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Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:01 am
by Mos Jeff
RobRegish wrote:"I also think I will be taking an extra day off in between workouts now, especially for bench days, but I will see how I feel before squat days as I don't seem to be struggling as much there"

THIS is your answer! I have no doubt...
I hope so! Although I did take 2 days off before the last bench workout. Do you think I need 2 days off before EACH workout, or just before the bench days?

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:14 pm
by RobRegish
I'd go to a 2 off schedule all around. It just makes sense. You're getting stronger, the stresses are growing greater.

You need more time to allow the body to recover and keep pace. Trust me, it is the RIGHT variable to modulate given your circumstances :)

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:56 pm
by Mos Jeff
RobRegish wrote:I'd go to a 2 off schedule all around. It just makes sense. You're getting stronger, the stresses are growing greater.

You need more time to allow the body to recover and keep pace. Trust me, it is the RIGHT variable to modulate given your circumstances :)
I trust you Rob :) I'm just concerned I won't fit in all the workouts in time. I'm already on day #29 with 6 workouts to go. Will this be a problem?

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:16 pm
by RobRegish
No sir, you have my blessing. If you need to extend it a bit, go ahead and do so. I just want you to wrap this up not only stronger/bigger, but healthy as well :)

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:03 pm
by Mos Jeff
Feast day #31

Here is GLP workout #3 squats from Sunday...

Squats 160 x 10, 215 x 8, 235 x 6, 255 x 4, 275 x 4, 290 x 4

EDT Block

RDL: 260 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4
Leg extension: 200 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Total reps = 68

Legs felt really strong today - definitely feel like I'm making progress in the lower body.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:51 pm
by RobRegish
NICE work.

Keep rollin' man. Looks to me like you're right on schedule :)

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:07 pm
by Mos Jeff
Feast day #33 GLP workout #4 Bench press

Bench press 150 x 10, 215 x 8, 230 x 6, 250 x 4, 265 x 2, 285 x 2 (needed help with both reps)

EDT Block #1

Incline DBBP: 90 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5
BB Bent over row: 235 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Total reps = 71

EDT Block #2

Skullcrusher: 85 x 6, 6, 5, 4, 4
BB curls: 105 x 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Total reps = 55

Absolutely horrible workout today - I don't know whats going on. I know it must sound like I'm bitching and moaning after just about every workout, but frustration is really starting to get the best of me. With each bench workout, I really feel like I'm getting weaker. I struggled with weight today that should be no problem, and I honestly don't even think I could hit my 1 rep max of 295 right now. To make things worse, I pulled something in my left trap during the first EDT block making the rest of the workout difficult. I don't what to make of this as I feel great during the squat sessions, but my upper body appears to be getting weaker, not stronger. Guess theres nothing to do, but move on and keep working hard.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:22 am
by RobRegish
OK understand the frustration on the bench. I went back to re-engineer/pinpoint your log to see what's going on. Here's what I see:

1.) Your squats/lower body work seems to be going fantastic. For the remainder of this Feast, I'd like you to focus on making the most out of this and really blasting new PR's in this area.

2.) The bench is a mystery to me. It appears that as early on as bridge workouts 1-5 you were struggling. It is difficult to discern whether this is due your upper body recovering at different rates vs. lower body, some sticking point issue or something else. You do seem to have been eating well and doing everything else correctly. I am also seeing it is the last set in the pattern you are having difficulty with yet hitting the others?

Let's try this. For the remaining GLP BENCH workouts only, eliminate the last set specified. It's something I've never tried but worth a shot.

Not everything goes as planned every run (although this one has me puzzled). I'm sure this doesn't bring you any comfort, but once I figure this out it will help ALL of us learn perhaps... what to do if it crops up again. We do strive to learn from experiences both good and bad here, which I think makes us kind of unique.

In any case, focus on that new Squat PR, adding more LBM and stay positive. This is just your first run but for sure not your last. I have many other tricks up my sleeve.... and one of them is bound to work for you :)

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:01 am
by cappla011
Hey Mos Def, I just wanted to chime in and say you got a great log going, and I've been following along for most of the ride now.

I am only up to my 4th workout (of the 1-5 workouts before GLP), but I feel like I might end up in your situation. My bench has been seeming to lag, while everything else has been improving. It's wierd, because my incline DB press is almost back to my strongest point, but my bench press is still a decent bit off. And even though I'm only a short time in, it is already beginning to frustrate me.

