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Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:43 am
by tufluk
I Just got back from the gym and I have to say it has to be the most mentally challenging workout in mi40 so far!

in 24/48 hours im going to need a wheelchair and a stair lift.
How you felling now man? on crutches?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:00 pm
by matter2003
tufluk wrote:I Just got back from the gym and I have to say it has to be the most mentally challenging workout in mi40 so far!

in 24/48 hours im going to need a wheelchair and a stair lift.
How you felling now man? on crutches?
Hurting pretty bad, but less than I thought idea how but I hammered that hiit cardio yesterday pretty easy after doing 3 good stretches on each is worse and my quads are still swelled up pretty good...

Also up to 193 lbs...

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:38 am
by matter2003
got a few logs to post, but it is measurement day!

Got home really late last night at 4:30 am, had a pretty fun night...I never had a girl stare at me as hard as a girl did tonight checking me out. I was talking to my friend, he had his back to the girl, she was sitting on a bench about 10 feet away. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she was looking at me, so I glanced over at her and she smiled at me and kept looking, so I gave her a half smirk and kept talking at my friend. I noticed she kept staring at me, so I told him "I cannot believe how hard this girl is staring at me" and he shuffled over a little and turned his head slightly around and was like "Damn bro, she must be really feeling you..." He turned back around, and now was directly in front of her line of sight, so she actually stuck her head all the way out and to the right so she could continue looking and smiling at me. Kind of creepy to be honest with you. She wasn't bad looking, but damn...

Chest: 48 inches(unchanged)
Waist: 34 inches(unchanged)
Arms: 15 1/4" inches(-1/4" from last week!!)
Hips: 39.75 inches(+.25 inches from last week!)
Quads: 28" inches(+.75" from last week!!)
Calves: 17" inches(unchanged)

Weight: 188.6(down 1.6 pounds from last week!)
BF: 12.0%(up .6% from last week!)
LBM: 165.96 lbs

Think I might be slightly dehydrated, which is why the lower weight, good gains on quads again...thought for sure arms would have grown as I hammered my triceps a few days ago...

5 more days

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:10 pm
by matter2003
way behind in logs, so they are:

MI40 Day 31 Wednesday

HIIT cardio after destroying your quads is never fun, however, I pretty much ripped it off without much of an issue after doing 3 quad stretches for each leg and then warming up for 5 minutes...

20 minutes total, alternating 1 minute high and 30 seconds low...

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:15 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 33 Thursday

Back and Hamstrings

Wide Grip Assisted Pullup(downward intention)(6 work sets+NOS): 70/55/50/45/45/45-65x3.5-85x4-105x5
Supported Machine Row: 98/118/138/158-138x4-118x5-98x6
Two Arm Incline DB Row: 35/40/40/40-35x5-30x6-25x8
Deadlift: 185/235/255/265-215x8-185x8-165x8

Seated Leg Curl: 50/70/90/95-75x6-60x6-50x6
Leg Press(feet high and wide w/ intention): 170/260/350/395
Lying Leg Curl: 56/80/95/95-80x5-65x6-50x7

Not bad on the DL's considering it was the first time I had done them in a long time and it was coming at the end of my back workout...

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:18 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 34 Friday

Shoulders and Triceps today in the morning, after a short turnaround from last least favorite back to back days

Seated Side Laterals:
Bent Over DB Lateral Raise:
Cable Side Lateral:
Machine Shoulder Press:

Triceps Cable Pushdown:
Close Grip Bench:
Seated Machine Dip:

Close Grip Static:

will fill in the details once I find my sheet, it is MIA currently

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:19 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 35 Saturday

No workout, just HIIT cardio...20 minutes, alternating 1 minute high and 30 seconds low

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:24 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 36 Sunday

Chest and Biceps today

Incline BB Press: 115/135/155/175x4-150x4-130x4-110x4
Incline Machine Press: 98/118/123/128-108x5-98x4-98x4
Flat DB Press Fly: 25/30/35/40-30x6-25x8-22.5x8
Dip(BW to failure): 7/5/4/BW+20x3-BWx1

