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Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:58 pm
by hah2110
Ok so is it just those two workouts? I'm just alternating those two or are those examples? What else do I do EDT fashion? I need some biceps! I want big arms. Also, no weighted belt at the gym so should I sub non-weighted dips or the tricep press down machine? Other issue is the low cable deadlifts don't go to enough weight. What should I do?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:50 pm
by RobRegish
Here's an example of what to do after chest (after the big barbell lift and 6 sets of the GLP):


Incline Barbell Presses (BB or DB)
One arm DB rows


Incline DB curls
Overhead dumbell tricep extensions (both arms, one dumbell)

Suggest 20 min blocks for each, resting 2 min between sets.. That's your EDT template after upper body day..

After your 6 sets of squats on GLP day, you'd perform the following blocks:

Romanian Deadlifts
Hack Squats

Leg Sled - Two static holds in the strongest range for 10 to 15 seconds

Doing this accomplishes a couple of things:

1.) You preserve as much energy as possible and put it into hitting your desired sets/reps on the GLP
2.) The EDT blocks are then inserted such that hypertrophy is stimulated in addition to power/1RM strength
3.) It also exploits those stretch position movements so important to hypertrophy, like 1 arm DB rows, RDL's, Incline DB curls and even hacks.

Whenever in doubt, keep it simple and do less, not more. Pour yourself into concentrated, effective movements/loading patterns and EDT templates. Simple + max effort = stunning gains.

Does that help?

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:59 am
by hah2110
So I just finished the second GLP of Bench Press. It hurt! I am dying by the last set. So far, I haven't gained any weight. I think I am retaining a lot of water weight because towards the end of the night, I am 157-158 but when I first wake up I'm still 152. I am DEFINITELY gaining strength and work capacity and my legs feel like someone has been sculpting them out of cement with a chisel (very weird feeling!). I'm still not seeing anything size wise in the arms and chest though. If anything, I can see a hair more definition in chest and tri's, but that is it. What do I do? If it means more calories, is there a liquid way to get it in? I'm concerned that if it is recommended that I get an extra 500 calories a day (just an example), i'll overeat or eat crap. Liquids are unambiguous and leave out all the guessing and I think that would help me stay on track.

What do I do? Also, just out of curiosity, why no direct shoulder work? Aren't shoulders the "glamor muscle"?

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:55 pm
by RobRegish
Glad to hear it on the legs. Now, let's talk about that upper body..

You can certainly do shoulders, but only after hitting those big barbell chest/tri lifts first. The shoulders naturally get alot of work via the pushing/pulling found withing the stock BP protocol.

For your calories, let's say an extra 300 is what's needed every day. Consider adding the following:

1.5 cups pineapple juice: 200 calories
1 scoop Mass Pro MVP: 100 calories

48 grams of low glycemic carbs, 25 g of incredibly high quality protein and your required 300 calories. Low glycemic to boot.

Does that help?