Linkiroth gets strong, Blueprint Journey part I.

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Smashing PRs

Post by Linkiroth »

Let's skip to the numbers.

GLP 1 Squat workout #6
205 x 10 - Light as a feather, beltless
260 x 5 - Beautiful rebound out of the hole, beltless
310 x 3 - Minor forward lean in the torso, beltless
345 x 1 - Belted, smooth and beautiful
385 x 1 - Belted, really feeling the weight now
421 x FAIL - Lost it backwards. Got stuck in the hole, "butt wink"
425 x 1 - A hell of a grinder, heavy forward lean in the torso. But I think they call this a.... PR, baby!!!

I wanted to get a video but I could not. I was so gassed after 425 that I actually forgot my uniform in the locker room and I have to go back and get it today. 425 taught me 2 things:
1) I'm stronger than I think I am
2) My technique sucks

So this week, while I rest, I have 3 goals:
1) Plan an attack for GLP 2 to ensure I get 465 at the end
2) Rehab my elbow some more
3) Work my squat technique with bodyweight squats

I'll rehab my elbow and work on technique for about 30 minutes per day, total. I may also go for a massage. Losing the bar down my back royally F-ed up my back (huge bruise and scratches) so I may wait a few days before I let somebody dig their elbows into it.
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Re: Smashing PRs

Post by matter2003 »

Linkiroth wrote:Let's skip to the numbers.
I'll rehab my elbow and work on technique for about 30 minutes per day, total. I may also go for a massage. Losing the bar down my back royally F-ed up my back (huge bruise and scratches) so I may wait a few days before I let somebody dig their elbows into it.
Great work!! That is one of the reasons I love the V-Squat...never have to worry about the F-ed up back!!
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Re: Smashing PRs

Post by Linkiroth »

matter2003 wrote:
Linkiroth wrote:Let's skip to the numbers.
I'll rehab my elbow and work on technique for about 30 minutes per day, total. I may also go for a massage. Losing the bar down my back royally F-ed up my back (huge bruise and scratches) so I may wait a few days before I let somebody dig their elbows into it.
Great work!! That is one of the reasons I love the V-Squat...never have to worry about the F-ed up back!!
Thanks, Matter!
I could see why one would like the V-Squat but since I intend on competing, I continue to use the barbell squat. Although, I've got to admit, I've never really tried it. How does the weight on the V-Squat translate to the barbell squat?
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Post by RobRegish »

"421 x FAIL - Lost it backwards. Got stuck in the hole, "butt wink"
425 x 1 - A hell of a grinder, heavy forward lean in the torso. But I think they call this a.... PR, baby!!!..."


This right here folks, is what separates the GREAT lifters, from the "good" ones. So happy for you man, you don't even know... :)

Do let the pirates, trolls and related assclowns on "the other" board know, because I/we want the WHOLE F'N WORLD to see... it ain't about how many more rounds of "Pink Magic" it's gonna' take, brother - to get to Gainsville... :)
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Post by Linkiroth »

RobRegish wrote:"421 x FAIL - Lost it backwards. Got stuck in the hole, "butt wink"
425 x 1 - A hell of a grinder, heavy forward lean in the torso. But I think they call this a.... PR, baby!!!..."


This right here folks, is what separates the GREAT lifters, from the "good" ones. So happy for you man, you don't even know... :)

Do let the pirates, trolls and related assclowns on "the other" board know, because I/we want the WHOLE F'N WORLD to see... it ain't about how many more rounds of "Pink Magic" it's gonna' take, brother - to get to Gainsville... :)
Haha. I picked up Pink Magic for free at one point (promotional) and ran it. I wouldn't pay money for it based on the effects I saw.
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Post by RobRegish »

Linkiroth wrote:
RobRegish wrote:"421 x FAIL - Lost it backwards. Got stuck in the hole, "butt wink"
425 x 1 - A hell of a grinder, heavy forward lean in the torso. But I think they call this a.... PR, baby!!!..."


