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Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:45 pm
by dropthebeats
Nice Incline DB Presses! You are really hammering those out! Keep up the great work.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:10 am
by xxtotuxx
Lol yeah I'm pretty proud of doing those. A couple more workouts using 70s and I'm gonna go for the 75s.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:05 pm
by RobRegish
GREAT incline work there! Keep it rolling..

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:00 pm
by xxtotuxx
Yeah I'm pretty happy. I know it really isn't that much, but for me it's a lot. I see people who have been training longer than I and lift less than me and I kinda get happy lol. Motivation is to reach the level of the ones above me :D

Tomorrow will be GLP for legs. Gonna kill it! Also, will update tonight what I haven't posted yet.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:09 am
by RobRegish
Lookin' forward to it... :)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:02 pm
by xxtotuxx
So after Wednesday workout, I did some work in the gym on Thursday and couldn't do my scheduled GLP workout on Friday. So I had to wait until Monday to finally do my 4th GLP workout. Here it is:

Chest GLP

Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 105lbs

Set #2 -> 73% x8 = 140lbs

Set #3 -> 78% x6 = 150lbs

Set #4 -> 85% x4 = 160lbs

Set #5 -> 90% x2 = 170lbs

Set #6 -> 97% x2 = 185lbs

EDT Block #1: Incline DB Press 70 DBs and Cable Seated Row 150lbs

Set #1: 6 reps and 6 reps
Set#2: 6 reps and 6 reps
Set #3: 5 reps and 6 reps
Set #4: 5 reps and 6 reps
Set #5: 5 reps and 6 reps

EDT Block #2: Rope Pressdown 110Lbs/Lying Tricep Extension 25lbs each side EZ Bar and Incline DB Curls w/ 30s

First 3 sets where doing Rope Pressdown, last 3 where doing Tricep Extension

Set #1: 7 reps and 6 reps
Set#2: 7 reps and 6 reps
Set #3: 7 reps and 6 reps
Set #4: 5 reps and 5 reps
Set #5: 5 reps and 5 reps
Set #6: 5 reps and 5 reps

Finished off with static holds. First one was 235 for 10 seconds, second one was 245 for 10 seconds.

Diet was fairly clean as always. ~3500 calories, 400 carbs, 70 fats, and 260+ protein.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:09 am
by RobRegish
Hey that's fantastic work!

Looks like you hit all reps/sets on your GLP?

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:09 am
by xxtotuxx
Yeah I did everything and something else. I will update the rest today hopefully.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:00 pm
by RobRegish
YES! So happy for you..

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:12 pm
by dracotdrgn
Way to go X! Nice work.

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:31 pm
by awisler
Been reading through all this over the past couple days, nice work keep it up.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:48 pm
by RobRegish
His execution is as solid as it gets... a good study for any new member.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:55 pm
by xxtotuxx
August 4th/Wednesday -> GLP #1 4th Leg Workout

Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 52.5lbs each side / 125lbs Total (105 weights + 20 smith)

Set #2 -> 73% x8 = 77.5lbs each side / 175lbs Total (155 weights + 20 smith)

Set #3 -> 78% x6 = 82.5lbs each side / 185lbs Total (165 weights + 20 smith)

Set #4 -> 85% x4 = 87.5lbs each side / 190lbs Total (175 weights + 20 smith)

Set #5 -> 90% x2 = 95lbs each side / 210lbs Total (190 weights + 20 smith)

Set #6 -> 97% x2 = 102.5lbs each side / 225lbs Total (205 weights + 20 smith)

EDT #1: RDLs (165lbs) / Smith Lunges (45lb plate each side, 110 total)

Set #1: 7 reps and 6 reps
Set#2: 7 reps and 6 reps
Set #3: 6 reps and 5 reps
Set #4: 6 reps and 5 reps
Set #5: 6 reps and 5 reps

I was so tired I forgot to do my static hold lol. But will remember to do it next time.

Diet: 3450 cals -> 77.6F/421C/255.2P

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:10 pm
by xxtotuxx
Thursday/ August 5th

Did some cardio and some calves/shoulder exercises. Usual routine for rest days (except shoulder, will be doing shoulder less)

Friday/ August 6th

GLP #1 Workout #5 for Chest :D

Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 105lbs

Set #2 -> 76% x8 = 145lbs

Set #3 -> 82% x6 = 155lbs

Set #4 -> 88% x4 = 165lbs

Set #5 -> 94% x2 = 180lbs

EDT Block #1: Incline DB Press 70 DBs and Cable Seated Row 150lbs/One Arm DB Row 70s

Set #1: 6 reps and 6 reps (One Arm Row)
Set#2: 6 reps and 6 reps (One Arm Row)
Set #3: 6 reps and 6 reps (Cable Row)
Set #4: 6 reps and 6 reps (Cable Row)
Set #5: 6 reps and 5 reps (Cable Row)

EDT Block #2: Rope Pressdown 110Lbs/Lying Tricep Extension 25lbs each side EZ Bar and Incline DB Curls w/ 30s

Set #1: 7 reps and 7 reps (Rope)
Set#2: 7 reps and 6 reps (Rope)
Set #3: 7 reps and 6 reps (Rope)
Set #4: 6 reps and 6 reps (L. Tricep Extension)
Set #5: 6 reps and 5 reps (L. Tricep Extension)
Set #6: 5 reps and 5 reps (L. Tricep Extension)

Diet: 3,549 Cals -> 69.7F/489.C/273.3P