To give some advice, I would try not to let it bother you and avoid thinking about it too much. For me, bench press seems to be a VERY mental game. The more you think about how heavy it feels and the more you think that you might not be able to get it up, you're going to psyche yourself out and not be able to get it up. Just try to stay positive.

And I dunno if you were lifting light weight for the beginning of your squat workouts, but it looks like you added a lot of weight from your beginning lifts! Good job for that!

GREAT ADVICE man, I appreciatee you sharing your experiences! - Rob

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:35 pm
by Mos Jeff
RobRegish wrote:OK understand the frustration on the bench. I went back to re-engineer/pinpoint your log to see what's going on. Here's what I see:

1.) Your squats/lower body work seems to be going fantastic. For the remainder of this Feast, I'd like you to focus on making the most out of this and really blasting new PR's in this area.

2.) The bench is a mystery to me. It appears that as early on as bridge workouts 1-5 you were struggling. It is difficult to discern whether this is due your upper body recovering at different rates vs. lower body, some sticking point issue or something else. You do seem to have been eating well and doing everything else correctly. I am also seeing it is the last set in the pattern you are having difficulty with yet hitting the others?

Let's try this. For the remaining GLP BENCH workouts only, eliminate the last set specified. It's something I've never tried but worth a shot.

Not everything goes as planned every run (although this one has me puzzled). I'm sure this doesn't bring you any comfort, but once I figure this out it will help ALL of us learn perhaps... what to do if it crops up again. We do strive to learn from experiences both good and bad here, which I think makes us kind of unique.

In any case, focus on that new Squat PR, adding more LBM and stay positive. This is just your first run but for sure not your last. I have many other tricks up my sleeve.... and one of them is bound to work for you :)
Your right Rob, lower body has been going well, especially considering I'm still dealing with lower back pain/stiffness and tightness in my hip flexor. Not only am I able to complete every rep, but on the heaviest set I feel like I could push out 1 or 2 more reps.

Benching has been a mystery for me too. Let me first say that benching has always been my weakest lift. I am much stronger for pulling movements for some reason and people always expect me to be able to bench way more then I can based on my physique. What's really puzzling to me is that throughout the entire run I have been giving my body more then enough rest, so I wouldn't think recovery is an issue.

It has really only been the last set in the pattern that has been giving me problems, however yesterday I struggled with basically the last 3 sets. I was able to hit my reps, but I struggled. For instance, 230 for 6 reps was basically failure, when I was able to get 9 reps the first workout in feast. Just curious, but what would eliminating the final set accomplish? Is this more of a mental thing to limit frustration? I was looking forward to seeing where my max would be at the end of this all, but at this rate I'm not even sure it's gone up. This actually reminds me of something I wanted to ask you....on the 6th workout for GLP, 6th set of the pattern, you are supposed to bench 105% of your previous max, for your new 1rm, but wouldn't ones max technically be higher based on the fact that you are performing this set after already exhausting your chest during the previous 5 sets? Just curious as to why you don't max fresh, similar to the 5th workout before GLP? Sorry, hope that made sense :)

I appreciate all your help and the attention you've given to my situation. I'm trying to stay positive and finish strong, but sometimes it's tough when things seem to be going backwards (other then lower body) and I don't really seem to be putting on much noticeable size.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:40 pm
by Mos Jeff
cappla011 wrote:Hey Mos Def, I just wanted to chime in and say you got a great log going, and I've been following along for most of the ride now.

I am only up to my 4th workout (of the 1-5 workouts before GLP), but I feel like I might end up in your situation. My bench has been seeming to lag, while everything else has been improving. It's wierd, because my incline DB press is almost back to my strongest point, but my bench press is still a decent bit off. And even though I'm only a short time in, it is already beginning to frustrate me.

To give some advice, I would try not to let it bother you and avoid thinking about it too much. For me, bench press seems to be a VERY mental game. The more you think about how heavy it feels and the more you think that you might not be able to get it up, you're going to psyche yourself out and not be able to get it up. Just try to stay positive.

And I dunno if you were lifting light weight for the beginning of your squat workouts, but it looks like you added a lot of weight from your beginning lifts! Good job for that!
Your dead on about benching being mental and I'm sure this is part of the problem, as sometimes I think I psyche myself out before I even start. This was my reasoning for all of my workouts, prior to yesterdays. During that workout I was struggling with weight that I expected to be no problem at all. I appreciate your input, and actually a little relieved to see someone else is going through a similar situation.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:22 pm
by RobRegish
OK let's analyze this..

"Your right Rob, lower body has been going well, especially considering I'm still dealing with lower back pain/stiffness and tightness in my hip flexor. Not only am I able to complete every rep, but on the heaviest set I feel like I could push out 1 or 2 more reps".

COMMENT: I am super grateful to hear this!

Benching has been a mystery for me too. Let me first say that benching has always been my weakest lift. I am much stronger for pulling movements for some reason and people always expect me to be able to bench way more then I can based on my physique.

QUESTION: Do you have long arms? Because people that do typically are GREAT pullers but when it comes to pushing movent... they have to move the weight farther. Just something that came to mind.

What's really puzzling to me is that throughout the entire run I have been giving my body more then enough rest, so I wouldn't think recovery is an issue.

A. You are likely right. I am looking at other variables.

It has really only been the last set in the pattern that has been giving me problems,

COMMENT: There is a clue here.

however yesterday I struggled with basically the last 3 sets. I was able to hit my reps, but I struggled. For instance, 230 for 6 reps was basically failure, when I was able to get 9 reps the first workout in feast. Just curious, but what would eliminating the final set accomplish? Is this more of a mental thing to limit frustration?

A. Yes, this was my intent. I felt like the last set difficulties were more mental than physical. Thus, my recommendation.

I was looking forward to seeing where my max would be at the end of this all, but at this rate I'm not even sure it's gone up. This actually reminds me of something I wanted to ask you....on the 6th workout for GLP, 6th set of the pattern, you are supposed to bench 105% of your previous max, for your new 1rm, but wouldn't ones max technically be higher based on the fact that you are performing this set after already exhausting your chest during the previous 5 sets? Just curious as to why you don't max fresh, similar to the 5th workout before GLP? Sorry, hope that made sense"

A. Not necessarily. I have studied this loading pattern over and over to find out why. It is the drop in total tonnage/CNS conditioning that "peaks" most people for that 105% max. Check out the chart on the link on page 68 of The Blueprint:

That is an 807lb drop from session #5 (despite containing more sets) and BY FAR the greatest "drop" from session to session in the loading pattern. The sets seem to grease the CNS for what's coming too. Maybe I'm over-complicating it but it seems to me that's the design and for virtually everyone... it works and works well. It REALLY bugs me it hasn't worked for you so bear with me while I think more about this.

I appreciate all your help and the attention you've given to my situation. I'm trying to stay positive and finish strong, but sometimes it's tough when things seem to be going backwards (other then lower body) and I don't really seem to be putting on much noticeable size.

A. I hear you. I'd like to suggest this.... if you respond well to heavy duty/one set to absolute muscular failure training then feel free to return to that for your BP only, attempting to peak it at the end. It may come down to eating, but I haven't delved that far into your somatype/log yet to make that call.

Tell you what, depending upon how this turns out I'll be calling you to get a better understanding of what worked, what didn't and WHY (if you're OK with that).

I strive to understand WHY because failure is only failure if you don't understand why and the mistake is repeated. I want YOU and OTHERS to know WHAT and WHEN to make adjustments such that everything has new PR's associated with them. Not just one or two big lifts.

Please let me know your thoughts on that. I value everyone's feedback, bei it positive or negative. We're here to learn, including me.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:00 pm
Mos Jeff, man those lower body numbers look great bro. Alot of progress.

Your Bench is a pretty good mystery, but it looks mental. I went through this not long ago as well. It was pretty discouraging for me when I got back in the gym and couldnt get 3 wheels anymore on my bench. Was like I lost every bit of confidence in myself. I just had one bad training session after another on Bench, until the day I had a great one and everything turned around. Keep your head up, its GOING to come back.

One thing I think may help solve the mystery here is an idea of what you were doing in your training when you could hit 315. It could be that you have lost focus on other muscle groups which you rely on, possibly without knowing it, in your bench. If you are a very lat or Shoulder dependant bencher, maybe this is why you have struggled a bit. It could very well be, since your final set is the problem child, that other supporting body parts just are not conditioned like they used to be.

Just a thought, if it makes any sense at all. Its late here and I am tired. Be proud of your accomplishments on this run, what you are going through is no doubt going to help someone else down the road to push through this same thing.

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:50 pm
by Mikereade
I have faith in you, it'll explode soon enough with the help of Rob. Seems like everybody's bench has gone through something like this before. I found really really focusing on as strong a grip as possible and locking my shoulder blades together was the secret to my bench going up, I had never totally focused on those and bam, it went way up. Keep workin at it