post by Hank! »

askmass wrote:I love seeing a set of 20 rep squats in there, Hank.

Smart man.
LOL I am thankful for the encouragement, and my quads and hips are feeling it today.

No weights today but am going to go introduce my team to the mud run trail after work, should be fun and probably worth a good 500 cal burn. Question is do i wear my FiverFingers or my trailshoes

How the powerhooks working for you Rob?
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Post by RobRegish »

Full review up this weekend.

I tried some light rack pulls with them as soon as I opened the box (couldn't wait). Loaded up 405lb just in the top range and.... the things are rock solid.

When I way rock solid I mean I literally opened my hands and let the hooks/wrist straps absorb all of the weight. Didn't feel a thing.... No pressure on the wrists, no discomfort.

I've worked up to a little over 900lbs with just straps. I'm shooting for over 1000 with these. Saturday tells the tale...
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Post by Hank! »

I did the trail run spent about an hour and 25 mins in the woods running jumping etc . Looked at my HR monitor 1086 calories burned nice. I feel great had plenty more in the tank

Pollen is insane though you can literary see clouds of it.

Came home grilled and ate 4 pork chops and sautéed squash / zucchini

3725 cals
100g fat
937mg choles
1.3gmg sodium
308g carbs
140g sugar
21g fiber
267g pro

check out the pollen on my shoes
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic work. You must be in great shape to run that long/ingest that much pollen simultaneously :)

Do take care to up the carbs as you feel necessary for these events. You're running close to 1:1 which is working for you. In the event you see any slowdown the key will be adding another 50-100g of carbs daily until traction resumes.

All in all great going. You seem to be getting the best of both worlds with this... strength and conditioning!
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Post by Hank! »

noted on the carbs

Why do all these protein drinks leave out carbs? I know that for recovery the ratio should be 4:1 carbs /protein. I will add chocolate milk post activity maybe thro in a sports drink
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Post by RobRegish »

Carbs are cheap.. the profit margin just isn't there. Sad but true.

Maltodextrin is around $.50/pound. It really is pointless to consume protein in the absence of carbs/fats given the precious aminos will be oxidized for energy vs. used to build muscle. And it's a poor source of energy at that. Unless you're talking BCAA's, lots of metabolic waste and it's a complex conversion (glucogenesis) that has to take place in the liver.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

:shock: WHAT is up with those shoes?!? :shock:
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Post by Hank! »

dracotdrgn wrote::shock: WHAT is up with those shoes?!? :shock:

Those my friend are Vibram FiveFingers


I wear them to lift, run, play etc
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Post by Hank! »


I got antsy at work at went to the gym, i could have taken the day off but instead did shoulders and arms decent workout nice sweat going wasnt breaking any records just working on form and nice pumps

Tomorrow is my my bench workout looking forward to it

todays numbers
2598 kcals
63g fat
70 chole
961 mg sodium
332g carbs < rob will like this>
170g sugar
27g fiber
200g protien
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Post by RobRegish »

Good going Hank..

Do take care tough, not to go great guns on these workouts especially prior to your bench sessions.

Doing so can sometimes subvert your loading pattern. Hopefully that's not the case here. I know what you're saying though.. sometimes you feel the urge. That's when I usually hit the sled...
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Post by Hank! »

long day today

felt great

workout was nice
warm up was 10 push followed by
250x3 sort of a PR

DB Pullovers

Incline Bench

DB Pull Overs
85x6 failed

Decliine Bench

Fly on Nautilus *strtch)

3x10 push-ups on the Bosu Ball

I really need to get on a dedicated lifting pattern i think i could may better progress

Weight today

2300 cals
55g fat
278g carbs
168g pro
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