Peb5048's first run at BP

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Post by peb5048 »

I have checked it out, I was just wondering if there would be something different for heavier weight and less reps.
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Post by RobRegish »

Well, you can tailor it to your liking. Wish I could do up a custom warmup for everyone but.... it's different for everyone. Some experimentation then, will be needed..
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Post by peb5048 »

Warm up Bench (Barx10, 155x2, 185x2, 205x1, 235x1)
Bench Press 320 x 1
w/ DB Pullover 90 x 1
Incline DB Press (80) 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6 (46)
Seated Cable Row (170) 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,4,5 (44)
Barbell Curl (85)5,5,5,4,4,4,4,4,5 (40)
Lying Tricep Ext (90) 5,5,5,4,5,5,5,5,6 (45)

Set my new Bench Press PR at 320, tomorrow i'll 1 Rep Max Squat, take some days off then hit up the GLP
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Post by RobRegish »

New PR's :)

I so love this place...
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Post by peb5048 »

Last day of workout 1-5 and I am stoked to start GLP on Wednesday. Here is my last workout:

Warm-Up Squat (Barx10, 185x2, 225x2, 275x1, 305x1)
Squat (425 x 1)
w/ SDL (255 x 1)
EDT BLOCK (17 minutes):
Front Squat (145) 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 (45)
Leg Press (475) 5,5,5,5,5,5,4,4,5 (43)
EDT BLOCK (17 minutes):
Hyperextensions (50) 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 (72)
Ab Machine (105) 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 (72)

So the consensus is to follow my current diet of 1.2 x 20 x BW on Training days and 20 x BW on non-training days for a week and a half of GLP and then re-evaluate BF% and adjust. My main goal is maximum size & strength with minimal fat gain.
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Post by peb5048 »

For the feast diet, do you want 1.5g/lb Protein of Complete Protein or 1.5g/lb of Total Protein (Complete and Noncomplete- from carb source)
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome stuff!

Any of those PR's?
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Post by peb5048 »

I PR'd on Squat and SDL. It was the first time doing those EDT blocks with 5% weight increase.

My GLP diet is going to change up a little I'm lowering a little protein from 310-280g on lifting days and adding more carbs an on rest days I'm lowering carbs and adding more healthy fat. Ill still be at same calories (3720 lifting, 3100 nonlift)
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Post by dropthebeats »

Nice squat Peb! Keep up the great work.
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Post by peb5048 »


Bench Press 10 x 160 8 x 175 8 x 195 8 x 210 8 x 235 8 x 250
DB Pullover 10 x 55 8 x 65 8 x 65 8 x 65 8 x 65 8 x 65
Decline DB Bench Press (90 lb)
Lat Pulldown (150)
DB Shoulder Press (65)
Upright Row (90)
Static Holds - Decline DB Press 2 5 - 10 secs 2 mins
Static Holds - Cable Crunch 2 15 - 20 secs 2 mins
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Post by RobRegish »

"My GLP diet is going to change up a little I'm lowering a little protein from 310-280g on lifting days and adding more carbs an on rest days I'm lowering carbs and adding more healthy fat. Ill still be at same calories (3720 lifting, 3100 nonlift)"

A. This is a great plan. Stick to it.

Recall there is a 2-3 day break before initiating GLP. Make sure to take it. In terms of the workout you've sketched out, make sure to observe the following:

1.) Perform your GLP sets FIRST. Take enough rest between sets as you need and THEN perform your stretch position movements. Ideally, the loaded stretches can be incorporated into your EDT sets. Just more efficient that way. Consider dropping the lat pulldowns and instead substituting the DB pullovers.

2.) Don't be upset if you miss a rep or two on a set or two. It's normal on this loading pattern. Just make sure it isn't happening every workout/set etc.

3.) Static holds with DB's aren't advised. There's just not enough overload there. You want barbell work in the strongest range, not DB. MOST IMPORTANT: Don't overdo it. GLP gets intense FAST. If you're feeling spent, skip the static hold work and don't feel bad about it!

Otherwise, fine work my man. I think you're going to do great!
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Post by peb5048 »

Could I do a EDT block with Barbell Lunges? It would be with RDLs. How would I could one rep? Would one rep of each leg count as one full repetition or does each leg count as a rep?
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow that's going to be brutal.

IF you do it I'd count one rep for each leg. Damn. EDT was originally recommended with isolation only movements for this very reason... it's all about managing fatigue.

And it's one reason why I only recommend one EDT block be done for legs vs. 2. If you're using 2 compounds like this... it's a LOT to recover from.
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Post by peb5048 »

How does this leg workout look, please get back to me because I plan on doing this today:

Squat 10 x 215 8 x 230 8 x 260 8 x 280 8 x 310 8 x 330

Hack Squat (285)
Stiff Legged Deadlift (205)
Back Extension (50)
Hanging Leg Raise (15)
Static Holds - Rack Pull 3 3 to 5 2 minutes
Static Holds - Cable Crunch 2 5 - 10 seconds 2 minutes
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