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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:39 am
by RobRegish
beefcake66 wrote:Do like. Very considering BP+CC.

I have to drop about 30lbs and regain all my lost strength. I've had wayyy too much downtime/sickness/injury.

When I was doing a bit, I had to start squats on level 3 because the other 2 were too awkward for me (hurt my upper body on step 1, and step 2 I don't have a good sized bench or just found it too awkward). Step 1 on pushups... I was able to do step 1 on handstand pushups but I've decided to not touch those until I get my pushups up and lose the weight. Bridging I was able to do level 1 completely and progressed to level 2... pullups I'll be at level 1 to 2 for a while more.. forget where I left off but I'm not strong in vertical pulling. Knee raises level 1 as well.

This stuff makes me feel like suuuuccchhh a newb. lol
But it's super important to start at the beginning and do it all right... especially since I'm comin off some major injuries.
Way to go Ang!

You are one SMART lady... :)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:11 am
by aron7awol
Are you doing one of the training programs from CC, such as Good Behavior, or are you doing something custom?

I'm thinking I would like to work out 3 days a week, but maybe split the Big Six movements into two days of 3 each, and alternate between them similar to what the BP 3.0 training plan does.

I've been on "Good Behavior" now since late December. Some recent notes...

*Brutal, especially as I get closer and closer, to the master steps. You'd think 3 days/week would be too little. You're thinking wrong. I'm honestly thinking of moving to a 1on/2off OR, 1 week off every month. You read that right, it's THAT taxing. Keep in mind, I'm 42 and ran out of Synthagen raws 3 weeks ago.. :)

*I just received Brooks Kukick's Dinosaur Bodyweight Training - and will be incorporating some of his ideas. TREMENDOUS read, and WELL worth the asking price - get it!

*This stuff is no joke. My muscles are full, hard and "denser". Like a coiled spring. My joint issues are GONE. I've lost bodyfat and lots of it without even trying.

*You needn't give up the weights, this isn't an either or. I have, but only to properly evaluate just how good hardcore calesthetics are. I didn't think they'd be enough.

I was WRONG...

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:57 pm
by aron7awol
Rob, I was confused for a minute there because you edited my post, but thanks for the reply.

I'm only considering switching to CC exclusively right now because of my injuries. My lower back and shoulders are not in a good place right now.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:28 am
by RobRegish
aron7awol wrote:Rob, I was confused for a minute there because you edited my post, but thanks for the reply.

I'm only considering switching to CC exclusively right now because of my injuries. My lower back and shoulders are not in a good place right now.
Sorry man, didn't mean to!

Tell you what, email on your shoulder issues. He's a good guy, and said he had something to help?

Dunno... :)

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 9:09 am
by bigpelo
So I am progressing well in push up, leg raise and squats. I hit level 2 progression standard about 2 weeks ago on those 3 but I am staying there because I want to hit level 3 on my pull up at the same time. The problem is I am not able to get 3 sets of 30 on the level 2 horizontal pull. My best so far has been 25 reps, 20 reps and a third set of 19 reps. Arms and back muscles are pumped as crazy by the end of those 3 sets! Why am I not progressing on this one? I thought my back was a strong body part for me, kinda deceptive :(

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 9:51 am
by dropthebeats
bigpelo wrote:The problem is I am not able to get 3 sets of 30 on the level 2 horizontal pull. My best so far has been 25 reps, 20 reps and a third set of 19 reps. Arms and back muscles are pumped as crazy by the end of those 3 sets! Why am I not progressing on this one? I thought my back was a strong body part for me, kinda deceptive :(
I had the same problem Pelo. I don't know what made them so hard. I thought it was just me.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 11:16 am
by aron7awol
bigpelo wrote:Why am I not progressing on this one? I thought my back was a strong body part for me, kinda deceptive :(
dropthebeats wrote:I had the same problem Pelo. I don't know what made them so hard. I thought it was just me.
I think this is because those horizontal pullups aren't really much easier than regular pullups. This is the one progression where there's a big jump between level 1 and 2, but a small jump between level 2 and 3. I bet once you can do 3 sets of 30 on level 2, you'll be able to meet the progression standard on level 3 very quickly.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:42 am
by RobRegish
dropthebeats wrote:
bigpelo wrote:The problem is I am not able to get 3 sets of 30 on the level 2 horizontal pull. My best so far has been 25 reps, 20 reps and a third set of 19 reps. Arms and back muscles are pumped as crazy by the end of those 3 sets! Why am I not progressing on this one? I thought my back was a strong body part for me, kinda deceptive :(
I had the same problem Pelo. I don't know what made them so hard. I thought it was just me.
These are f'n brutal. It took me SIX WEEKS of trying, to meet the progression standard - yet I can do weighted pullups for reps with 90lbs?

I suspect it's the rep range. If memory serves (I'm on step 7 now), the progression standard was 2 or 3 sets of 30?

30 reps of anything is a LOT, at least coming from the type of training I was doing. Dunno. I'd make a judgment call - this is one case where "close" is close enough.

