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Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:09 pm
by JlCh
Honestly, I'd like to repeat the workout. When I tried it I didn't make it past 2 sets into the first EDT set.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:04 pm
by RobRegish
OK if I'm following correctly, you hit new PR's on your big BB work but could only manage 2 EDT blocks.

If you'd like to repeat, you have my blessings. If it was me though, I'd proceed to the next workout and try to get at least 3 EDT blocks. This is about you though, not me.

I support your decision. So let's run with that!

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:15 pm
by JlCh
No, not 2 full EDT blocks, 2 sets in 1 EDT block. I didn't get to squats or any lower body workouts, as I was out of energy and was having issues keeping my breath.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:31 am
by RobRegish
I see. OK I understand now.

Feel free to repeat. You may well benefit by building up work capacity via GPP work - sled dragging, wheelbarrow pushes up a slight incline and so forth.

These things are critical to supporting the base of your training pyramid (work capacity). It may be that we use that avenue instead of the weights until such time as your work capacity improves and we can then transfer it to the weight.

You'll get there. We'll do it together.. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:20 pm
by JlCh
Still sick and ran out of energy by the time I hit squats, but not so much I quit.

Benchpress - 215x10 (PR)
Dumbell pullover - 80x8 (could've done more, but didn't want to wear myself out for EDT sets)

EDT 1:
Incline DB press: 75x6x6x6x6x6 (30)
Single arm rows: 75x6x6x6x6x6 (30, each arm)

Felt too light headed for squats so worked out on machines

Hydrolic leg press: 400x10, 500x8

Hydrolic Leg Extention: 100x6x6x6x6x6 (30)
Hydrolic Leg Curl: 80x6x6x6x6x6 (30)

Still have some lung issues and run out of energy pretty quickly once I start hitting things hard. Even with limiting weight I still hit a wall. I think I'll continue working out anyway, just going slow about it. It is cruise afterall, so I won't be fretting too much if I can't push things 100% like I want to.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:05 am
by RobRegish
Geez man you're sick yet still hitting PR's in Cruise.

Salivating at what you could do at 100%. Nevertheless, great work and I appreciate the effort being put in here. Once you're 100%, I think you'll be most please as to what you can accomplish.

Do consider adding extra rest days if needed. Health first, always.. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:38 am
by JlCh
Well, I think I'm just getting my strength back up to be honest. I did 220x6 in the log, on the 2nd or 3rd GLP workout, after other sets so I'd be pretty confident that it'd put 215 up around 8-10 reps. I think the 2nd BP run I'll get all of my rep maxes as well as my 1 rep, that way I know when I hit a PR. I had never done much benchpress work prior to BP, so it's a bit hard to gauge.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:08 pm
by RobRegish
OK, good plan.

Yes, those new to 1RM's an eye opener. Still, knowing your absolute strength is important. For all strength is based upon it. You get stronger there your exercises for reps will increase.

The reverse is seldom true...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:40 pm
by JlCh
Yea, the only benefit I see to it is not knowing what you can do; so you may try something new since you don't have a predetermined figure in your head.

Either way, chances are I'll be going to hunting camp (we go set up a tent in the mountains to hunt elk), leaving Thurs night. I can fit my 2nd workout on Thurs before I leave but the Sunday workout would have to be pushed to Monday. I won't be able to keep up much of a diet while I'm there, although eating too much probably won't be a problem as I'll be hiking all from dusk to dawn.

Edit: Nevermind, this will be the weekend after this one I guess. Mom relayed the message to me incorrectly. But it would mess up my 5th? work out.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:41 am
by RobRegish
Maybe, maybe not. The extra time away may well benefit you. Life gets in the way sometimes. Enjoy life. Lifting is just a part of it. Enjoy the experience, whatever it is - note it and learn from it.

Next time around, you'll know if more rest hurts or benefits your efforts. End of the day you've added to your personal knowledge library.

You win :)

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 3:12 am
by JlCh
K, will post regarding it once around Wed or something to see what we should do with given time and how I'm feeling ect. Will post a workout tomorrow, but won't be getting much sleep tonight (fell asleep for 3-4 hours earlier and have stayed up late now).

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:42 am
by RobRegish
Do me a favor... don't train on little sleep.

Take an extra day. Rest well. Doing so will only benefit you. You grow when you rest.. Slam some GammaGH and/or Adaptogen N on an empty stomach 30 min before bed.

Nighty night :)

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:36 am
by JlCh
I got a 3 hour nap during the day and 5-6 hours during the night, too little?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:27 pm
by RobRegish
No, total = 8/9 so you should be good. Whatever it is, just try to make the 8/0 consistent.

That is the key!