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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:43 pm
by matter2003
Legs getting less sore throughout the day, barely noticing them now...

Cruise Workout #3

Decline Bench Press(Smith Machine): 235 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 3,1,1 x 2,1,1,1
-made sure I got all my reps in, even when I had to do pause reps on 4th and 5th sets(the 1's denote pause reps).

Lat Pull Down: 200 x 5 x 5 x 5

Seated Cable Row: 220 x 5 x 5

Trap Shrug(Power Rack): 315 x 5/365 x 5 x 5 x 5/405 x 5 x 3 <--PR!!!

-Man I was really feeling it on trap shrugs today...365 felt really easy so I said screw it and tossed on the 4th plate on each side...a trainer at my gym came over and told me "Man, that's a lot of f***ing weight!" I started to tell him about green bananas and their merits, and how its called bananabol, but I couldn't keep a straight face and busted up laughing...he shook his head, said "You're nuts, man", laughed and walked away. I then proceeded to rip off 5 shrugs at 405 lbs, put it down, and felt like I could do some more, so picked it back up and ripped off another 3 for good measure...traps are blazing right now something fierce

-Started doing some seated tri pressdowns, but wrist started bothering me, so I switched to alternating between standing pressdowns and standing overhead DB extensions

Standing Tri Pressdowns: 95 x 5 x 5 x 5

Tri Overhead DB Ext: 70 x 5/80 x 5 x 5

Standing Bicep Curls: 80 x 5 x 5

Standing Cable Curls: 100 x 5 x 5 x 5

Seated Weighted Ab Curls(Hammer Strength): 100 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

Overall felt pretty good, annoying to have to limit myself on bicep curls because of wrist/forearm tendon issues but not much else I can do. I can tell my biceps have gotten bigger, but this is really limiting my size gains in my opinion...

I can really see traps started to come in fast and it looks like they are stil growing, even in cruise...shirts are starting to lift up quite a bit between neck and shoulders...front delts, shoulders, traps and area between upper chest and shoulders(over collarbone area) are getting shirt-busting big...

gonna be hitting some cardio over the next few days and doing lower body cruise workout on Sunday after I watch the Bills spank the Giants...

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:46 am
by RobRegish
Not unusual to put a few more lbs of muscle on in Cruise, and round out/see greater "fullness". A welcome "side effect", seen in this phase... :)

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:11 pm
by matter2003
kinda upset today as I am not going to be able to workout...I was carrying some chairs from outside in the garage into the house and I stepped and slipped on some wet leaves causing my foot to slide out in front of me about 2 feet and it feels like I might have stretched something in my knee...

Don't think I tore anything because it doesn't hurt that bad and there is no swelling, but definitely not about to test it out by doing 400+ pound squats and deadlifts.

Gonna rest for a few days and get back in there Wednesday.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:11 pm
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:kinda upset today as I am not going to be able to workout...I was carrying some chairs from outside in the garage into the house and I stepped and slipped on some wet leaves causing my foot to slide out in front of me about 2 feet and it feels like I might have stretched something in my knee...

Don't think I tore anything because it doesn't hurt that bad and there is no swelling, but definitely not about to test it out by doing 400+ pound squats and deadlifts.

Gonna rest for a few days and get back in there Wednesday.
Smart to rest man, good move! Always the non lifting stuff, you know?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:02 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:
matter2003 wrote:kinda upset today as I am not going to be able to workout...I was carrying some chairs from outside in the garage into the house and I stepped and slipped on some wet leaves causing my foot to slide out in front of me about 2 feet and it feels like I might have stretched something in my knee...

Don't think I tore anything because it doesn't hurt that bad and there is no swelling, but definitely not about to test it out by doing 400+ pound squats and deadlifts.

Gonna rest for a few days and get back in there Wednesday.
Smart to rest man, good move! Always the non lifting stuff, you know?
Ya, it really sucked, but the good thing is its almost back to normal now, just feel it slightly if I move the wrong way...

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:24 pm
by matter2003
Cruise Workout #5

Down the backstretch of cruise this week, and this is my 2nd to last workout. Had to do some reshuffling today because of my knee situation and also my off day getting changed to today this week due to some meetings tomorrow.

Anyways, some good, some not so good, and some OK.

Decline Bench Press: 245 x 2/235 x 3, 235 x 2/215 x 3, 215 x 5, 215 x 4/1, 215 x 3/1/1
-really thought I would be able to hit 245 5x5, but my body had other ideas. Struggled even at 235, the weight I did 5x5 at last week. Finished up at 215 with way too many pause reps for my liking on the 4th and 5th sets at that weight. Dunno what was up with that, but not happy about it.