If you can do somewhere between 20-30, move on. If you run into trouble later on, you can blame me... :)

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 5:30 pm
by mikej26
RobRegish wrote:
dropthebeats wrote:
bigpelo wrote:The problem is I am not able to get 3 sets of 30 on the level 2 horizontal pull. My best so far has been 25 reps, 20 reps and a third set of 19 reps. Arms and back muscles are pumped as crazy by the end of those 3 sets! Why am I not progressing on this one? I thought my back was a strong body part for me, kinda deceptive :(
I had the same problem Pelo. I don't know what made them so hard. I thought it was just me.
These are f'n brutal. It took me SIX WEEKS of trying, to meet the progression standard - yet I can do weighted pullups for reps with 90lbs?

I suspect it's the rep range. If memory serves (I'm on step 7 now), the progression standard was 2 or 3 sets of 30?

30 reps of anything is a LOT, at least coming from the type of training I was doing. Dunno. I'd make a judgment call - this is one case where "close" is close enough.

If you can do somewhere between 20-30, move on. If you run into trouble later on, you can blame me... :)
I couldn't agree more with Rob on this one. Move on to the next step

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:11 pm
by Remu_87
Cool video using some of the moves in CC

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:15 pm
by drhowe9
Rob any updates with CC? Have you still been using it exclusively? I am reading through it now and am excited to give it a few months to test it out.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:47 am
by RobRegish
drhowe9 wrote:Rob any updates with CC? Have you still been using it exclusively? I am reading through it now and am excited to give it a few months to test it out.
With the exception of very infrequent static holds on the top range rack pull/seated calf raise - YES!

Update? I am absolutely tearing through it now, in part due to finding my optimal workout frequency, marrying that with CC specific cardio. Here's what's working for me...

1.) CC workouts every other day, focusing on just ONE movement per day. This is a slight variation of the "Veterano" schedule, which is detailed in the back of the book. I trained (and gained!) for a LONG time on "Good Behavior", a 3x/week routine with 2 exercises/day. Highly recommended to start with this.

2.) "Off" days I alternate between performing 4 sets of Hindu/bodyweight squats (up to 4 sets of 50!), and burpees to maintain cardiovascular conditioning. Those BW squats btw, are GOLD. I actually picked these up from Brook's Kubick's Dinosaur Bodyweight training. I started at 4 sets of 25, and added 5 reps to each set as I went along. Absolutly FANTASTIC for keeping the legs full, vascular and builds INCREDIBLE endurance/work capacity. These have helped my one legged squats/pistols TREMENDOUSLY.

I do use it according to BP principles, meaning I mix in Famine every 8 weeks or so and it's working FANTASTIC. In fact, my Dr. was absolutely dumbfounded when I went for my checkup recently. "Haven't lifted weights in almost 9 months doc..".

Looked at me like I was from Mars... :)

For those of us getting up there in age, are looking to train for a LIFETIME and are interested in new challenges (I've done the powerlifting thing) - this is the stuff!

You want to turn some heads, and do things others can only dream of? Walk into ANY gym in this country, and start pumping out 1 arm pushups, handstand pushups, one arm chins and one legged, ass to ankle squats etc.

Believe me, it registers...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:41 pm
by drhowe9
Rob- Give me an update on convict! I'm loving it as well.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:30 am
by RobRegish
Curiously enough, my bridging took off and I'm now almost at the progression standard on step 7. I honestly feel my week off/return to Famine had a lot to do with it...

I continue to enjoy CC and occasionally mix in top range rack pulls with static hold, seated calf raise static holds and some neck harness work. Those being the ONLY free weight movements I find compliment CC (for me).

I essentially perform CC during Feast/Cruise and meter my training frequency according to bio-feedback. It works out to training around 3-4 days a week, although Synthagen makes me FEEL like I could train every day I know better... :)

What I ultimately arrived at was this schedule, a bit different from any of the programs listed in the book:

Pushups and Pullups

Squats and Abs

Handstand pushups and Bridge work

Squats and Abs

Pushups and Pullups


You'll note I have a leg/ab day in between each upper body day. I feel this is more efficient, vs repeating upper body lifts as espoused in "Good Behavior" or like schedules.

One thing that bugs me: I can't as of yet do the 1legged squats from the floor. I CAN do them off of cinderblocks holding additional weight. Is this "cheating"? Honestly, I don't know. I may go back a few steps but lack of flexibility/strength in my hip flexors seems to prevent me from keeping my non-working leg elevated to parallel or above to perform from the floor.

One last point: I'm a BIG fan of adding weight on these/other exercises OR making the movement harder once past the "intermediate" phase on the master step of a movement. Honestly, 100 reps in the 1arm pushup/1legged squat?

I'd much rather add more weight or in the case of the 1arm pushups, elevate my feet on a bench to make the movement harder. That gets me back into the 5 or so rep range, and I progress from there. Same principle as the guy who moves his bench from 250 to 300lbs for a 1RM. He'll be able to do more reps with a lighter weight EVERY time, vs the guy who moves his bench from 250 for 10 reps to 250 for 20 reps. Put him under 300lbs and he'll likely get squashed...

Just my $0.02... :)