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Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:23 pm
by Linkiroth
No pain at all today. 0/10. I may very well try benching later on today.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:33 pm
by Linkiroth
Feast: DAY 34

The elbow started off 100% painless. Never did my pain exceed a 3. But when I racked 195 after my 6 reps, I knew something was off and decided not to do the last 2 sets. Instead, I did 2 sets of DB bench (3 second pause) with a lighter weight which was painless. I'm fairly certain it's the heavy weights that cause the pain so I will be completely eliminating static holds for bench in the future.

Calories: 2777kcal (so far)
FAT: 100.2g (33%)
CHO: 241.5g (35%)
PRO: 224.6g (32%)

GLP#1 Bench workout # 5
Bench Press
120 x 10
180 x 8
195 x 6 (Mild discomfort, no pain)

Pullups (between sets of bench)
total of 50

DB Bench Press
55 x 2 x 10

Seated low cable row
145 x 5
140 x 8
120 x 8 (These were very strict and all about the stretch)

Face Pull
25 x 20
35 x 2 x 20

EZ bar biceps curl
60 x 10 (Some body English on the last two reps)
50 x 2 x 10 (Very strict)

The curls actually felt very therapeutic. Nice to have an excuse to do some direct biceps work. Looking back through my log, I'm not certain I should go for a new 1RM next week. My goal is 245 (10lb over my current 235). Any suggestions? I'm pain-free and only had some mild discomfort after my set of 195. Maybe I'll just play it by ear.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:14 am
by RobRegish
You're making all the right moves!!

Do take care to insert just ONE extra rest day, prior to that max attempt.

Also, consider the following prior to EVERY training session:

Prior to beginning even warmups, apply "Tiger Balm" or like cream (Icy Hot/BenGay), are suitable alternative.

To this, add a dash of Curcumin.

FINAL TIP: Get on SuperCissusRx, TODAY!!

SuperCissus ... php?t=1405


"Rob recommended it to me and I have to say that the supplement so far has been huge. I was having some chronic elbow pain and within 3 days time of starting, my pain is virtually gone.

I am doing Rehab, taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin and I haven't benched in several days but I can say with confidence that I believe in SuperCissus and recommend it to anyone who has joint issues or even just has some money to blow on a phenomenal joint supp. I imagine it's just as good if not better for prevention as it is for recovery..."

Dose that with AskMass's Nordic Naturals, or any HIGH QUALITY fish oil... joint/tendon/ligament pain... GONE!!

Hope that helps...:)

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:15 pm
by Linkiroth
RobRegish wrote:You're making all the right moves!!

Do take care to insert just ONE extra rest day, prior to that max attempt.

Also, consider the following prior to EVERY training session:

Prior to beginning even warmups, apply "Tiger Balm" or like cream (Icy Hot/BenGay), are suitable alternative.

To this, add a dash of Curcumin.

FINAL TIP: Get on SuperCissusRx, TODAY!!

SuperCissus ... php?t=1405


"Rob recommended it to me and I have to say that the supplement so far has been huge. I was having some chronic elbow pain and within 3 days time of starting, my pain is virtually gone.

I am doing Rehab, taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin and I haven't benched in several days but I can say with confidence that I believe in SuperCissus and recommend it to anyone who has joint issues or even just has some money to blow on a phenomenal joint supp. I imagine it's just as good if not better for prevention as it is for recovery..."

Dose that with AskMass's Nordic Naturals, or any HIGH QUALITY fish oil... joint/tendon/ligament pain... GONE!!

Hope that helps...:)
Already on Cissus, Rob... you quoted me!! Haha. Good catch on the IcyHot, by the way. I thought of that and picked some up this morning.

Unrelated, also this morning:
Body weight: 178.1lb
Body Fat % (3 point caliper): 15.6%

By my measurements (not terribly accurate) that means I started at 147.49lb LBM and now am at 150.31lb LBM. A total increase of 2.82lb of LBM and an increase of 6.4lb overall, leaving an increase of 3.58lb of non lean body mass to account for. Simple solution: HIIT on off days. Since I'm on 1on/2off (until I start GLP 2 which may have me turning back to 1on/1off) I'll do HIIT on my first off day (along with my pre/re-hab) and rest on my second off day. This should prevent additional fat gain and may even cut into existing fat.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:43 pm
by RobRegish
GREAT work, engineering your own solution!

Folks, right here... The very essence of what BP strives to teach; Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, he eats for a lifetime... :)

Keep on truckin', my man... :):):)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:17 pm
by Linkiroth
Feast: DAY 36
Unfortunately, due to unforseen work and family circumstances, I had two choices: Do squat workout #5 today or on Friday. I opted for the former. Since I didn't sleep well last night, the moment that my elbow acted up, I racked the bar and moved on to Dimel Deadlifts. In this way, I save myself today so I can lift tomorrow.

Calories: 2942kcal
FAT: 99.9g (30%)
CHO: 303.1g (41%)
PRO: 211.9g (29%)

GLP #1 Squat workout #5
205 x 10
305 x 8
335 x 6
Unracked 370, elbow discomfort, racked the bar.

Dimel Deadlifts
225 x 3 x 5

Leg Press
+500 x 3 x 6

Static cable crunch
97.5 x 20sec
105 x 20sec

Aiming for 245 bench on Friday and a 425 squat next Tuesday. In order to further help keep my weight in check, I am also considering moving to a LeanGains type of IF at the conclusion of GLP #1. Once I max my squat, we'll see what I decide in terms of diet. I don't want to mix anything up until then. I've got a lot of ideas floating around right now and I'll write up a gameplan once I'm 100% sure I know what I want to do.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:32 am
by RobRegish
SMART move, man!!

I almost always suggest taking just ONE extra rest day, prior to maxing. You read your body's signs correctly - and did the RIGHT thing!!

Mentally rehearse you new PR's not for a single, but for a TRIPLE!!.

Do this no less than 3x/day, with at least one of those coming prior to sleep.

REASON: By doing so, you'll build success into your subconscious. For it's been said and it's true;

"What the mind can conceive, the body will achieve..." :)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:42 am
by Linkiroth
RobRegish wrote:SMART move, man!!

I almost always suggest taking just ONE extra rest day, prior to maxing. You read your body's signs correctly - and did the RIGHT thing!!

Mentally rehearse you new PR's not for a single, but for a TRIPLE!!.

Do this no less than 3x/day, with at least one of those coming prior to sleep.

REASON: By doing so, you'll build success into your subconscious. For it's been said and it's true;

"What the mind can conceive, the body will achieve..." :)
Will do, Rob. Thanks for the encouragement.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:36 am
by Linkiroth
Feast: DAY 38

Just a quick update. Had PT today, a combination of calisthenics (very little to no rest. Total ~90 pushups, ~150 situps) and running (On a 1/4 mile track, sprint the straight, jog the curve "fartlek" style for 8 total laps). Followed by An hour long Krav Maga session at a friend's behest. Hopefully, today brings enough recovery to really push the bench tomorrow.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:17 pm
by RobRegish

Geez, that sounds like a workout!! :)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:48 pm
by Linkiroth
Feast: DAY 40

So I went for my 1RM today. The warmup sets went fine, the work sets went fine. 225 (my sticking point for nearly a year) went up as smooth as butter. 245 pinned me to the bench. I'm almost completely certain it's a 100% mental sticking point but it's still annoying. I missed it twice and started feeling some discomfort in my elbow so I decided against a third attempt. Squats on Tuesday. Some light recovery work tomorrow and establishing a plan of attack for GLP #2 tomorrow. I'm thinking I should drop the KA during my week break after I set my max on squats. Any thoughts?

GLP 1 Workout #6
Bench Press
120 x 10
150 x 5
180 x 3
200 x 1
225 x 1

Pullups (all dead hang)
BW x 5 x 5

Paused DB bench press
60 x 3 x 10

Tbar row
+100 x 3 x 8

Dumbell curl
30 x 2 x 10

Face Pull
32.5 x 2 x 20

A solid workout if I do say so myself. [/b]

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:50 am
by RobRegish
First, as you said.. GREAT WORK!!!

Next, I/we've pinpointed what we think happened and more importantly, what YOU can do - To NAIL your new 1RM!!!!!

"225 x 1
245 x FAILURE..."

OBSERVATIONS/GUIDANCE: Consider the following;

1.) 20lbs at this stage of the game, is too much. Instead, observe no more than 10lb jumps.

2.) Prior to your P.R. attempt/last set, precisely DOUBLE, your rest between sets used in the preceeding attempts. That is to say, if 10min was used between sets preceeding this, rest 20 min!*

*The former Soviet teams took up to 30 MINUTES, OR LONGER!

Why, you ask...?

Because the CNS takes FAR longer to recover/regenerate, vs. the ATP (Adenosine, Tri-Phosphate), pathway. The latter is nearly fully replenished within 3 minutes time.

Therefore, take precisely 5 days off and tend to your soft tissue injuries via treating yourself to a sports massage. Not the "happy ending" variety, though I've heard it has its merits... :)

Now, concurrently do practice visualizing that new 1RM not for a single, but for a TRIPLE!!! Ensure at LEAST one of these, comes prior to falling asleep.

REASON: As it builds into your subconscious, so too does it build into your physiology.

What the mind can conceive, the body WILL achieve... :):):)

3 little words Linkiroth, prior to that new PR;

"Seize the moment"...

Hope that helps!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:20 pm
by Linkiroth
RobRegish wrote:First, as you said.. GREAT WORK!!!

Next, I/we've pinpointed what we think happened and more importantly, what YOU can do - To NAIL your new 1RM!!!!!

"225 x 1
245 x FAILURE..."

OBSERVATIONS/GUIDANCE: Consider the following;

1.) 20lbs at this stage of the game, is too much. Instead, observe no more than 10lb jumps.

2.) Prior to your P.R. attempt/last set, precisely DOUBLE, your rest between sets used in the preceeding attempts. That is to say, if 10min was used between sets preceeding this, rest 20 min!*

*The former Soviet teams took up to 30 MINUTES, OR LONGER!

Why, you ask...?

Because the CNS takes FAR longer to recover/regenerate, vs. the ATP (Adenosine, Tri-Phosphate), pathway. The latter is nearly fully replenished within 3 minutes time.

Therefore, take precisely 5 days off and tend to your soft tissue injuries via treating yourself to a sports massage. Not the "happy ending" variety, though I've heard it has its merits... :)

Now, concurrently do practice visualizing that new 1RM not for a single, but for a TRIPLE!!! Ensure at LEAST one of these, comes prior to falling asleep.

REASON: As it builds into your subconscious, so too does it build into your physiology.

What the mind can conceive, the body WILL achieve... :):):)

3 little words Linkiroth, prior to that new PR;

"Seize the moment"...

Hope that helps!!!
Thanks for the advice, Rob. I'll be trying for my new squat PR/1RM on Monday. That, I'm certain, will turn out much better.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:48 pm
by RobRegish
So happy I/we, could help... :)

Saddle up, and see how far that horse takes you. 5Faces of Fear(tm) and the WHOLE f'in world, loves a good comeback... :)