Trap Shrug: 405 x 5 x 5, 425 x 5 x 5 x 5 <---PR!!!
- I must have channeled my anger towards the poor decline performance towards the trap shrugs, because I went off. 405 seemed pretty easy on first 2 sets, so I threw a 10 lb plate on each side for the last 3 sets and did those without much of an issue either. Was looking in the mirror at a group of guys behind me and the one guy started tapping the other and nodded in my direction and they all shook their head and had the "Holy S**t" look in their eyes. Made me feel like I was a freaking beast!!!

After I was done in the power rack, another guy came over to use it to do DL's, and he was doing about 375 lbs or so. I went over and told him there were only a few people who I've seen do DL's here, and he was like "Yeah, and it shows in a lot of them..." Then he was like "I can tell just by looking at you, that you are one of them". Made me feel pretty good, let me tell you. Don't know what it is about that...its like I know I am looking a lot bigger than I have been because my gym T-shirts are barely fitting me anymore, but its always good to get an un-asked validation of that I guess...

Lat Pulldowns/Seated Cable Rows: 200 x 5 x 5/220 x 5 x 5 x 5
-nothing too big here, kinda the weight I have been doing in cruise the other workouts...

Standing Tri Pushdows-EZ bar: 100 x 5/ 85 x 5 x 5 x 5/100 x 5

Standing Tri Pushdown-normal triangle: 95 x 5

Standing EZ Curls: 75 x 5/95 x 5/85 x 5 x 5 x 5
-nothing too big here either...tired of wrist/forearm limiting weight on bicep curls---sad when right arm goes all the way up with ease and left arm is struggling to get past elbows...

Weighted Ab Crunch(Hammer Strength): 110 x 5/ 130 x 5 x 5/ 110 x 5 x 5
-was having some issues with letting them rip at 130(damn Mexican food for lunch!!), so I went back down to 110 and was much quieter...hahaha

Overall, not bad I guess. Not happy with decline decrease, but very happy with trap shrugs. Wondering if the longer I am off KA, the harder it becomes to lift relatively heavier weights? Seems that this happened in last cruise also where the later workouts were less successful than earlier ones...Crazy to be hitting PR's in cruise!!

Gonna get some cardio in over the next few days and rest up for my last cruise workout on Sunday, which is the lower body workout from last Sunday that I had to skip...

Then headed into an off week to rest up and recover for famine starting on Halloween!

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:31 pm
by RobRegish
Great observations, Matter!

Not unusual to hit more PR's in Cruise. Common, in fact. KA dis-continuation shouldn't have a bearing on this. What you will notice, is that you don't quite recover as quickly, and perhaps see some total tonnage done per unit of time erosion. It's a sneaky supp. You really notice it the most, once you're off of it...

Otherwise, great work and love these gym stories. When other people notice, it's validation of your success... :)

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:28 am
by matter2003
Looking into running a "Driven Sports Stack" of Activate Xtreme(weeks 1-4), Triazole(Weeks 3-6) and Lean Xtreme(weeks 1-4) alongside KA for my next feast run...

have a great price of $92 for the stack at Nutraplanet...

have heard lots of good things about these products, excited to give them a whirl...definitely not goin' anywhere without the lynchpin, KA tho...

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:02 am
by bigpelo
matter2003 wrote:Looking into running a "Driven Sports Stack" of Activate Xtreme(weeks 1-4), Triazole(Weeks 3-6) and Lean Xtreme(weeks 1-4) alongside KA for my next feast run...
I tried activate and activate xtreme. The first was better but you might give it a try.

I also experimented with the first version of designer supplement (at that time) lean xtreme with no results what so ever. I don't believe it's a good thing to slash your cortisol with all human body feed back loops...

Triazole is a estrogen blocker I thing? So it makes my joints painful and keeps me awake at night but I also cut some body fat. Again, hormonal feed back loops will enter action. I won't use those kind of products anymore.

My 0.02$

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:53 pm
by matter2003
bigpelo wrote:
matter2003 wrote:Looking into running a "Driven Sports Stack" of Activate Xtreme(weeks 1-4), Triazole(Weeks 3-6) and Lean Xtreme(weeks 1-4) alongside KA for my next feast run...
I tried activate and activate xtreme. The first was better but you might give it a try.

I also experimented with the first version of designer supplement (at that time) lean xtreme with no results what so ever. I don't believe it's a good thing to slash your cortisol with all human body feed back loops...