2 Arm Cable Curl: 15/20/25/25-20x5-15x5-12.5x6
BB Curl: 50/60/70/70
Incline DB Curl: 25/30/30/35-30x4-25x5-22.5x6

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:29 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 37 Monday

Back and Hamstrings again today---Back in the morning, Hamstring and 15 mins of HIIT cardio at night

Underhand Seated Cable Row: 120/140/160/180-140x6-120x5-100x6
One Arm DB Row: 50/60/70/80-70x5-60x4-50x4
Overhand Barbell Row: 135/155/175/185
Assisted Pullup(downward intention): 70/55/40/40-55x4-70x5-85x5
superset Widegrip Pulldown(downward intention): 100/100/100/85-70x8-55x8-55x12

Seated Leg Curl: 70/85/95/110-90x5-75x7-60x8
Lying Leg Curl(in extension): 50/55/65
superset Lying Leg Curl: 50/55/65-50x8-40x8-35x8

Immediately into 15 mins of HIIT cardio after a 5 min warmup---1 minute high and 30 secs low

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:37 pm
by matter2003
MI40 Day 38 Tuesday

Quads today---skipped calves again as I ran out of time, plus no need for them

Squat: 155/185/205/225
DB Squat: 50/60/70/80-70x4-60x5-50x8
Walking DB Lunge(15 ea/leg): 25/25/25/25
Leg Press: 350/440/490/510
superset Leg Extension: 120/130/145/145-105x4-85x5-70x6

legs were burning so bad after I got out of the leg extension machine after he NOS set that I got up, walked a few steps and then collapsed onto a treadmill and held my head in the minds while on my knees...burning so FREAKING bad, I literally wanted to cry...took about 45 seconds or so for it to go away, then I hobbled out the door...

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:44 am
by matter2003
Finished MI40, had some good results, although I believe I would have been better served running this after rebuilding some of my strength...

Went on vacation down to South Carolina for a week and with all the food and fried everything down there(which tasted awesome, btw), I gained 6 lbs, even while doing sandbag workouts in the Carolina heat and playing racquetball for an hour one day...I even went to a country bar/club(omg I have never seen such a high percentage of hot girls in one place in my life---most wearing tight ass jean shorts and cut off tops...)

I learned a few things.

1) I would weight 300+ lbs if I lived down there because everything they eat contains huge amounts of either sugar or fat. Ribs, chopped barbeque, fatback, lard, pies, cakes, cobbler, cornbread, sweet tea, etc...

2) I would end up divorced because the girls down there are hot, sexy, friendly and easy...a bad combination, especially when you are in shape and stick out like a sore thumb in the 4th fattest state in the country.

Started famine yesterday at 197.4 lbs, took in about 1600 cals while doing HIIT cardio in the morning for 20 mins, 1 min high, 30 secs low, and then first famine workout at night.

Squats: 225 x 6/245 x 4/ 245 x 4
superset 1 arm DB Rows: 80 lbs x 4/ 80 lbs x 6/ 80 lbs x 6

Seated Cable Row: 160 x 6/200 x 6/ 220 x 4
superset pullups: BW x 6/ BW x 4/ BW x 4

Standing Bicep: 100 lbs x 4
Preacher Curl: 140 lbs x 6
Seated DB Curl: 40 lbs x 6

Woke up this morning and was down to 195.2 lbs, went and did some HIIT cardio this morning, same as yesterday, no lifting...

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:03 am
by matter2003
On a funny note, while I was at the country bar I talked about in the previous post, I was out with my Brother-In-Law and 2 of his friends who were born and raised there, so they knew a lot of the people there and were introducing me to a lot of people(lots of groups of girls). Of course, I couldn't just let this slide, even with my brother-in-law there who told me whatever happened at the club would stay at the club(at least within reason---I am cool with most of her brothers like that).

So, a little back story, everyone there(including the girls/women) are huge college football fans, and in that part of the state, they are South Carolina fans. Their nickname are the Gamecocks, a type of chicken. It is often shortened to Cocks. Now, me being the super jackass I am when I was out, was getting introduced to girls and then the first question out of my mouth was: "So, are you all big cock fans?" Of course, they were mostly like "Hell, yeah!" in their sexy southern accents, thinking I was talking about the football team...reactions were hilarious when I told them that wasn't the type of cock I was talking about...

Lots of playful slaps and "OMG! We are GOOD girls down here!" and "Where are you from?"(I stuck out like a sore thumb...was the only person that didn't have shorts and a T-shirt on or jeans, and as soon as I opened my mouth they could tell by my non-accent) this one girl that told me she was a good girl had a few tattoos on her back and a tongue piercing, so I told her she couldn't be that much of a good girl since she had tattoos and a tongue piercing. She smiled at me and said "You should see my other tattoo if you like those ones..." and proceeded to pull her jean shorts down to reveal a tattoo right above her nether regions. Of course, I wasn't going to pass up a golden opportunity, so I said "You sure it doesn't go down further than that?" and put my finger inside her jean shorts and pulled them out, giving me a direct view of her landing strip...she laughed and said "OMG! What is with you people from New York!" and slapped my hand away. I then proceeded to ask if she had any tattoos up here, and put my finger in the V area of her shirt and pulled it down a little bit, and she laughed and slapped my hand away again and said "Watch it bubba!" and smiled at me...

I asked her if she liked cornbread and she said "everyone down here likes cornbread!" and I said I could tell and she said "How did you know?" and I told her by the way her ass sticks out of her jean shorts like that...she laughed and turned it toward me a little bit and stuck it out so I smacked it...her friends couldn't stop laughing at that one and told me I was definitely not a "southern gentleman"...I then noticed her and her other really cute friend exchanging glances and smiles with each other for a few seconds and she turned to me and said "What are y'all doing after here?" and I told her I was with them(talking about my BIL and his friends), so whatever they were doing was what I was doing...she then said "Y'all should come over to my house and go swimming with us"...

Unfortunately I had to turn it down because I knew that I would end up doing more than swimming if I went over there, and the look my BIL gave me when she asked and before I answered told me he was not going to let that one slide, which I wouldn't have expected him is his sister after I told them we really couldn't, and that I didn't have a swimsuit anyways...she smiled at me and said "That's OK, you don't need one..."

Can't get her little sexy ass out of my mind the last few days...I already know I am in trouble if we ever moved down there...its too easy and the girls are too friendly...

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:57 am
by DaCookie
Damn those girls sound easy as fuck ha, note to self dont go to new york and if looking for easy poon, head to south carolina

Any other funny stories?That was whopper

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:12 am
by DaCookie
matter2003 wrote:got a few logs to post, but it is measurement day!

Got home really late last night at 4:30 am, had a pretty fun night...I never had a girl stare at me as hard as a girl did tonight checking me out. I was talking to my friend, he had his back to the girl, she was sitting on a bench about 10 feet away. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that she was looking at me, so I glanced over at her and she smiled at me and kept looking, so I gave her a half smirk and kept talking at my friend. I noticed she kept staring at me, so I told him "I cannot believe how hard this girl is staring at me" and he shuffled over a little and turned his head slightly around and was like "Damn bro, she must be really feeling you..." He turned back around, and now was directly in front of her line of sight, so she actually stuck her head all the way out and to the right so she could continue looking and smiling at me. Kind of creepy to be honest with you. She wasn't bad looking, but damn...

Chest: 48 inches(unchanged)
Waist: 34 inches(unchanged)
Arms: 15 1/4" inches(-1/4" from last week!!)
Hips: 39.75 inches(+.25 inches from last week!)
Quads: 28" inches(+.75" from last week!!)
Calves: 17" inches(unchanged)

Weight: 188.6(down 1.6 pounds from last week!)
BF: 12.0%(up .6% from last week!)
LBM: 165.96 lbs

Think I might be slightly dehydrated, which is why the lower weight, good gains on quads again...thought for sure arms would have grown as I hammered my triceps a few days ago...

5 more days
Sounds like an alpha female bro, that or a rapist.Hope this kinda shit happens to me when Im in bars/clubs in the US.Im a good looking guy but the girls here in Dublin are something else.Dont like muscular guys and have the biggest standards ever(think its also the area of dublin I live in, north side dublin girls are different and mirin me hardcore) and every american girl Ive asked said that everyone of the chicks would love to get with me over there.

Btw what you think of the ISA-TEST GF?