This right here folks, is what separates the GREAT lifters, from the "good" ones. So happy for you man, you don't even know... :)

Do let the pirates, trolls and related assclowns on "the other" board know, because I/we want the WHOLE F'N WORLD to see... it ain't about how many more rounds of "Pink Magic" it's gonna' take, brother - to get to Gainsville... :)
You don't hear much about it now, do you? ... :)

Haha. I picked up Pink Magic for free at one point (promotional) and ran it. I wouldn't pay money for it based on the effects I saw.
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Post by Linkiroth »

Plan of attack for GLP #2:
Since total volume is lower (and both my BW and BF% are up...) I'll be approaching the loading pattern starting with a 1on/1off pattern until workout #8 (unless other signs dictate a different approach) and then move to a 1on/2off (unless I need more rest days) for the remainder of the pattern (with an additional rest day prior to the 1RM attempt)

On my off days...
Every other post bench off day, I will do 50 pullups throughout the day, anywhere between 1 set and 50 sets are acceptable as long as I do a total of 50 pullups. As I am weak off the chest, I need to work my upper back and lats more but my gym time is limited so this approach will let me do it on my time.
Every other post squat off day (alternating with the other off day work) I will do ~20 minutes of non-panting cardio, sandbag carries, or hill sprints.
This will continue until I move to 1on/2off which will have me doing the extra work after each training day.

I am going to attempt an intermittent fasting approach a la LeanGains. The programme is very well outlined and has had excellent results. Moreover, I will also be taking in more carbohydrates in the peri-workout period and fewer carbohydrates on non-workout days. This protocol has worked well for me before and I feel that I need to take the cues from my body that I need to get my nutrition back in line with what works for me. Calories will be kept relatively high, about 200 over maintainence for off days, 500 over maintainence on training days.

I will continue Kre-Anabolyn at 3caps/day.
Gamma GH most days at 4g pre-bed
Continuing use of "The Formula"
Adding 10g BCAA to The Formula on top of the existing Leucine.
I may add melatonin to my arsenal. See below.

I'll continue to hold onto my Adaptogen N and Burn It Up for the Russian and the 10% solution.

I'll be moving to the night shift next week so I won't be able to get to bed until 4 or 5am (this is where the Gamma and possibly melatonin becomes important). I'll be training before work but around the same time of day. With the wife and baby, stress may become an issue. I tend to live relatively stress-free so we'll see how it all goes.

Please feel free to leave any sort of ideas or comments you might have.
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Post by RobRegish »

"On my off days...
Every other post bench off day, I will do 50 pullups throughout the day, anywhere between 1 set and 50 sets are acceptable as long as I do a total of 50 pullups..."

Do take care with these, so as to not jeopardize recovery!... :)

Otherwise, SOLID plan!!!
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Post by matter2003 »

RobRegish wrote:"On my off days...
Every other post bench off day, I will do 50 pullups throughout the day, anywhere between 1 set and 50 sets are acceptable as long as I do a total of 50 pullups..."

Do take care with these, so as to not jeopardize recovery!... :)

Otherwise, SOLID plan!!!
I attribute my love of pullups to my back width...IMHO THE BEST exercise for widening your lats bar nothing!! Now if I could only get the 16.5 inch difference between my chest and waist that I used to have back I would be extremely happy...currently only about 12 inch difference...
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Re: Smashing PRs

Post by matter2003 »

Linkiroth wrote: Thanks, Matter!
I could see why one would like the V-Squat but since I intend on competing, I continue to use the barbell squat. Although, I've got to admit, I've never really tried it. How does the weight on the V-Squat translate to the barbell squat?
Probably not a 100% weight transference, but its pretty darn legs are destroyed for 2 days after doing them, especially my inner thighs and glutes since I squat as wide as possible, which it is great for(quads get he same workout no matter what leg position you use, hams and glutes are worked much harder with the wide stance)...

It also doubles as an extremely effective calf raise machine, IMHO much better than a normal standalone calf raise machine because you can add a lot more weight, although I have gotten to the pate limit on it on calf raises and need to figure out a way to add more weight...
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Post by Linkiroth »

Awesome feedback. Thanks so much.
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Post by Linkiroth »

Building accessory work for GLP 2 and onward...

I liked the EDT blocks for their PR quality but they were definitely too much on lower body days with the equipment I have access to and the weight I'm squatting (read: RDLs and Leg Press after squats fry my CNS) so I plan to keep a single EDT block on my upper body days and simply do one supplemental and one accessory lift on lower body days.