Triazole is a estrogen blocker I thing? So it makes my joints painful and keeps me awake at night but I also cut some body fat. Again, hormonal feed back loops will enter action. I won't use those kind of products anymore.
Thanks for the input, BP...I would tend to agree with you on the loops over a long period of time, but I have not experienced anything bad over the 4 to 6 weeks I have run them in the past...long term, body needs estrogen to repair T receptors so blockibg estrogen eventually will lead to broken T receptors and the body bring unable to use the testosterone ...

Short term tho, it should b ok tho...

As far as lowering cortisol, the single most effective cortisol lowerer is meditation which can drop it by up to 50%...

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:01 pm
by matter2003
Well, I found an even better deal from nutraplanet, a triple stack of Athletic Titanium XL, Formula X, and Division One for $70...

Crazy price and lots of good things on those...Titanium XL actuallly contsins a stronger and higher dose of Testofen than I was taking...can't wait to check this our...

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:40 pm
by matter2003
OK, this takes the cake today. The single best gym experience I have ever had happened. On my way to the water cooler a guy stopped me and asked if I was a bodybuilder!! I just looked at him kinda stunned he would ask me that and was like "No, I just work out" and he told me "Yeah I can really tell..." Then he asked me what I was doing. I was going to go with the bananabol story again, but since he paid me the single greatest compliment anyone ever gave me in the gym, I told him to take $50 and do himself the biggest favor of his life and buy "The BluePrint" by Rob Regish and told him the website he could get it at. He seemed pretty stoked about it, so hopefully our ranks will be growing by one soon...

Today was my last cruise workout, workout #6, and I am heading into an off week before reconvening with famine and my third run starting Halloween.

My knee I injured last week(top of kneecap and right above it) forced me to stop after 4 sets of squats because it started feeling weird, so I didn't dare push it with another set.

EDT Block SS:
Squats: 415 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
Hamstring Curls: 170 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

Deadlifts: 315 x 5 x 5 x 5, 335 x 5 x 5

Was pretty out of gas after those deads and thought it would be a good time to stop. Probably could have gone to 365, but I was not about to test it with my knee feeling a little wonky again. I'll worry about testing it when I am back in feast in a few weeks...

Overall impressions for this run are that I added a very large amount of muscle, centered around my traps, front delts, shoulders and upper back. I believe this was a result of both the CNS protocol and running it inside the BP Shell. Although I felt it worked very well, I will not be revisiting the CNS workouts anytime soon, for reasons I have already stated, mainly because I felt kinda disconnected with the whole program lifting only once a week.

Heading into my off week, going to get some cardio in, attempt to burn up some fat, and start following the Warrior Diet to help with that endeavor. Goal for next run is to get to around 205 with 3-4% less bodyfat without losing much muscle. Might be picking Rob's brain a little more than usual in a few weeks.

To sum it up the following has happened during this run:

-I have been getting hit on by women both at work, in the gym and at clubs when I go out(my first time in like 2 years) at least 4 or 5 times a week(last Friday it happened 4 times in the same day). IMHO this is a DIRECT result from the BP, as this never happened before. Really not looking for that as I am married, but it validates what I am doing in the gym in a totally different way.

-I consider lifting hooks mandatory now for exercises like DLs and Trap Shrugs. The amount of weight you can handle with these things is amazing. To put it like Pete Prisco did: Imagine I gave you a board with 20 nails and a hammer and asked you to hammer the nails down. How many do you think you could do? Now think of the same situation, but take away the hammer. Now how many do you think you can do? Lifting Hooks=heavier weight=big time muscle growth and thickness, especially with the lifts they are most beneficial on. I also use them to great effect on lat pulldowns and seated rows. Basically they are invaluable on any pulling motion.

-I have been getting approached at gym on a semi-regular basis and/or getting looks like I am some form of superman from the weight I am pulling by other people at the gym. This further validates the results f the BP to me.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:13 pm
by RobRegish
Wow, you really lived up to this log's name (exploding)!

Terrific work and proof positive you can continue to gain on BP. Props too, for being willing to experiment with new protocols. Chick magnet gains may have been a direct result of the Tshirt, even if you weren't wearing it. It's THAT powerful.. :)

Appreciate the referral, and do refine the banabol spiel. Trust me, it WILL come in handy at some point... :)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:49 pm
by 5.0stang
I always learn a lot following the other BP logs, espeically yours matter2003.

Nice job with the potential recruit. :wink: