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Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:33 pm
by Big.jazayrli
I looked into that ART and, as it turns out, there is a chiro just down the street from my house who's certified for it.

Hopefully its not too expensive, Hank - care to comment on the price point of ART?

Anyway, maxed out on squat today. And i was TOTALLY surprised! I mean i expected maybe to hit 420 or 430 but i squatted 450 today! No knee wraps, no suit. So i could see myself hitting 470 or 480 with my knee wraps on, and even more if i got myself into a suit! That's truly amazing. And enough to guarantee I'll run this program again with ecdy :D See if i can pull off 500 squat raw :)


Squats - 315x1, 365x2, 405x1, 430x1, 450x1 (I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!)
Dips SS w/ seated Row 4 sets (this was gonna be an EDT block but ran out of time)
500 Jump Rope (5-10 min?)

Diet has been pretty spot on these past few days, as i promised myself it would be.

Bodyweight today: 196! Yeah baby!

Good movement all around. Shoulder felt ok doing the dips with a 40 lb dumbell between my feet, so that was promising. Did some shrugs as well just to get some blood flow, as most of my pain is concentrated in the lower and outer part of my left trap. It seems that doing some shrugs temporarily relieves the pain, but not enough to do bench. :/

Anyway. today is a great day, here is the video of my squat, tell me what you think of form, depth, etc. I had to grind through that shit!


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:46 pm
by RobRegish

Great depth and GREAT JOB keeping that back straight while powering through!

New PR? Sounds like by a MILE.... Fantastic work man, absolutely fantastic. I'm thinking of making a PR sticky thread but it would be huge!

That was awesome.

You know, I often wonder what they're going to say at my funeral. No longer will they say "he worked in insurance". I hope they'll say, "wrote a book call The Blueprint that helped hundreds set new PR's"

Fantastic day indeed.... Thanks for sharing with us. This is a prime example of what your hard work + The Blueprint can do for you!

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:49 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:DAMN!

Great depth and GREAT JOB keeping that back straight while powering through!

New PR? Sounds like by a MILE.... Fantastic work man, absolutely fantastic. I'm thinking of making a PR sticky thread but it would be huge!

That was awesome.

You know, I often wonder what they're going to say at my funeral. No longer will they say "he worked in insurance". I hope they'll say, "wrote a book call The Blueprint that helped hundreds set new PR's"

Fantastic day indeed.... Thanks for sharing with us. This is a prime example of what your hard work + The Blueprint can do for you!
the true beauty of it is that im 3 weeks into the blueprint, including famine, and i set at least a 30 lb PR

that's just fantastic. I can't wait until i can do my full run. i cannot wait.

ten percent solution? I think so. :D

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:50 pm
by Hank!
1st Off > Awesome PR on the Squat great push through..looked like it had you for a few secs.

There will be more to follow: PR's that is.

2nd I am jealous of your fancy gym and colorful weights

You caught me with "ART" thankfully I am a Google ninja. I am pretty sure that is the technique my therapist uses along with myo-facia release sp?. I cant comment on price because mine is covered by ins., tho I think the Ins is billed 120 per session (roughly 1 hr).

Well worth it if you have the $$, especially with a good practitioner

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:53 pm
by Hank!
Rob your casket will read Sir Flatch-Alot author of the Blueprint, Insurance dynamo and all around great guy..who can rack pull a half ton

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:59 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Hank! wrote:Rob your casket will read Sir Flatch-Alot author of the Blueprint, Insurance dynamo and all around great guy..who can rack pull a half ton
Rob sells insurance?

talk about intimidation sales!

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:14 pm
by Hank!
I can picture him now, walking into a young couples house in a suit that looks to small around the shoulders, a collar so tight his head is reddish. That scowl we see in his profile. He sits down, their wooden dining room chairs squeak in protest. Then he sits there staring at them breathing thru his nose and sweating until they sign up..its the classic Regish Power Close

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:20 pm
by RobRegish
Ha ha! I actually don't sell for a living. More like fly out to see the decision makers at a company, have dinner and tell a few green banana jokes etc. Make them laugh. Then they buy. I've even coined a quasi pro wrasslin' term for it: "Insurance Entertainment" (tm)

I did have to learn all about body language (especially with women), remind myself how to smile etc.. I was told once "whatever you do don't lean forward" and boy, were they right. I get some very curious looks when I do that. Our female in house attorney stares at me like I'm a circus animal during our meetings.

So I throw some random twitches in here and there to liven things up :)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:38 pm
by Hank!
I bet you still sweat and grimmace

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:35 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Ha ha! I actually don't sell for a living. More like fly out to see the decision makers at a company, have dinner and tell a few green banana jokes etc. Make them laugh. Then they buy. I've even coined a quasi pro wrasslin' term for it: "Insurance Entertainment" (tm)

I did have to learn all about body language (especially with women), remind myself how to smile etc.. I was told once "whatever you do don't lean forward" and boy, were they right. I get some very curious looks when I do that. Our female in house attorney stares at me like I'm a circus animal during our meetings.

So I throw some random twitches in here and there to liven things up :)
Big ol' scary insurance dealer.

selling black market insurance and good old honest workout programs.

what a champ

COMMENT: What a great idea! A Blueprint rider I can upsell. Can you picture me pitching the wonders of bug hormones to retirees? I've really got to work on the anti-aging Blueprint.

Thanks for the tip!!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:37 am
by RobRegish
I never did the door to door salesman thing. I usually fly out of Hartford to far away places, talk to the HR reps of fortune 100 companies. I relay the story about how an employee benefit program without retiree medical is like a world without sunshine.

I do scowl and sweat buckets. Burn It Up is now mandatory and just lends itself to the whole effect via pupil dialation.

Overheard at the office after walking by a few co-workers recently:

"Wow, that guy is wound pretty tight..."

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:40 am
by RobRegish
Big.jazayrli, I watched that video again this AM and have one suggestion..

Try carrying the bar a bit lower on your back. This will take some getting used to but I think it'll instantly boost your power. By doing so, you'll shorten the bar stroke several inches and bring it lower, closer to your center of gravity.

Give that a shot on a few of your lighter sets, progressively working it into the heavier ones. I'm betting it'll get you that 475-480 with ease :)

Hope that helps. Keep the abs strong and the mind sharp. Your lifts certainly inspire.. So much so I just posted this video on the Thermolife board along with your Famine set of 15.

Hope that's OK with you..

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:22 am
by Big.jazayrli
I dont mind at all Rob. and i appreciate the criticism, i'll play around with the bar movement as well, that might take some getting used to though, been using the same bar position for 5+ years now lol

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:21 pm
by dracotdrgn
So much to comment on here, glad I popped in. First off props to you Big J nice squat! Love to see gymers excell in the squats, too many just don't care. I've got a few guys at my gym that can bench more than they can squat... Keep tearin it up!
2nd I am jealous of your fancy gym and colorful weights
This and the picture you all have painted of Rob at work has put a smile on my face. That's pretty hard when I've only had a few sips of coffee and no breakfast yet.