Upper body days:
Bench Press
Dumbell row (Maximal stretch 2-3 sets x 5-7 reps)
Face pull (prehab, 2 sets x 20 reps)
*EDT block 5 rounds, 6-8 rep target*
Decline close-grip bench press (Triceps/stretch)
Alternating Dumbell curls (Biceps for the gurlz and pre-/rehab)

Lower body days:
Dimel deadlifts (Maximal stretch, 2-3 sets x 15-20 reps in ballistic fashion)
Static cable crunch (2-3 sets x 20-30 seconds)

I like to keep my low body days simple and tough. I think that this will do the trick.
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Post by RobRegish »

Linkiroth wrote:Building accessory work for GLP 2 and onward...

I liked the EDT blocks for their PR quality but they were definitely too much on lower body days with the equipment I have access to and the weight I'm squatting (read: RDLs and Leg Press after squats fry my CNS) so I plan to keep a single EDT block on my upper body days and simply do one supplemental and one accessory lift on lower body days.

Upper body days:
Bench Press
Dumbell row (Maximal stretch 2-3 sets x 5-7 reps)
Face pull (prehab, 2 sets x 20 reps)
*EDT block 5 rounds, 6-8 rep target*
Decline close-grip bench press (Triceps/stretch)
Alternating Dumbell curls (Biceps for the gurlz and pre-/rehab)

Lower body days:
Dimel deadlifts (Maximal stretch, 2-3 sets x 15-20 reps in ballistic fashion)
Static cable crunch (2-3 sets x 20-30 seconds)

"I like to keep my low body days simple and tough. I think that this will do the trick.
I simply do one supplemental and one accessory lift on lower body days..."

It's for this very reason, that we incorporate just ONE EDT Block, on lower body days consisting of 2 compounds. Even that, is too much for some...

With respect to the absolute best exercise for widening the back, consider the EXTREMELY heavy, wide grip and strongest range Power Factor Training/Static Hold hybrid that follows...

With as much weight as you can possibly handle (I use 205lbs), perform a set in your strongest range (lower 1/4 of the movement, in this case) of reps to failure.

Then, when your concentric strength gives out (ability to move the weight up, even 1"), HOLD that weight for as long as possible in the fully contracted position. Then, slowly lower and STRETCH those lats sticking your chest out and SQUEEZE your shoulder blades together...

WARNING: This is an advanced, extreme exercise that while incredibly effective, deserves to be treated with caution and respect. Go EASY at first, given it results in DOMS that you've likely NEVER experienced before.

Then again, you'll be WIDER than you ever were before, too... :)
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Post by Linkiroth »

RobRegish wrote:
Linkiroth wrote:Building accessory work for GLP 2 and onward...

I liked the EDT blocks for their PR quality but they were definitely too much on lower body days with the equipment I have access to and the weight I'm squatting (read: RDLs and Leg Press after squats fry my CNS) so I plan to keep a single EDT block on my upper body days and simply do one supplemental and one accessory lift on lower body days.

Upper body days:
Bench Press
Dumbell row (Maximal stretch 2-3 sets x 5-7 reps)
Face pull (prehab, 2 sets x 20 reps)
*EDT block 5 rounds, 6-8 rep target*
Decline close-grip bench press (Triceps/stretch)
Alternating Dumbell curls (Biceps for the gurlz and pre-/rehab)

Lower body days:
Dimel deadlifts (Maximal stretch, 2-3 sets x 15-20 reps in ballistic fashion)
Static cable crunch (2-3 sets x 20-30 seconds)

"I like to keep my low body days simple and tough. I think that this will do the trick.
I simply do one supplemental and one accessory lift on lower body days..."

It's for this very reason, that we incorporate just ONE EDT Block, on lower body days consisting of 2 compounds. Even that, is too much for some...

With respect to the absolute best exercise for widening the back, consider the EXTREMELY heavy, wide grip and strongest range Power Factor Training/Static Hold hybrid that follows...

With as much weight as you can possibly handle (I use 205lbs), perform a set in your strongest range (lower 1/4 of the movement, in this case) of reps to failure.

Then, when your concentric strength gives out (ability to move the weight up, even 1"), HOLD that weight for as long as possible in the fully contracted position. Then, slowly lower and STRETCH those lats sticking your chest out and SQUEEZE your shoulder blades together...

WARNING: This is an advanced, extreme exercise that while incredibly effective, deserves to be treated with caution and respect. Go EASY at first, given it results in DOMS that you've likely NEVER experienced before.

Then again, you'll be WIDER than you ever were before, too... :)
Great description... but what is the movement? The dumbell row? The t-bar row?
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